Jean Tinguely(让・丁格利)
Let·gayle (Jean Tinguely),1925.5.22-1991.8.30, Gemini. Swiss dadaist painter, sculptor, great master of mechanical experiment art, famous dreammaker in the second half of the 20th century.
让·丁格利(Jean Tinguely),1925.5.22-1991.8.30,双子座。瑞士达达主义画家,雕塑家,伟大的机械实验艺术大师,20世纪下半叶备受世人瞩目的天才造梦家。
Dingley was born into a working family in fribourg, Switzerland, but soon moved to Basel. Dingley spent most of his childhood in solitude, frequently visiting the woods near his home for shelter. It was in this forest that dingley realized his first work of dynamic machinery. "I spent many weekends in the forest, along a stream... It was a fir forest and sounded like a church. I've made a dozen little wooden wheels, each with its own speed, which varies according to the speed of the water.. Their sounds can travel far with the woods. I imagine lonely walkers hearing my symphony before they hear the sound of the forest.
At first glance, dingley's works look like a pile of scrap iron junk. In fact, they are indeed made of "rubbish". The discarded garbage in the industrialization of the new era has a new life under dingley's "magic". Among them, "hail to New York" is an accidental self-destructing machine, which has completed self-deconstruction in 27 minutes. On the one hand, it is undoubtedly a satire on the shining modern New York civilization; on the other hand, it is the evanescent nature of art works, which expresses the complete madness and freedom.
Jean Tinguely's works of art
Such works are doomed to its revolutionary features, and have been full of controversy since their birth. Jean gayle (Jean Tinguely), the second half of the 20th century that the Swiss proud unprecedented avant-garde artists creation way, he claims to be neither carving or plastic, just as a "junk" or "waste" porters, and put them in a specific spatial location, "saving" into a piece of work, and then gives them life,
这样的作品注定了其革命性的特征,从诞生之初就充满了争议。让·丁格利(Jean Tinguely),这位让瑞士人引以为傲的20世纪下半叶前卫艺术家的创作方式可谓史无前例,他号称既不雕也不塑,只是作为一位“垃圾”或者“废物”的搬运工,并将他们放到特定的空间位置,“攒”成一件作品,然后赋予它们生命。
Jean Tinguely's works of ar
Dingley described it as a "disaster simulation," saying: "I wanted to show the end of civilization through modeling." Harold Rosenberg, a famous American art historian and an advocate of action painting, regarded dingley's work as one of the "ICONS of twentieth-century art" that could be compared with duchamp's "the naked woman down the stairs," Picasso's "guernica," and DE conning's "woman one." In the deserts of Copenhagen, Denmark, and Nevada, in late 1961 and early 1962, dingley displayed his self-destructing machine, one of the late century works and two of the late century works respectively. Fireworks and high-explosive drugs were placed in his machines, making the automatic destruction of his works more violent and terrifying. The motorized contraptions have been described as "end-of-the-year studies, self-destructive, energetic and aggressive devil sculptures".
丁格利自称这是一次“灾难的模拟”,他说:“我想通过造型来表现文明的终结。”美国著名艺术史家、行为绘画的倡导者哈罗德·罗森伯格(Harold Rosenberg)将丁格利的这件作品看成是可以与杜尚的《下楼梯的裸女》、毕加索的《格尔尼卡》和德·孔宁的《女人一号》相提并论的“二十世纪艺术的圣像”之一。1961年末和1962年初,丁格利在丹麦哥本哈根和美国内华达州的沙漠中分别展示了他的自毁机器《世纪末习作之一》和《世纪末习作之二》。他这些机器里安放了烟火和高爆炸药,因此作品自动毁灭的情景更加惨烈、更加恐怖。这组机动装置作品被人称作是“世纪末习作,可以自毁、精力充沛而富有攻击性的魔鬼雕塑”。
Jean Tinguely's works of art
▲ jean Tinguely is in the Eiffel Tower square in Paris
People say Jean Tinguely's work is creative, shocking and even philosophical At the very least, his understanding and handling of art and things has led him to create a unique artistic language and aesthetics.
人们说让·丁格利(Jean Tinguely)的作品充满了创造力、震撼人心甚至蕴含哲理……至少,他对艺术及事物的理解及处理方式让他创作出了独一无二的艺术语言和审美。
Jean Tinguely created manuscript paintings
The dingley museum is a must-see for many art lovers traveling to Switzerland. The entire museum was designed by Mario Botta, a renowned Swiss architect, in 1996. As a distinctive architect, bota's works can be seen all over Switzerland, especially in the southern Swiss city of lugano. The name of the dingley museum comes from the name of Jean Tinguely, who we are going to introduce today. Known around the world for his dynamic art in the 20th century, the artist specializes in creating sculptures that can move like mechanical devices out of scrap metal, gears, motors and other materials.
丁格利博物馆无疑是不少艺术爱好者到瑞士旅行的必到之处。一来整个博物馆的建筑由瑞士著名建筑师马里奥·博塔Mario Botta设计,1996年落成。作为一名风格鲜明的建筑师,博塔的作品在瑞士各地都可以一睹,尤其是瑞士南部城市卢加诺。二来丁格利博物馆的名字来源于今天我们要介绍的主角让·丁格利Jean Tinguely。这位二十世纪以动态艺术闻名世界的艺术家,擅长以废旧的金属、齿轮、马达等材料创作出如机械装置一般可以运动的雕塑。