艺术家:卜桦、苍鑫、陈镪、费俊、冯峰、管怀宾、高世强、刘姝铭+王帅、鲁婷婷、卢杉、缪晓春、邱黯雄、沈杰、沈朝方、史金淞、炭叹、田晓磊、唐冠华+于伯公、吴超、吴珏辉、吴鹏、徐坦、袁晓舫、杨晨、杨泳梁、易连、张小涛、张钊瀛、钟甦、UFO 团队(吴珏辉、饶广禛、王志昂、尹曾惠子、罗航、蓝梓雁、石川)
艺术家:Alessandro Rolandi李山/意大利、Ariuntugs Tserenpil/蒙古、陈依纯/台湾、陈万仁/台湾、Enkhtaivan Ochirbat/蒙古、何子彦/新加坡、Jantsankhorol Erdenebayar/蒙古、罗禾淋/台湾、Monika Czyzyk/波兰+ Torsten Zenas Burns&Darrin Martin/美国、Munkhjargal Jargalsaikhan/蒙古、王雅慧/台湾、吴方洲/澳门、袁广鸣/台湾、张君懿/台湾
艺术家:鲍蔼伦、罗颂雅、蔡世豪、黎肖娴、陈序庆、MAP Office、郑智礼、黄荣法、罗琛堡、梁志和、冯伟、方琛宇、Jay Forster、庄伟
艺术家:Erique Lacorbeille/意大利、Andreas Mare/奧地利、Nara Denning/美國、Russell Chartier/美國、Sylvia Toy St. louis (aka Sylviatoyindustries) /美國、Silvia De Gennaro/意大利、Francesca Amati/意大利、Damon Mohl/美國、Antonello Matarazzo/意大利、Mohammed Harb /巴勒斯坦、Arya Sukapura Putra/印度尼西亞、 Clara Aparicio/英國、 Steven Verstuyft/比利時、 Emre Onol /土耳其、Marc Neys (aka Swoon) /比利時、 Jaime Rodriguez (aka Jaime rguez) / 西班牙、 Benna Gaean Maris (aka Benna) /意大利、Lelievre Lievre (aka Lievre) /法國、Willehad Eilers (aka Waynehorse) / 荷蘭、Dimitri Fagbohoun/貝寧、 Lino Strangis /意大利、 John Sanborn/ 美國、 Urszula Kluz-knopek (aka Adija) /波蘭、Gérard Cairaschi/法國、Danilo Rosini (aka Danilorosiniimages) /意大利
论坛嘉宾:Torsten Zenas Burns/美国、Alessandro Rolandi李山/意大利、Ariuntugs Tserenpil/蒙古、张君懿/台湾、吴方洲/澳门、梁学彬/香港、Dalkha Ochir达哈/蒙古当代艺术馆创始人
合作机构:Magmart国际录像艺术节、录映太奇 、VMAC录映太奇媒体艺术收藏、艺术档案
▲ 卜桦《未来荒》,3分51秒 ,2008
Pu Hua《Future Aridity》3’51”,2008
▲ 苍鑫《苍式萨满》,8分51秒 ,2007
▲ 陈镪《臭肉》,70分46秒 ,2016
Chen Qiang《ANIMISM》,70'46'',2016
▲ 费俊《影子地图》,5分钟 ,2010
Fei Jun《SHADOWING MAP》,05' 00,2010
▲ 冯峰《保持微笑》,5分钟 ,2010
Feng Feng《Keep Smiling》,05' 00, 2010
▲ 高世强《世纪》,30分59秒 ,2011
Gao Shiqiang,《Century》,30’59’’,2011
▲ 管怀宾《顶光》,9分钟04秒 ,2010-2016
Guan Huaibin《Top Light》,9'04'',2010-2016
▲ 刘姝铭+王帅《无题》,4分钟02秒 ,2011
Liu Shuming + Wang Shuai《no title》,4'02'',2011
▲ 卢杉《基因糖》,17分钟18秒 ,2015-2016
Lu Shan《Gene Town》, 17'18'', 2015-2016
▲ 鲁婷婷《丝 》,4分钟33秒,2016
Lu Tingting《SS》,4'33'',2016
▲ 缪晓春《从头再来》,14分钟22秒 ,2008-2010
Miu Xiaochun《Restart》, 14'22'', 2008-2010
▲ 邱黯雄《蛋糕》,6分钟02秒 ,2014
Qiu An’xiong《Cake》, 6'02'',2014
▲ 沈朝方《南国少将的早餐》,1小时50分钟 ,2014-2017
Shen Chaofang《Southern Major General’s Breakfast》, 110',2014-2017
▲ 沈杰《马》,3分钟15秒 ,2013
Shen Jie《HORSE》, 14'22'', 2013
▲ 史金淞《哈克龙》,6分钟19秒 ,2006
Shi Jinsong《HALONG-KELLONG》, 6'19'',2006
▲ 炭叹《未知仪式之一》,34分钟49秒 ,2017
Tan Tan《Unknown Ritual No.1》, 34'49'',2017
▲ 田晓磊《伟大》,4分钟 ,2017
Tian Xiaolei《Greatness》, 4', 2017
▲ 吴超《追逐》,22分钟27秒 ,2011
Wu Chao《chasing》, 22’27”, 2011
▲ 吴珏辉《星际动物园》,4分钟59秒 ,2017
Wu Juehui《Introduction of Interstellar Zoo》, 4’59”, 2017
▲ 吴鹏《Role Incident》,3分钟19秒 ,2017
Wu Peng《Role Incident》, 3'19’’,2017
▲ 徐坦《新天地》,3分钟 ,2005
Xu Tan《XINTIANDI》, 3′ 00〞, 2005
▲ 杨晨《镜》,4分钟11秒 ,2016
Yang Chen《Mirror》, 4′ 11〞, 2016
▲ 杨泳梁《起霧了》,9分钟44秒 ,2014
Yang Yongliang《Rising Mist》, 9′ 44〞, 2014
▲ 易连《暗流2016》,11分钟02秒 ,2014
Yi Lian《Undercurrent 2016》, 11′ 02〞, 2016
▲ 袁晓舫《十年》,12分钟10秒 ,2004-2014
Yuan Xiaofang《A DECADE》, 12′ 10〞, 2004-2014
▲ 张小涛《黄桷坪的春天》,67分钟19秒 ,2016
Zhang Xiaotao《The Spring of Huangjiaoping》, 67′ 19〞, 2016
▲ 张钊瀛《你阿妈大减价》,5分钟 ,2017
Zhang Zhaoying《Mother’s story 》, 5′ 00〞, 2017
▲ 钟甦《花好月圆》,5分钟26秒 ,2014
Zhong Su《PERFECT CONJUGAL BLISS》, 5′ 26〞, 2014
▲ UFO小组 《染色体》,10分钟25秒
UFO Group《CHROMOSOME》, 10′25〞
▲ Ariuntugs Tserenpil《行为》,3分钟25秒,2013
Ariuntugs Tserenpil《Act》, 3′25'',2013
▲ Jantsankhorol Erdenebayar《泡沫铃 》,4' 30'',2016
▲ Monika Czyzyk《 BOdyssey》,21分钟 16秒,2017
▲ Munkhjargal Jargalsaikhan 《MUNKHJARGAL BUMBULUG DEERH OHIN 》, 5′ 8〞
▲ Torsten Zenas Burns & Darrin Martin 《方舟 3: 穿越》,27'39〞
▲ 陈依纯《孩子》,10分钟06秒 ,2017
I-Chun Chen《Enfant》, 10′ 06〞, 2017
▲ 李山《Do Beijing White Cats dream of a Harmonious Society》,58分钟55秒,2006
Alessandro Rolandi《北京的白猫也会梦想和谐社会吗?》, 58′55〞,2006
▲ 吴方洲《关键时刻和参与者-行为艺术影像》,10分钟37秒,2016
Ng Fong Chao, Noah《Critical Moment and Participant-Performance Art Image》, 10′37〞,2016
▲ 袁广鸣《栖居如诗》,5分钟 ,2014
Yuan Goang-Ming《栖居如诗》, 5′ 00〞, 2014
▲ Jay Forster《Shift》,3分钟18秒 ,2006
Jay Forster《 Shift》,3′ 18〞, 2006
▲ 鲍蔼伦《循环影院 》,8分钟36秒 ,2000
Ellen Pau 《Recycling Cinema》,08’36,2000
▲ 罗颂雅 《纯属印象》 ,5分钟11秒,1999
Jo Law 《Read Only Memory》,05’11,1999
▲ 冯伟《银色都市》,19分钟54秒 ,1998
FUNG Wai《 Silver City 》,19′ 54〞, 1998
▲ 梁志和《Suck Blow 》,4分钟09秒 ,2003
LEUNG Chi-wo《 Suck Blow 》, 4′ 09〞, 2003
▲ 郑智礼《 门 》,5分钟42秒 ,2008
Chilai Howard《 The Doors 》, 5′ 42〞, 2008
▲ 庄伟《Shift》,6分钟26秒 ,2015
Isaac Chong Wai《One Sound of the Histories》,6′ 26〞, 2015
▲ Erique Lacorbeille《收集声音以建构一种感知》
Erique Lacorbeille《Collecting Voices to Build a Conscience》
▲ Nara Denning 《蚊子的祈祷》
Nara Denning 《Mosquito's Prayer 》
▲ Silvia De Gennaro 《鹰之卵》
Silvia De Gennaro 《 Eagle Eggs 》
▲ Antonello Matarazzo 《4B电影》
Antonello Matarazzo《 4B Movie 》
▲ Arya Sukapura Putra 《印度尼西亚的异域风光》
Arya Sukapura Putra 《 Indonesiana Exotica》
▲ Steven Verstuyft《可持续性渔业》
Steven Verstuyft《Sustainable Fishing》
▲ Emre Onol 《洞》
Emre Onol 《The Hole》
▲ Willehad Eilers (aka Waynehorse)《猛击电影》
Willehad Eilers (aka Waynehorse)《The Punch Movie》
▲ Lino Strangis《表皮探索》
Lino Strangis《Epidermal Exploration》
▲ John Sanborn《Epidermal Exploration》
Urban Nomadism: 2017 Hangzhou Liangzhu Big Roof International Moving Image Exhibition
Curator: Gu Zhenqing, Zhang Haitao
Section 1: Chinese Moving Image
Artist: Pu Hua, Cang Xin, Chen Qiang, Fei Jun, Feng Feng, Guan Huaibin, Gao Shiqiang, Liu Shuming + Wang Shuai, Lu Tingting, Lu Shan, Miu Xiaochun, Qiu An’xiong, Shen Jie, Shen Chaofang, Shi Jinsong, Tan Tan, Tian Xiaolei, Tang Guanhua + Yu Bogong,Wu Chao, Wu Juehui, Wu Peng, Xu Tan, Yuan Xiaofang, Yang Chen, Yang Yongliang, Yi Lian, Zhang Xiaotao, Zhang Zhaoying, Zhong Su, UFO Group ( Wu Juehui, Rao Guangzhen, Wang Zhi’ang, Yi Zeng Hui Zi, Luo Hang, Lan Zhiyan, Shi Chuan)
Section 2: International Moving Image
Artist: Alessandro Rolandi / Italy, Ariuntugs Tserenpil /Mongolia, I-Chun Chen /Taiwan, Chen Wan-Jen /Taiwan, Enkhtaivan Ochirbat /Mongolia, Ho Tzu Nyen / Singapore, Jantsankhorol Erdenebayar /Mongolia, Luo He-Lin /Taiwan, Monika Czyzyk + Torsten Zenas Burns&Darrin Martin /U.S.A., Munkhjargal Jargalsaikhan /Mongolia, Wang Ya-hui /Taiwan, Ng Fong Chao, Noah /Macau, Yuan Goang-Ming /Taiwan, Chun-Yi Chang /Taiwan
Section 3: Remapping Hong Kong (Curated by the Chairman of Videotage Leung Hok Bun Isaac; all works are selected from Videotage Media Art Collection)
Artist: Ellen Pau, Jo Law, Choi Sai-ho, Linda Lai, CHAN Chui Hing Nose, MAP Office, Chilai Howard, Morgan Wong, Jamsen Law, LEUNG Chi-wo, FUNG Wai, Silas Fong, Jay Forster, Isaac Chong Wai
Section 4: “Five Senses”--Italy Magmart International Video Art Biennale 25 Awarded Art Exhibition
Artist: Erique Lacorbeille /Italy,Andreas Mare /Austria,Nara Denning /U.S.A.,Russell Chartier / U.S.A.,Sylvia Toy St. louis (aka Sylviatoyindustries) / U.S.A.,Silvia De Gennaro / Italy,Francesca Amati / Italy,Damon Mohl / U.S.A.,Antonello Matarazzo / Italy,Mohammed Harb / Palestine,Arya Sukapura Putra / Indonesia, Clara Aparicio / Great Britain, Steven Verstuyft / Belgium, Emre Onol / Turkey,Marc Neys (aka Swoon) / Belgium, Jaime Rodriguez (aka Jaime rguez) / Spain, Benna Gaean Maris (aka Benna) / Italy,Lelievre Lievre (aka Lievre) / France,Willehad Eilers (aka Waynehorse) / Netherland,Dimitri Fagbohoun / Benin, Lino Strangis / Italy, John Sanborn / U.S.A., Urszula Kluz-knopek (aka Adija) / Portland,Gérard Cairaschi / France,Danilo Rosini (A.K.A. Danilorosini images) / Italy
Opening: 15:00, December 9th (Saturday), 2017
Dates: December 9th, 2017 - January 9th, 2018
Venue : Liangzhu Culture and Art Center, Liangzhu Culture Village, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, China.
Forum Time: 16:30 – 17:30, December 9th (Saturday), 2017
Moderator: Gu Zhenqing, Cao Kai
Forum Speakers: Torsten Zenas Burns/U.S.A., Alessandro Rolandi/Italy, Ariuntugs Tserenpil/Mongolia, Chun-Yi Chang/Taiwan, Ng Fong Chao, Noah/Macau, Leung Hok Bun Isaac/ Hong Kong, Dalkh-Ochir Yondonjunai/Mongolia
Organizer: Big Roof Culture
Co-Organizer: Cross-Media Art Institute of China Academy of Art, Experimental Art Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing Li-space
Partner Organization: Magmart International Video Art Festival, Videotage, Videotage Media Art Collection
Producer: Zhang Yan
Assistant Curator: Dong Jian, Li Jiaoni, Liu Yuan
Contact: 0571-88763685(Phone)
p-dawuding@vanke.com (Email)
Partner Media: Art Archive (www.artda.cn)
▲ 安藤忠雄设计的良渚文化艺术中心
▲ 安藤忠雄设计的良渚文化艺术中心
The Curatorial Method of Urban Nomadism
Gu Zhenqing
It is currently going through the all-time crisis of the dominating thinking image of global capitalism and the inertial thinking of political correctness. The culture conflict intensifies; the international Nationalism and Populism are raising their heads. The future of global economic development has become more and more whirling during the process of recession. While walking on the way of resisting the centralization and institutionalization of Europe and American culture, has China Contemporary Art constructed its own spirit and value? Also has it found its own methods of organizing and change while facing the difficulties of the recession of art market and the overstock of artworks?
Urban Nomadism is not just a brand new thinking mode of inpouring Nomadic spirit into modern world, and it’s more like a new curatorial practice to challenge of the thinking traditions, the Western centralism, in this international art society. As the economic development and culture prospering of several developing countries in recent years, the international art ecology is becoming more and more flattening posture of de-centralism, non-unification and non-hierarchy. However, the contradiction and conflicts are getting more and more severe between the decoding and re-coding, the delocalization and re-localization towards European and American mainstream culture. Urban Nomadism is doubtless another road to transcend and escape the traditional political texts. The features of space shifting and geographic transferring, which Urban Nomadism emphasizes, has helped the contemporary art acquiring its freedom to consecutively produce otherness, derived diversities, connectivity and inter-activities. The global art is not integrated, nor hierarchical under the context of Urban Nomadism. Instead, it is with planarity and boundlessness. The global art does not belong to one linear developing logical structure, but presents as the random connection and free galloping of individual artist, art communities and organizations from various places and different backgrounds. The global art is not evolving, Genealogical, easy to predict, but fluid, discrete, irregular and unpredictable. With the features of inter-connecting, heterogeneities mixing, multi-element developing, consecutively fissile and endless reproducing, Urban Nomadism is decomposing the concept structure and order based on the European and American traditional thinking. There is no subject nor object, no center nor boarder in the thinking picture of Urban Nomadism, instead, it comes with countless entrances and exits, and the factors, calibration results, the dimensions that decide the creation and flowing of art.
The dynamic state of Urban Nomadism is a system with no destination, no border, and no blocking. It does not dig the meanings, nor does it interpret meanings. It instead creates the meaning. What it presents is exactly the free will of art.
The Characteristics and Solutions of “Urban Nomadism”
Zhang Haitao
The nomadic culture has the characters of un-centralism and anti linear-developing. The living status of the Nomads is also a free will and spiritual state to question the European Centralism. The root theory of the Nomadic Spirits Thinking is not the structure of tree root, but a status of the potato root that is equal and intertwining with each other. The nomadic culture is also a multi-culture method by deconstructing binary oppositions and constructing the tolerance. Its un-linear evolving characteristic
Is also the vital difference between the Modernism and the contemporary culture
What the solution of the nomadic culture emphasizes are: Connecting and sharing, parallel trans-boundary, playing on its own, questioning if the capital could change the value judgment, and the transforming of traditional resources like Chinese “Original Home Awareness”.
The modern scientific technology is a double-bladed sword, and the thinking of human is also a complicated carrier. Human beings always have this contradictive psychology request, which would experience the unnatural psychological rebound by the current artificialization and technicalization, and then are longing for the eternal topics like the natural original motivation, pondering upon life, the view of time, materialization, and the natural state of mind. This is also one of the spiritual compensation for human heterization resulted from this current economic consumption age. It has become the urgent needs of human beings to live harmonically with the nature. Urban Nomadism is to infuse the free, equal and natural spiritual concepts into our modern society, that the nature and the artificialization super-nature could develop parallel with multi-elements.
The curatorial cases related with Urban Nomadism curated by Teacher Gu Zhenqing and me in recent years include: “Original Home” Contemporary Art Exhibition, “Spiritual Searching” Plan, Inner Mongolia Contemporary Art Biennale, Ulan Bator Chinese Short Film Exhibition in Mongolia, Xi’an Media City Contemporary Art Exhibition. Please see the brief logic sorting as below.
Jia Pingwa Culture Museum of Art promoted the special opening edition of “Original Home” Contemporary Art Exhibition on its opening ceremony at 9:30 am on April 8th of 2014 in Xi’an, the ancient capital city of thirteen dynasties. The exhibition were jointly curated and planned by curators Gu Zhenqing, Zhang Haitao, and Wang Yifan, which has presented nearly one hundred artworks by 35 artists. The “Original Home” exhibition is the contemporary transforming and recreation of Chinese traditional classics and local cultures, so is it a spiritual pursuit of root-searching.
“Spiritual Search” Contemporary Art Plan curated by chief curator Gu Zhenqing and joint curator Zhang Haitao, which aims to search the “Essence, Energy, and Spiritual” of the natural landscape in Libo of Guizhou province and to experience the traditional Wu Nuo Culture of the minority nationalities like Shui, Yao, and Buyi, started from Small Seven-hole Scenic Area and Big Seven-hole Scenic Area in Libo town, Qian Nan State of Guizhou Province. Artists Chen Wenbo, Gao Huijun, Guan Wei, Han Lei, Hong Hao, Qi Zhilong, Li Zhanyang, Shi Jin, Shi Xinning, Sun Liang, Tong Yan Ru Nan, Wu Xiaochuan, Xu Ruotao, Xu Wentao, Yang Shu, Professor Sha Manxue, and Guo Shuyun have participated this 5-day art experiencing, creating and communication activity in Libo. By April 25th, the 1st batch artists and academic observation and study project of Guizhou Libo “Spiritual Searching” Contemporary Art Plan successfully closed. This 5-day observation and study program includes: Lung washing experience with the Landscape, Visiting Libo Archive Museum (Discussing and Researching Shui Shu), Experiencing the ritual and necromancy, Seminar of Sa Man Culture, Creating, Visiting Yao stockade village (Observing and inter-acting, researching of the original art). Then the artists recreated via various media and entered the exhibitions. The publications were archived in the end.
The 1st Inner Mongolia Contemporary International Art Communication Biennale opened on December 14th of 2015. This exhibition, presided by Gu Zhenqing and Zhang Haitao, was held in 3 plates of artists from international, artists from domestic China, and artists from local Inner Mongolia. It has shown how the Inner Mongolia ethnic, as an minority nationality with strong nomadic culture, got its genetic recombination during the urbanization of modern culture and the evolvement of globalization. Therefore, this exhibition is different than other biennales which were run by modern capital. It is the geographic and ecologic otherness that motivated us to participate in the exhibition. As the epitome of contemporary culture, this International Communication Biennale in Inner Mongolia has touched the core-value question of the modern culture un-linear development.
2016 Ulan Bator Chinese Short Film Exhibition opened in the Mongolia National Art Museum at 2 pc on June 10th, 2016. This film exhibition was curated by Chinese famous curator Gu Zhenqing, with the National Art Museum President Mr. Bartle Bart as the exhibition director, Chinese Independent Films Exhibition Director Mr. Cao Kai and Curator Zhang Haitao as the film selectors, exhibiting 60 films by 50 active Chinese experimental film artists. 2016 Ulan Bator Chinese Short Film Exhibition aimed to help the audiences in Mongolia to understand Chinese experimental films, as well as the current developing environments and status in China. Experimental film is one of the branches of Contemporary Art, so is the creative practice of languages and conceptions. The exhibited films in this show were also about the topic of “The Relationships between Human Traditions and Modern Culture, Globalization and Otherness, Technology and Nature”.
Solutions of Nomadic Culture: Colliding, Transforming and Reconciling
The nomadic ethnic is currently in this embarrassing status of how to inherit local culture an