艺术档案 > 新闻档案 > 国内新闻 > 2015年威尼斯双年展公布参展艺术家名单


2015-03-12 18:56:05 来源: artforum 作者:


双年展将委托卡拉·沃克(Kara Walker)执导文森佐·贝里尼(Vincenzo Bellini)的Norma(1831),届时将于威尼斯的凤凰剧院上映。

1. ABBOUD, Jumana Emil
b. 1971 Palestine, lives and works in Jerusalem
b. 1971 Algeria, lives and works in London
3. ABONNENC, Mathieu Kleyebe
b. 1977 France, lives and works in Metz
founded 2010 Syria, based in Syria
5. ACHOUR, Boris
b. 1966 France, lives and works in Paris
6. ADKINS, Terry
b. 1953 - d. 2014, United States
7. AFIF, Saâdane
b. 1970 France, lives and works in Berlin
8. AKERMAN, Chantal
b. 1950 Belgium, lives and works in Paris     
b. 1957 Ghana, lives and works in London
b. 1981 Nigeria, lives and works in Lagos and Berlin
11. AL SOLH, Mounira
b. 1978 Lebanon, lives and works in Beirut and Amsterdam
b. 1983 Turkey, lives and works in Stockholm
13. ALLORA, Jennifer & CALZADILLA, Guillermo
b. 1974 United States, b. 1971 Cuba, live and work in San Juan
14. ATAMAN, Kutlug
b. 1961 Turkey, lives and works in London
15. BAJEVIC, Maja
b. 1967 Bosnia, lives and works in Paris and Sarajevo
16. BALLESTEROS, Ernesto
b. 1963 Argentina, lives and works in Buenos Aires
17. BALOJI, Sammy
b. 1978 Democratic Republic of Congo, lives and works in Lubumbashi and Brussels
18. BARBA, Rosa
b. 1972 Italy, lives and works in Berlin
19. BASELITZ, Georg
b. 1938 Germany, lives and works in Munich
20. BASUALDO, Eduardo
b. 1977 Argentina, lives and works in Buenos Aires
21. BAUER, Petra
b. 1970 Sweden, lives and works in Stockholm
22. BESHTY, Walead
b. 1976 United Kingdom, lives and works in Los Angeles
23. BHABHA, Huma
b. 1962 Pakistan, lives and works in Poughkeepsie
24. BOLTANSKI, Christian
b. 1944 France, lives and works in Paris
25. BONVICINI, Monica
b. 1965 Italy, lives and works in Berlin
26. BOYCE, Sonia
b. 1962 United Kingdom, lives and works in London
27. BOYD, Daniel
b. 1982 Australia, lives and works in Sydney
28. BREY, Ricardo
b. 1955 Cuba, lives and works in Gent
b. 1924 - d. 1976, Belgium
30. BRUGUERA, Tania
b. 1968 Cuba, lives and works in New York
31. BURGA, Teresa
b. 1935 Peru, lives and works in Lima
32. CALHOUN, Keith & McCORMICK, Chandra
b. 1955/b. 1957 United  States, live and work in New Orleans
33. CAO, Fei
b. 1978 China, lives and works in Beijing
34. CHAMEKH, Nidhal
b. 1985 Tunisia, lives and works in Tunis and Paris
b. 1962 Russia, lives and works in Moscow
36. CHUNG, Tiffany
b. 1969 Vietnam, lives and works in Ho Chi Minh City
an artistic cooperative founded 2011, based in Mexico City
a non-profit organization founded in 1974, based in New York
39. DAMIANI, Elena
b. 1979 Peru, lives and works in Copenhagen
40. DELLER, Jeremy
b. 1966 United Kingdom, lives and works in London
b. 1971 Georgia, lives and works in Berlin
42. DUMAS, Marlene
b. 1953 South Africa, lives and works in Amsterdam
a publishing platform founded in 2008, based in New York
44. EDWARDS, Melvin
b. 1937 United States, lives and works in New York
b. 1924 - d. 1989 Egypt
46. EHMANN, Antje & FAROCKI, Harun
b. 1968 Germany, lives and works in Berlin / b. 1944 – d. 2014 Germany
47. EICHHORN, Maria
b. 1962 Germany, lives and works in Berlin
48. EVANS, Walker
b. 1903 - d. 1975 United States
49. FAROCKI, Harun
b. 1944 - d. 2014, Germany
50. FLOYD, Emily
b. 1972 Australia, lives and works in Sydney
51. FRIEDL, Peter
b. 1960 Austria, lives and works in Berlin
52. FUSCO, Coco
b. 1960 United States, lives and works in New York
53. FUSINATO, Marco
b. 1964 Australia, lives and works in Melbourne
54. GAINES, Charles
b. 1944 United States, lives and works in Los Angeles
55. GALLAGHER, Ellen
b. 1965 United States, lives and works in Rotterdam
b. 1958 Argentina, lives and works in Buenos Aires
57. GARCIA, Dora
b. 1965 Spain, lives in Barcelona
58. GATES, Theaster
b. 1973 United States, lives and works in Chicago
59. GENZKEN, Isa
b. 1948 Germany, lives and works in Berlin
b. 1969 Russia, lives and works in Saint Petersburg
61. GOMES, Sônia
b. 1948 Brazil, lives and works in Belo Horizonte
62. GROSSE, Katharina
b. 1961 Germany, lives and works in Berlin
a transnational coalition of international artists founded in 2010
64. GURSKY, Andreas
b. 1955 Germany, lives and works in Düsseldorf
65. HAACKE, Hans
b. 1936 Germany, lives and works in New York
66. HADJITHOMAS, Joana & JOREIGE, Khalil
b. 1969 Lebanon, live and work in Paris and Beirut
67. HARRY, Newell
b. 1972 Australia, lives and works in Sydney
68. HASSAN, Kay
b. 1956 South Africa, lives and works in Johannesburg
69. HIRSCHHORN, Thomas
b. 1957 Switzerland, lives and works in Paris
70. HÖLLER, Carsten
b. 1961 Belgium, lives and works in Stockholm
71. HOLT, Nancy & SMITHSON, Robert
b. 1938 - d. 2014 / b.1938 - d. 1973 United States
72. IM, Heung Soon
b. 1969 South Korea, lives and works in Seoul
73. INVISIBLE BORDERS: Trans-African Photographers
an artists’ organization founded in 2011, based in Lagos
74. ISHIDA, Tetsuya
b. 1973 – d. 2005 Japan
75. JI, Dachun
b. 1968 China, lives and works in Beijing
76. JULIEN, Isaac
b. 1960 United Kingdom, lives and works in London
77. K., Hiwa
b. 1975 Iraq, lives and works in Berlin
78. KAMBALU, Samson
b. 1975 Malawi, lives and works in London
79. KIM, Ayoung
b. 1979 South Korea, lives and works in Seoul
80. KLUGE, Alexander
b. 1932 Germany, lives and works in Munich
81. KNGWARREYE, Emily Kame
b. 1910 - d. 1996, Australia
b. 1977 Sweden, lives and works in Stockholm and Sao Paulo
83. LEBER, Sonia & CHESWORTH, David
b. 1959 Australia, b. 1958 United Kingdom, live and work in Melbourne
84. LIGON, Glenn
b. 1960 United States, lives and works in New York
85. MABUNDA, Gonçalo
b. 1975 Mozambique, lives and works in Maputo
b. 1956 India, lives and works in New Delhi and Kerala
87. MAHAMA, Ibrahim
b. 1987 Ghana, lives and works in Tamale
88. MALJKOVIC, David
b. 1973 Croatia, lives and works in Zagreb
89. MAN, Victor
b. 1974 Romania, lives and works in Berlin
90. MANSARAY, Abu Bakarr
b. 1970 Sierra Leone, lives and works in Freetown and the Netherlands
91. MARKER, Chris
b. 1921 - d. 2012, France
92. MARSHALL, Kerry James
b. 1955 United States, lives and works in Chicago
93. MARTEN, Helen
b. 1985 United Kingdom, lives and works in London
94. MAURI, Fabio
b. 1926 - d. 2009 Italy
95. McQUEEN, Steve
b. 1969 United Kingdom, lives and works in Amsterdam
96. MOHAIEMEN, Naeem
b. 1969 Bangladesh, lives and works in Dhaka and New York
97. MORAN, Jason
b. 1975 United States, lives and works in New York
98. MÜLLER, Ivana
b. 1972 Croatia, lives and works in Paris
99. MUNROE, Lavar
b. 1982 Bahamas, lives and works between Chapel Hill, North Carolina and Washington  DC.
100. MURILLO, Oscar
b. 1986 Colombia, lives and works in London
101. MUTU, Wangechi
b. 1972 Kenya, lives and works in New York
102. NAM, Hwayeon
b. 1979 South Korea, lives and works in Seoul and Berlin
103. NAUMAN, Bruce
b. 1941 United States, lives and works in New Mexico
104. NDIAYE, Cheikh
b. 1970 Senegal, lives and works in New York, Dakar and Lyon
105. NICOLAI, Olaf
b. 1962 Germany, lives and works in Berlin
106. OFILI, Chris
b. 1968 United Kingdom, lives and works in London and Trinidad
107. OGBOH, Emeka
b. 1977 Nigeria, lives and works in Lagos and Berlin
108. PARRENO, Philippe
b. 1964 France, lives and works in Paris
109. PASCALI, Pino
b. 1935 - d. 1968, Italy
110. PIPER, Adrian
b. 1948 United States, lives and works in Berlin
111. PONIFASIO, Lemi
b. 1964 Samoa, lives and works in Auckland
112. QIU, Zhijie
b. 1969 China, lives and works in Beijing
113. RAISSNIA, Raha
b. 1968 Iran, lives and works in New York
(NARULA, Monica; BAGCHI, Jeebesh; SENGUPTA, Shuddhabrata)
a collective founded 1992 India, based in New Delhi
b. 1975 France, lives and works in Grenoble
116. RIDNYI, Mykola
b. 1985 Ukraine, lives and works in Kharkiv
117. ROBERTS, Liisa
b. 1969 France, lives and works in New York, Helsinki and Saint Petersburg
b. 1976 Argentina, lives and works in New York
119. SCHÖNFELDT, Joachim
b. 1958 South Africa, lives and works in Johannesburg
120. SELMANI, Massinissa
b. 1980 Algeria, lives and works in Algiers and Tours
121. SENGHOR, Fatou Kandé
b 1971 Senegal, lives and works in Dakar
122. SHETTY, Prasad & GUPTE, Rupali
b. 1974 India, live and work in Mumbai
123. SIBONY, Gedi
b. 1973 United States, lives and works in New York
124. SIMMONS, Gary
b. 1964 United States, lives and works in New York
125. SIMON, Taryn
b. 1975 United States, lives and works in New York
126. SIMPSON, Lorna
b. 1960 United States, lives and works in New York
127. SMITHSON, Robert
b. 1938 - d. 1973, United States
128. SUBOTZKY, Mikhael
b. 1981 South Africa, lives and works in Johannesburg
129. SUHAIL, Mariam
b. 1979 Pakistan, lives and works in Bangalore
130. SZE, Sarah
b. 1969 United States, lives and works in New York
a collective founded 2006 Vietnam/US, live and work in Ho Chi Minh City
132. the TOMORROW
a journal founded 2014 Italy, based in Milan
133. TIRAVANIJA, Rirkrit
b. 1961 Thailand, lives and works in New York,  Berlin and Chiang Mai
134. TOGUO, Barthélémy
b. 1967 Cameroon, lives and works in Paris and Bandjoun
135. XU, Bing
b. 1955 China, lives and works in Beijing
136. YOUNIS, Ala
b. 1974 Jordan, lives and works in Amman


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