艺术档案 > 美术馆 > 2011年展 > 松山韩蓉非洲艺术收藏展


2011-02-27 18:05:26 来源: artda.cn 艺术档案 作者:artda


The African Art Collection of Songshan & Han Rong

展览统筹:栗宪庭  张海涛

协办单位:松山韩蓉非洲艺术收藏博物馆   艺术档案网(www.artda.cn





三、群雕(Ujamaa,斯瓦西里语意为集体、团体,坦桑尼亚所实行的社会主义也用这个词)。在欧洲也有人称它为“生命树”(tree of life).把几个,十几个乃至上百个或数百个人物摞叠雕刻于一段木头上,是群雕(ujamaa)的艺术特征。手法上多采用浮雕或透雕的形式雕刻一段原木。上下左右与邻近的人物相连接,一般表现马孔德人的一个家庭或一个部落的劳动或生活情景。





我们夫妇为能在宋庄美术馆举办《松山韩蓉非洲艺术收藏展》感到欣慰。 这里聚集着几千位中国最富活力,充满热情的天才艺术家们。 同时我们也为这些藏品引以自豪, 因为这里的所有藏品都是我们夫妇,身居非洲几十年,以青春为代价, 用毕生精力和财力, 收集, 研究, 在上万件作品中挑选出来,  献给祖国的一份厚礼。展览之后它们将被分发到北京,浙江的美术院校,博物馆,大部分运往长春由《松山韩蓉非洲艺术收藏博物馆》收藏。在宋庄我们设立非洲艺术体验展厅,搭建同非洲艺术家交往的平台。 我们相信, 它将让我们的子孙后代受用无穷。

四十多年前,我们开始学习非洲的民族语言——斯瓦希里语(Swahili),并一直从事外交外事工作,奔走于中国与非洲之间。后来连我们自己都没有想到,这段经历竟成了我们的非洲情结,同黑非洲的精灵——马孔德艺术联系在一起。马孔德(Makonde), 是非洲的一个小小的民族,  他们世世代代过着自然而无拘无束的生活,坚守自己的宇宙观,  崇拜神灵.   然而,  就是这个小小的民族, 却有着世界上最为庞大的雕塑艺术家群体。雕刻是他们血液里流淌出来的艺术,它火热奔放,充满激情,世界各地都可以看到它们的踪影, 艺术家和老百姓都喜欢它, 推崇它为时尚,  任由它 以其独特的魅力转播非洲精神和神话, 影响着广袤的艺术世界。这神奇的民族及其伟大的成就, 磁石般地把我们牢牢地吸引在这块黑人的土地上.  我们在坦桑尼亚创建了国家马孔德艺术协会,同几百位艺术家建立了兄弟般的友谊。设立了“马孔德艺术私人博物馆”,我们像爱护子女一样呵护着每一件艺术珍品。花尽了精力去研究它,同时也尽力去资助每一位马孔德雕塑家朋友。


朋友们, 我们希望大家在这里享受艺术, 陶冶情操.  更殷切地盼望在中国有一批像年轻时的我们一样的青年人,有理想、有抱负、有发现、有能力,去开拓 ,去创造伟大中华憧憬的明天。

李松山  韩蓉


We are gratified for holding the African Art Collection of Songshan &Han Rong at Art Center of Song Zhuang where thousands of talent and enthusiastic Chinese contemporary artists cluster.

We also pride ourselves of presenting this rich gift to our homeland-China, because the exhibits in the museum are all selected from among the more than 10,000 pieces of art works we have collected during our stay in Africa over the past several dozen years, to which we have devoted our youth and most of our lifetime energy and financial resources.

Forty years ago, we began to learn the African language Swahili, and were later engaged in diplomatic and foreign-related work, for which we frequently traveled between China and Africa. Quite unexpectedly, this experience of ours, while enabling us to foster a profound feeling for Africa, has tied us with Makonde art—the cream of black African arts.

Makonde, a small ethnic group in Africa, has lived a natural and free life generation after generation, holding its own world view and worshipping its own deities. With a limited population, though, Makonde boasts the largest number of sculpture artists in the world. The sculptures, created with enormous ardor gushing out from the artists’ blood, look bold and untrammeled and are permeated with passion for life. With their unique charm, they have conveyed to the world the spirit and myth of Africa, and exerted great and extensive influences on worldwide art circles. Makonde, the mystical ethnic group, is itself a marvelous myth, and its great artistic achievement has become a treasure house of human civilization.

Several dozen years have elapsed since we first set foot on African soil, and now we are no longer young, with our hair turning gray at the temples. But, no hardships or setbacks could dampen our enthusiasm in pursuing and treasuring all the beautiful things in the world. We believe that any excellent art of a nation must be a world treasure. We hope it will help spur the development and innovation of the Chinese national art by drawing nourishment from the superb Makonde art, which, we wish, may benefit our later generations infinitely. 

Li Songshan   Han Rong
Lifelong Honorable Curators of the African Makonde Sculpture Art Museum

February 2011 













 —— 情系黑精灵


Introduction to Li Songshan and Han Rong

The couple, Li Songshan and Han Rong, began to learn Swahili in the 1960s. (Swahili, belonging to the Bantu language family, is spoken by about 100 million people in Africa. It is the national language of Tanzania and Kenya, and is also commonly used in such East African countries as Somali, Uganda, Malawi, Burundi, Rwanda, Mozambique and the Congo).

Over the past years, the couple has been actively engaged in Sino-Tanzanian cultural and economic exchange, dedicating the prime of their youth and enormous efforts to promoting international friendship and the development of Sino-African relations.

Since1960s and 1670s, they began to engage in translation work and participated in the translation of Selected Works of Mao Zedong and a great volume of documents, novels and literary works. They have also participated in the compilation of Swahili-Chinese dictionaries.

Between the late 1970s and the 1980s, the couple, dispatched by the Chinese Government, first served as interpreters for China’s foreign-aid expert groups and medical teams, and later worked for a cultural institution of China stationed in Tanzania.

In 1990, the couple resigned public employment and made emigration to Tanzania, starting a new career on this foreign land, which is fraught with hardships and challenges.

After experiencing numerous twists and turns over the past 16 years, Li and Han have become eminent Chinese entrepreneurs in Tanzania, and won the fame for their in-depth study and rich collection of African artworks. They have collected more than 10,000 masterpieces of Makonda woodcarvings and established a private Makonda art museum in Tanzania. They also have initiated and organized the Tanzania National Makonda Art Association, with the participation of many local artists, and Li serving as its president and Han its secretary-general.
In May 1997, at the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and representing the Tanzanian Government, the couple held a grand exhibition of Tanzanian arts and crafts at the Beijing Working People’s Cultural Palace. After that, they sponsored and participated in a number of other international exhibitions.

In June 2003, the couple contributed to the People’s Government of Changchun more than 500 exquisite African modern woodcarvings, which are now collected and exhibited by the Changchun Sculpture Art Museum. The People’s Government of Changchun granted the couple the title as lifetime honorable curators of the museum. Former president of Tanzania sent a message of greetings, speaking highly of the couple’s lifetime devotion to the study and collection of Makonda artworks and their great contribution to the development of human culture and art. In September the same year, the couple attended the World Sculpture Meet in Changchun at invitation, at which they delivered a paper entitled “A Brief Talk on Makonda Sculpture Art--the Spirit of Black Africa”.

In December 2004, the couple presented 157 pieces of African modern woodcarvings to the China Art Gallery, adding an array of African art treasures to it.

In May 2005, the couple opened the Africa Impression salon at the compound of Beijing Impression in the western suburbs of Beijing, hoping to show off the marvelous art and folklore of Africa and set up a platform for Chinese artists and scholars who yearn to approach African culture and arts. 

Words from Collectors
—— An insoluble bond with the Black Spirit

An experience fraught with hardships,
A peculiar yet enjoyable tough cultural journey,
Several dozen years of persistent searching and study,
Only yearn for approaching its origin, stroking its texture, sensing its innate mystery, and appreciating its unique charm.
--It’s a treasure-house of human civilization.
We ardently hope the coming of a batch of young people who will, as we did in our youth, bravely take this tough but happy journey, which, surely, will add great brilliance to humanity.


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