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    艺术档案 > 未来媒体艺术 > 林兹电子艺术节︱aaajiao作品《观察者》


    2020-09-24 19:52:40.832 来源: GalerieLiusaWang 作者:LIUSA WANG

    我们很高兴地宣布将在Ars Electronica 2020呈现aaajiao的作品《观察者》。

    LIUSA WANG is delighted to announce that we will present aaajiao’s work, ‘bot.’, in Ars Electronica 2020.





    Single channel video, color; Website单频彩色录像、网站


    Dimension variable/尺寸可变

    ( screenshot from the video /视频截图 )

    ©️ aaajiao



    Single channel video, color; Website单频彩色录像、网站


    Dimension variable尺寸可变

    ( screenshot from the video/视频截图 )

    ©️ aaajiao


    aaajiao, is the online handle of Xu Wenkai,  a Shanghai- and Berlin-based artist, avid blogger and free thinker. Born in 1984, aaajiao grew up in Xi'an, the ancient capital of Qin and Han Dynasty known for the Terracotta Army. The year of 1984, coinciding with George Orwell's dystopian masterpiece, seems to explain the perfect alignment between the vivid SciTech-driven imagination and the sometimes-poetic sophistication, frequently seen as the main theme of aaajiao's work. Many of aaajiao's works tap into the most current trends of thoughts around the Internet sphere, with a focus on the emerging controversies and phenomenon related to data processing, blogsphere/wemedia and filtered information. In his most recent projects, the artist has adopted a more extended scope of practices, borrowing elements from architecture, electronic music, performance arts, product design, even medicine, to portray the young generation harnessing the power of cyber technology and the ever-present social media.

    640 (1).gif

    bot, 观察者

    Single channel video, color; Website 单频彩色录像、网站


    Dimension variable/尺寸可变

    ( screenshot from the video/视频截图 )

    ©️ aaajiao

    2020年9月9日至13日,Ars Electronica 2020以“开普勒花园”为主题,希望以另一种视角审视世界,讨论当今世界因新型冠状病毒所引发的议题,关于病毒所造成的“不确定性”(UNCERTAINTY)以及其将会如何重塑“人类”(HUMANITY)社会的运作方式,此外,也将关注“自治”(AUTONOMY)和“民主“(DEMOCRACY)以及“科技“(TECHNOLOGY)和“环保“(ECOLOGY)两个充满争议的主题。

    Ars Electronica 2020 will take place from September 9 to 13 – in Linz, of course, but not only there. It will also be in 120 “Kepler’s Gardens” around the globe. 

    It is a journey mapping the “new” world and a journey through “Kepler’s Gardens”. In the course of this journey, the festival will discuss the important questions of our time, questions raised by the global corona crisis, and consider what we can and must do now. All the issues touched upon are marked by a general UNCERTAINTY and the question of how the crisis will shape and change us as individuals and as a society, us as HUMANITY. They will focus on two areas of tension in particular: AUTONOMY and DEMOCRACY as well as TECHNOLOGY and ECOLOGY.



    Single channel video, color; Website/单频彩色录像、网站


    Dimension variable/尺寸可变

    ( screenshot from the video/视频截图 )

    ©️ aaajiao


    In the video ‘bot.’, the artist presents a portrait of memory built on a machine’s assumptions of how people would think a machine would interpret the mind. He borrows aesthetics from existing role-playing action games such as Mother3, Adventureland, Undertale, and ROM, to create awareness of one’s world in 2018—a perhaps slightly dystopian impression—and to introduce a conception of memory that sets itself apart from present understandings. Besides, he displays the wechat circle which could be a Chinese version of Instagram feeds. 

    He also went on journeys across the city and displays an environment deeply intertwined with a digital past as well as its present counterpart. Local and global networks, social media, gardening structures, parks, and nature itself all become amalgamated into a digital hyper-representation.  On the other hand, the artist expresses his concerns on continuous partial attention with this work. By adopting an always-on, anywhere, anytime, any place behaviour, we exist in a state of excitement and alertness and we can no longer be concentrated fully on anything. Constant access to media has turned us into compulsive snackers and triggered a cycle of shorter attention bursts, shorter media portions, increased tempo, quicker payoff and algorithmic optimization. 



    Single channel video, color; Website / 单频彩色录像、网站


    Dimension variable/尺寸可变

    ( screenshot from the video/视频截图 )

    ©️ aaajiao


    As Bots mean spiders or web crawlers are heavily used by search engines to figure out how high to display websites in search results, aaajiao links the basic function with users nowadays: “For me, we are searching and constructing our external memory in the same way and this process constitutes a multi-aspect of oneself. When we think of ourselves as users and form ourselves with bots, we will face a dilemma about truth.”  In this age of accelerated planetary computation, there is no doubt that we human struggle to “remember” and to “think in more memorable ways” as we become unable to rely solely on regions in our brains devoted to spatial memory.



    Single channel video, color; Website/单频彩色录像、网站


    Dimension variable/尺寸可变

    ( screenshot from the video/视频截图 )

    ©️ aaajiao


    Yet aaajiao is not only concerned with what is happening to our cognitive abilities or our interacting biological neurons. Acutely aware that we have an entire superstructure of digital sources on the Internet and external devices to help us store our memories outside our brains, aaajiao declares, “now that we have become bots, we are just one with the mind of the hive.”




    77 Rue des archives, 75003 Paris 

    contact | 09 51 99 02 81

    mail | office@galerieliusawang.com

    website | www.galerieliusawang.com

    instagram | galerieliusawang

    facebook | @galerieliusawangofficial





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