艺术档案 > 影像档案 > 第六届北京独立电影展


2011-10-09 21:35:21 来源: 栗宪庭电影基金 作者:artda


The 6th BIFF/第六届北京独立电影展 
开始时间:10月15日 13:00(周六)
结束时间:10月22日 21:00(周六)


艺术档案 > 影像档案 > 第六届北京独立电影展(BIFF)公布片单








We just want to make the films we like – The 6th Beijing Independent Film Festival

Starting from the films of Zhang Yuan and Wu Wenguang in the 1980s, independent cinema in China has already gone through a difficult course that spans over twenty years. In 2001 Shi Jian She and Southern Weekend sponsored the Independent Cinema Festival, which was curated by Yang Haijun, Yang Zhao, Zhang Yaxuan and others. Even though there was only one edition, it still set the tone for the way independent film exhibitions were to be held in China. That same year, the Queer festival was started by Cui Zi'en, Zhang Jiangnan, Yi Hao and others, and has continued until today, constituting China's longest running film festival. In March 2003, Guo Zheng, Yang Kun, He Yuan, and Yi Sicheng made documentary the main focus of Yunnan Multi-Cultural Image Festival (Yunfest), and the first edition was held in Kunming.  Then, in April of the same year, Zhu Rikun and Zhang Jiangyi started China Documentary Week (DOChina) in Beijing. It was in this context that the Li Xianting Film Fund was established in 2006. The fund created the Beijing Independent Film Festival and, starting with the 4th China Documentary Week, has been held at the Songzhuang Art Museum until today.
Recently, independent film screenings have begun to come together in a more sustained, organized, and standardized form. Film exhibitions have continued due especially to the efforts of He Yuan, Yi Sicheng, Li Dan, Sha Qing and others in organizing Yunfest; Zhang Xianmin in organizing China the Independent Film Festival; Ying Liang in organizing the Chongqing Independent Film and Video Festival; and Lao He(He Zhong) and Wang Xiaolu in organizing the Beijing Youth Film Festival. These examples confirm that independent cinema in China already possesses the power of a prairie set on fire. 

However, in May 2011, the 8th China Documentary Week directed by Zhu Rikun was forced into cancellation. This October 2011, the 6th Beijing Independent Film Festival directed by Wang Hongwei has been forced to move and yet officials want to call Songzhuang China's largest community for contemporary artist to gather. With this kind of regrettable situation wherein the various places for film exhibition meet with so many interferences from officials, the future progress of independent cinema remains under duress.

Yet, there is no need for those involved in independent film to emphasize their marginal identity, and even less of a need to oppose the industry and ideology of mainstream film or even the present system. We only want to make the films we like! This is a society gradually moving towards pluralism, presenting views that are growing more diverse. We have not interfered and certainly do not mind the alacrity with which society accepts commercial film or other mainstream art. We also do not mind the utilitarian efficiency of the current age, of society, of the masses, of politics, and of the economy. What's more, we do not give a thought to monetary interest, social honor, and applause from the masses. Relative to the business and ideology of cinema, we only care about the expression of independent spirit. This kind of independence emerges from the loyalty with which the individual filmmaker follows his/her feeling, and from exploring and experimenting with forms of expression.

Supporting independent cinema and providing it with a better exhibition platform is the kind of work that our foundation and all those who love independent cinema are glad to do. This is a forum with almost no relation to mainstream society; it is for the people, self-funded and self-determined. So, we must at least give the officials our understanding and tolerance; for, this is the necessary condition for society to move towards diversity and peace. At the same time, for those involved in independent cinema, we must be even more devoted to our work, and face the upcoming challenges with a firm and peaceful mind.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Li Xianting  October 5, 2011


五十年前法国导演 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗说过:导演是电影剧组中唯一无权抱怨也无权失望的人。导演只有对自己有透彻的了解才能做出准确的自我评价,才能决定自己是否能忍受这样或那样的限制,并且把这些限制转化为有利条件(电影的有利条件),也才能判断这种限制是否会影响到电影的最终结果(《眼之愉悦》,2010,中译本)。








One can complain, but never be disappointed

The French filmmaker Fran ∙ ois Truffaut once mentioned that: the director amongst the film crew being the only party without a right to complain or feel disappointed. It is only through thorough understanding of oneself together with accurate self-appraisal, can one decide through the inherent limitations in filmmaking, attempting to utilize these restrictions as positive influence on the film, and be able to judge whether or not such limitations bear its mark on the eventual film made(《Le plaisir des yeux : Ecrits sur le cinema》, 2010, Chinese edition).

The above message is highly relevant to today’s Beijing Independent Film Festival (BIFF), as we need to have an accurate 'appraisal' on ourselves, on the Films and the Film Festival.

To all participating directors of the shortlisted film entries, you must have experienced numerous restrictions throughout the course of filmmaking, although some of these restrictions originated from yourself, more are caused by external factors beyond your control. Perhaps you had once complained and been disappointed, nonetheless, your film has reached its destination here, it is quite a marvelous transformation , don’t you agree ?

To all participating members of the audience, regardless of your walk in life, you are the judge to the films’ “final outcome”. You might have negative feedback or been disappointed, but please let your voices be heard. Your criticism and encouragement play a critical part in the scene for the Chinese Independent Film industry, and your invaluable comments would also help to foster the Beijing Independent Film Festival (BIFF).

I would like to express my gratitude to all teachers and friends for their efforts to the BIFF, who had through such selfless contribution made this Festival possible as scheduled and accumulated a prerequisite for composite and excellent quality, which including patience and perseverance.

If Mr. Truffaut were alive, I would really love to hear from him: “ do well in your Film Festival, no need to compare with the Cannes”.

Thanks to the directors, members of the audience and all other supporters.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Wang, Hongwei
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Oct 8, 2011


【第六届北京独立电影展 排片表+交通指南】

The 6th BIFF画册



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