艺术档案 > 行为档案 > 蔡青︱谈亚洲的行为艺术


2021-02-16 20:10:20.487 来源: Live Art Studio 作者:蔡青





在亚洲,首先该肯定的是韩国的行为艺术为较早开始的,2年前我的策展人朋友Jin Sup Yoon在大同国家当代艺术馆举行了韩国行为艺术50年文献展。韩国每年有几个行为艺术节,最有规模的当属首尔的多媒体行为艺术节,策展人Kim Baekki的办公室墙壁上挂着一个国家授予的奖状,他组织的活动得到政府的支持。另外在其它一些城市也有行为艺术节,许多资深老艺术家仍然做行为艺术,这一点尤其不同于一般。

泰国每年有著名的国际行为艺术节Asiatopia(我参加了第十届的),由几位资深艺术家组织策划,汇集了世界各地的艺术家前来参加,泰国的行为艺术家常以行动加入社会实践,特别强调行动的政治性,有几位非常优秀的大师比如冲朋Chumpon Apisuk,白尚Vasan Sitthiket

新加坡在对行为艺术解严后,在李文的带领下,从2003年起连续十届Future Imagination ,“新加坡虽说是个小国,但在行为艺术上却是一个超级大国”,这是几年前我写的一篇博文的名称,向中国读者介绍新加坡在行为艺术上的成绩,这种荣誉随着李文的病重和去逝,已经开始了趁向势弱,很遗憾!

日本虽然在行为艺术的早期有过惊人的实践,而且后来的行为艺术节由Seiji Shimoda从西方引进,NIPAF算是在亚洲新时代最早的行为艺术节,并对周边一些国家有突出影响,不过近年由于资金短缺,艺术节缩水了,并且行为艺术也缺少了原初的活力。做为个体艺术家,我们仍能发现有许多闪亮的日本行为艺术家。

中国在近年新政府对文艺上的管治,做行为艺术节变得更加困难,但仍然有一些地下活动,比如陈进策划的“开放”国际行为艺术节、我策划的现场艺术巡回展Art Now live tour和我与杨德忠在内蒙古合作策展的“热雪”。有几处比较稳定的远离中心的地点仍然保持良好的工作环境,成都周斌策划的“向上”国际艺术节、西安相西石策划的的“谷雨”、云南和丽斌策划的“在云上”。特别是成都的“向上”与当地的当代艺术馆和大学合作,并获得当地资源的有力支持。





菲律宾有许多好行为艺术家,许多画家同时也做行为艺术。从80年代起 David Medalla, Jean Marie Syjuco, Ronald Aquitania and Jose Tence Ruiz 就开始了个人行为艺术创作, 但是Juan-Mor'o Ocampo是菲律宾行为艺术节的开拓者,策划PIPAF(1999-2005),随后还有Ronald Ruiz,和Mideo M Cruz都组织行为艺术节。菲律宾的行为艺术尤如他们的性格一样火爆。国际行为艺术节有TAMA (我参加了 2009年的) 和 SIPAF.

印度尼西亚有许多行为艺术家,许多年轻人对行为艺术感兴趣,有非常好的发展土壤。有几位闪亮的行为艺术家,并也是艺术节策展人,在Jogjakarta的Iwan Wijono和在Solo的马拉蒂Melati Suryodarmo。Iwan策划的Perfurbance节非常针对现实社会问题。当代艺术大师Arahmaiani Feisal也经常参与行为艺术节。此外还有 Somantri Entri 和达平Dapeng在不同的地区举办行为艺术节,在首都雅加达有Rau Rau Ridwan每年与雅加达大学艺术学院合作举办行为艺术节。

缅甸有几位行为艺术家兼策展人,Aye Ko、Mosart和Wai Meng,前者Aye Ko私人开设的 Zero艺术空间还安排驻地艺术项目,成为坚实的行为艺术基地。这里政府的审查制度也非常严格,做事需要小心和讲究策略。

马来西亚曾经有过两次行为艺术节,正当行为艺术活动有好的发展趋势的苗头,特别是在2011年第二届艺术节是在国家画廊中举行(策展Rahmat, 我参加了此次艺术节),可是这次由于一位本地搞音乐话剧的艺术家Ayam的表演,他故意触碰宗教禁忌底线,遭遇了批评和潜责,从此行为艺术节在这个国家中消失了!非常遗憾。

印度我还从没去过,了解的不多,只邀请过艺术家Satatru Sovan 来过我的艺术节,最近在网络上与Hexxy duxxy小组的联系,对印度略有一点点印象,好像有许多人做行为艺术,女艺术家也挺多。也许是印度文化的关系,他们非常热爱表演,创作方式也很随意。我希望日后有机会去印度,充分体验印度的文化艺术,印度的当代电影也非常吸引我。


Cai Qing 2020.10.20

(Photo Album of Indian Performance Art)
On Asian Performance Art
Cai Qing

There are different kinds of people living in Singapore. We live in harmony and live together in the same city. It can be described as a shrinking world of unity. I have lived here for 14 years and will continue to live here. In Singapore, I met many outstanding performance artists, and from here I went to many neighboring countries to participate in different performance art festivals and related activities. It is perfect to talk about Asian art festivals here.

In Asia, the first thing to affirm is that Korean performance art started earlier. Two years ago, my curator friend Jin Sup Yoon held a 50-year document exhibition of Korean performance art at the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Datong. There are several performance art festivals in South Korea each year. The most extensive is the Seoul Multimedia Performance Art Festival. On the wall of the office of the curator Kim Baekki hangs a national award, and the activities he organizes are supported by the government. In addition, there are performance art festivals in other cities, and many senior and old artists still do performance art, which is especially different from the general.

Thailand has the famous international performance art festival Asiatopia every year(I participated in the tenth). It is organized and curated by several senior artists. It brings together artists from all over the world to participate. Thai performance artists often use actions to join social practice, especially emphasizing the political nature of action. Very good masters such as Chumpon Apisuk and Vasan Sitthiket head these events.

After Singapore lifted the restrictions on performance art, under the leadership of Lee Wen, the Future Of Imagination has been held for ten consecutive years since 2003. "Although Singapore is a small country, it is a superpower in performance art." This is what I wrote a few years ago. The title of a blog post, it introduces Singapore’s achievements in performance art to Chinese readers. This kind of honor has begun to experience some weakness after Lee Wen’s illness and passing away. It’s a pity!

Although Japan had amazing practices in the early stage of performance art, and the later performance art festival was introduced from the West by Seiji Shimoda, NIPAF is considered to be the earliest performance art festival in the new era of Asia, and it has a prominent influence on some neighboring countries. There is a shortage of funds, the art festival has shrunk, and performance art lacks its original vitality, but Shimoda continues to hold the festival. As individual artists, we can still find many shining Japanese performance artists.

In recent years, China’s new administration’s governance over literature and art has made it more difficult to do performance art festivals, but there are still some underground activities, such as the Open International Performance Art Festival curate by Chen Jin, Art Now Live Tour I curate and Live Art in cooperation with Yang Dezhong in Inner Mongolia, "Hot Snow". Several relatively stable locations far away from the center still maintain a good working environment, such as the "Up-On" International Art Festival curated by Zhou Bin in Chengdu, "Gu Yu" curated by Xiangxishi in Xi'an, and "On the Clouds" curated by Yunnan He Libin. In particular, "Up-On" in Chengdu cooperates with local contemporary art museums and universities, and has received strong support from local resources.

Hong Kong's performance art truly intervenes in society and criticizes current abuses. There are many performance art activities in Hong Kong, especially with the conflict between Hong Kong people and the Chinese government in recent years. Performance artists are all present at the protest movement.

Macao's performance art documenta "Viewing the Body with the Body" is grandly held once every three years, and it has changed after three times. Under the new situation, there has been no progress in the past 5 years.  However, there are still has small live art festivals in Macau every year.

Taiwan’s senior performance artist Wang Molin created Taiwan’s first performance art festival from 2000 to 2005, and TIPAF is deeply influenced by Japan. There is Ye Ziqi, a female performance art curator from beginning to end in Tainan. She randomly runs Achuan group performances. The performance art festival is mainly in Tainan.

Many good contemporary artists in Vietnam are performance artists, and Chen Long is a core figure. There are many young and diligent artists around him. The art center in Hanoi is an organization that organizes performance art. The artist is extremely serious about the creation of performance art.

There are many good performance artists in the Philippines, and many painters also do performance art. David Medalla, Jean Marie Syjuco, Ronald Aquitania and Jose Tence Ruiz have done performances since the 80s individually, but Yuan Mor'O Ocampo is the pioneer of the Philippine performance art festival, curating PIPAF (1999-2017). He is then followed by Ronaldo Ruiz and Mideo Cruz. Performance art in the Philippines is as hot as their character, with international events organized by TAMA (I joined in 2009) and SIPAF.

There are many performance artists in Indonesia, and many young people are interested in performance art. There is a very good soil for development. There are a few shining performance artists and curators of the festival, Iwan Wijono in Jogjakarta and Melati Suryodarmo in Solo. The Perfurbance festival planned by Iwan is very focused on real social issues. Contemporary art master Arahmaiani Feisal also often participates in performance art festivals. In addition, Somantri Entri and Dapeng hold performance art festivals in different regions. In the capital city of Jakarta, Rau Rau Ridwan organizes performance art festivals in cooperation with the Art College of the University of Jakarta.

There are several performance artists and curators in Myanmar, Aye Ko, Moe Satt and Wai Meng for example. Aye Ko’s Zero Art Space also arranges residency art projects to become a solid performance art base. The government's censorship system here is also very strict, and you need to be careful and strategic in doing things.

There have been two time performance art festivals in Malaysia, and there are signs of a good development trend for legitimate performance art activities, especially in 2011, the second art festival was held in the National Gallery (curated by Rahmat Haron, I participated in this art festival), but this time due to the performance of Ayam, a local musical drama artist, he deliberately touched the bottom line of religious taboos and encountered criticism and potential blame. Since then, the performance art festival has disappeared in this country! Very regrettable.

I have never been to India and I don’t know much about it. I only invited the artist Satatru Sovan to my art festival. I recently contacted the Hexxy duxxy group on the Internet. I have a little impression of India. It seems that many people do performing, there are also many female artists in performance art. Maybe it's the Indian culture. They love performance very much and their creative methods are also very casual. I hope I will have the opportunity to go to India in the future to fully experience Indian culture and art. Indian contemporary movies are also very attractive to me.

It is said that there is a Bangladeshi artist curating a Bangal performance art festival. We have never heard of a performance art festival in Cambodia, and there is no one to contact; no information on this in Laos too (if anyone is aware of more, please let me know). These places will be checked again in the future as I would like to go around.  I hope to have the opportunity to hold a performance art festival to invite performance artists and curators from all Asian countries. Living in Asia should be based on this. The Asian region is rich in culture, with great regional differences and various ethnic groups. It is an ideal place for us to promote and carry out more performance art activities.

Cai Qing 2020.10.20


"Pan Asian Performance Art Festival" in South, Korea, 2010

The 10th Asiatopia Performance Art Festival in Thailand, 2008

Singapore's 5th Future Of Imagined Performance Art Festival

▲日本行为艺术节NIPAF创始人Seiji Shimoda在成都办工儿坊,2012
Seiji Shimoda, founder of NIPAF, Japan Performance Art Festival, runs a workshop in Chengdu, 2012

▲成都Up- On首届行为艺术节,2008
Chengdu Up-On First Performance Art Festival, 2008


▲第10届开放国际行为艺术节, 世界各地300多艺术家加入表演,北京 2009

The 10th Open International Performance Art Festival, more than 300 artists from all over the world joined the performance, Beijing 2009

Hong Kong Performance Art Roundtable Conference, 2010


台南行为艺术“心与海”  2014  Tainan Performance Art "Heart and Sea" 2014


"A Nest of Wind" activity planned by Ye Ziqi and I in Tainan, Taiwan 2010


越南行为艺术节-In:Act   Ha, 《蓝鸟》,2010 ,河内
Vietnam Performance Art Festival-In:Act  Ha, "Blue Bird", 2010, Hanoi


Philippine Performance Art Festival TAMA, 2009


Local artist Sherwin's performance at TAMA



Indonesian Performance Art Festival Without Borders 4, solo


印尼行为艺术节-另一条路 2019
Indonesian Performance Art Festival-Another Way 2019


缅甸行为艺术节,打开另一扇窗 2010
Myanmar Performance Art Festival opens another window 2010

Paisan Plienbangchang 在第二届马来西亚行为艺术节上表演  2011
Paisan Plienbangchang performed at the 2nd Malaysia Performance Art Festival 2011


▲马来西亚行为艺术节策展人Rahmat Haron和Ayam, Paisan
Curator of Malaysia Performance Art Festival Rahmat Haron
with Ayam and Paisan



Lecture on Hexxyduxxybox network platform in India, 2020






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