张沐辰(Zhang Muchen)
张沐辰,1988年 生于沈阳,籍贯浙江
2011年 毕业于中国人民大学艺术学院,获学士学位
2015年 毕业于中国人民大学艺术学院,获硕士学位
2016 “自动寓言”张沐辰人机关系艺术项目,NO!SPACE,北京
2013 张沐辰装置作品展,中国人民大学艺术学院美术馆,北京
2019 “人机合一”人机艺术计划Ⅱ,北京当代艺术馆
2016 “设计之外”米兰国际设计周,ZONA TORTONA,意大利
2015 “民间的力量”北京民生现代美术馆开幕展,北京民生现代美术馆,北京
2015 想象的未来——今日美术馆未来馆,中华世纪坛,北京
2015 “扫一扫”当代艺术跨年展,山水美术馆,北京
2015 动·静,NO!空间,北京
2015 798艺葩,798艺术工厂,北京
2015 没有墙的美术馆,Space5,上海
2014 第十二届全国美术作品展览实验艺术展区,今日美术馆,北京
2014 纸・在”2013-2014艺术跨年展,天津美术馆,天津
2014 增厚1mm—纸在”实验艺术展,石家庄美术馆,河北
2014 第五届1912新星星艺术节,今日美术馆,北京
2014 艺术无界・未来展,悦・美术馆,北京
2013 反相对话—中国人民大学、美国亚利桑那州立大学教师研究生作品展,798桥艺术空间,北京
2010 巨人杯”当代艺术院校大学生年度提名展,今日美术馆,北京
▲ 心率,2013
Heart Rate,2013
Interactive Installation
水池, 互动数字设备, 电磁铁
Water Fountain,Interactive And Digital Device,Solenoids
240 x 360 x 30 cm
▲ 心率传感器
▲ 反射的涟漪
This piece is a single person interactive installation. The audience put ones hand on the heart-rate sensor plate standing against the platform, formulating an independent experience space. The heart rate change triggers the ripples correspondingly. The ripples are feedback in different areas on the black surface of the water. This disrupts the mirror images of the external environment reflected on the water, forming a dialogue during a short period. In Eastern philosophy, the mind controls our mental and physical body, and the heart is central to manipulating human consciousness. This work uses your hands as a medium, which extends the heart of the audience, by presenting the image of ripples in the form of a time system. In the fuzzy space of senses, ripples build a connection between the completeness and fragmentation, repositioning the change of heart via visualization process. It dilutes the sense of time and furthermore discovers the possibilities in the context of body, existences and time.
▲ 呼吸,2013
Interactive Installation
微处理机, 电子器件, 防毒面具, 声音, 有机玻璃
Micro-controllers,Electronics,Gas Masks,Sound,Acrylic
160 x 160 x 40 cm
▲ 呼吸 - 局部
This work consists of 12 independent parts settling around the main hanging cylinder. Each part is the hybridization of gas mask, poultry, individual controller and sensor. This presents respiration in a kinetic way. When viewers are approaching from any side, the part will autonomously breath correspondingly as a vivid life. The respiration rate of each individual part depends on the distance the audience is to the work. The scientific simulation builds human interactions between a hybrid "life" body and human. This utilizes an autonomous "life" which functions respond differently to the external environment. The mechanical breathing becomes an interactive medium. Unfolding the relationship between biological systems through internal operations and humans or synthetic human creations and nature. Establishing an unconscious relationship through nonliving characteristics and the viewer. The work ignores people's own sense of subjective existence. It places itself in the relationship between life and experience, discussing the irreversibility of unknown consequences. This results from the dissimilation of humans and nature.
▲ Alibi,2016
Comprehensive Materia
Size Variable
▲ Alibi,现场
▲ Alibi ,方案图
▲ Alibi ,方案图
▲ Alibi ,方案图
▲ Alibi ,方案图
▲ Alibi ,方案图
▲ Alibi ,方案图
▲ Alibi ,方案图
▲ 船·桨,方案图,2016
boating· paddles ,2016
Interactive Installation
木头,桨 ,电机
Woods, Paddles, Motors
Size Variable
艺术档案 > 展览档案 > 展讯发布 > [北京]“自动寓言”张沐辰人机关系艺术项目