艺术档案 > 个案+新青年 > 个案 > 克里斯·弗雷泽的炫目装置


2012-04-11 10:05:01 来源: TOOTSY的艺术空间 作者:陈娟/编译


关于“暗箱”这个词自公元前4年已经问世。它实质上就像一种高射投影仪,是导致摄影的发明之一,也是克里斯·弗雷泽的炫目装置的出发点。克里斯是一位来自海湾地区的年轻摄影师,他的作品主体是以研究生活摄影的可能性做为开始的。照相机不是一项设备,而是一种情境,那些可以走进其中的光线在保持原状并且变幻。 即使是最小的手势也具有美学的效果。

Word about the “camera obscura” has been around since the 4th BC. It essentially works like an overhead projector, is one of the inventions that led to photography, and was the starting point for Chris Fraser‘s stunning light installation. A young photographer from the Bay Area, Chris’s body of work began as an investigation into the possibility of a living photography. The camera is not a device but a situation; and rays of light that we walk into, wear, and change. Even the smallest of gestures have aesthetic consequences.


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