艺术档案 > 展览档案 > 策展档案 > [2015-3-15]“恶 Evil”

[2015-3-15]“恶 Evil”

2015-04-20 00:53:48 来源: artda.cn 艺术档案 作者:artda

“恶 Evil”

艺术家Artists:蔡远河、龚旭、柴柴、撒旦君、擦主席︱Cai Yuanhe, Gong Xu, Chai Chai, Sa Danjun, Ca zhuxi
策展人Curator:付晓东 | Fu Xiaodong
开幕Opening: 2015年3月15日16:00
展览日期Exhibiting Time: 2015年3月15日—2015年4月18日
地点Venue: 空间站 - 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区中一街 SpaceStation,NO.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd,798 Art District,Beijing





柴柴 两栖 毛线针织、羊毛呢、亮片 200x40x30cm,2014(未完成)

柴柴 两栖 毛线针织、羊毛呢、亮片 200x40x30cm,2014 细节

柴柴 两栖 毛线针织、羊毛呢、亮片 200x40x30cm,2014 细节

柴柴 我们谈谈吧 丝绒毛线 80x110cm 2013

柴柴 自己吞 羊毛、毡毛线 45x40x80cm 2012 细节

柴柴 我们谈谈吧 丝绒毛线 80x110cm 2013 细节

007 柴柴 自己吞 羊毛、毡毛线 45x40x80cm 2012

柴柴 双生 羊毛毡、毛线80x80cm 2013

撒旦君 画皮鬼 纸本水墨 29x21cm 2014

撒旦君 扫晴娘 纸本水墨 29x21cm 2014

撒旦君 黄魔神 纸本水墨 29x21cm 2014

 撒旦君 蓐收 纸本水墨 29x21cm 2014

 撒旦君 孛星 纸本水墨 29x21cm 2014

撒旦君 天狗 纸本水墨 29x21cm 2014

擦主席 河童kappa 综合材料 30x15x60cm 2014

擦主席 Bad bad wolf 综合材料 20x20x50cm 2014

擦主席 小妖精 综合材料 10x10x30cm 2014

 龚旭 龙的“  ”计划  综合材料 1730x230cm 2012 细节

 龚旭 龙的“  ”计划  综合材料 1730x230cm 2012

擦主席 宇宙任侠传 修罗雪姬 艺术微喷 100x70cm 2012

擦主席 宇宙任侠传 怪盗眼镜蛇 艺术微喷 100x70cm 2012




Article: Fu Xiaodong

Evil refers to sin and sacrilege. Any kind of evil can be expressed with symbol and to sully is the primal way of evil. If we go through the primitive symbol of evil, then our imagination of evil is the fear of causality and the inner feeling towards order. A whole set of blasphemous discourse is a symbolic experience with correlation, like unknown condemnation and ritual of sacrifice, eclipse and time fit for war, extremely dangerous course and observance of blasphemous ritual. After theology being completely defeated by the cognition of science, God and deity have been handed down as an imagination of facing the legislation and punishment of conscience. From the fear of vengeance to the love of order, let “clear love dispel fear” (New Testament); to use a new emotional experience to accept and reshape fear. The suffering that comes after evil behavior is just as punishment inevitably comes from sacrilege. Sacrilege is a notion that crosses nature, ethics and religion, and the natural phenomenon that it sullies is full of ethical meaning and religious nature.

In the exhibition, Satan has conducted a historical phenomenology research on evil, and it can be seen from the multi-layered description on ghost in the ancient documents that the devil feared in ancient times was people’s fear towards supernatural powers and the switch of notion on historical framework. The work of Chairman Ca is full of the cult element in the two-dimensional subculture. By using computer painting suitable for replication and transmission, he stuns and subverts the subject that has long indulged in the mainstream interest in a cheap and vulgarly exaggerated manner. Gong Xu's work has mixed both eastern and western saints, and the holy items from different cultures. The "politician Q" is a spiritual monster which man becomes, and which is distorted, bizarre, and scary. It clearly reveals man's inner tension between the definition of evil and cognition, pondering upon what exactly evil is. Chaichai is the advancement of suffering, the expression of faith on bloodshed, foulness, murder, trauma, and physical pain. It comes from the individual experience of excavating the spiritual potential on pain and crime. Cai Yuanhe appreciates mechanically and soberly the dissected sections of the world and man, which scatter everywhere; everything will be destroyed just as the wrath of God. New images appear along with the collapse of the old ones; construction and destruction go simultaneously.

空间站 | Space Station
T: +86 10 59789671
W: www.space-station-art.com
E: spacestationart@163.com  info@space-station-art.com
地点:空间站 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区中一街
Venue: Space Station,NO.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd,798 Art District,Beijing 100015


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