策 展 人:邱志杰 王子月
展览地址:上海明圆当代美术馆 - 上海市永和东路436号,近平型关路
曹曦(长凳)、丰江舟(浮城游生 假象 后宫 微连接)、顾雷(十个人的夜晚 顾不上)、后感性小组(后感性·狂欢 后感性·新潮新闻 后感性·报应)、何其沃(超级紧)、侯莹(介 冉 涂图)、姜若瑜(孔雀东南飞)、金星(中国式交流)、李建军(狂人日记 美好的一天 25.3 km童话)、李宇樑(澳门)(水浒英雄之某甲某乙)、李亦男(有冇)、林兆华(绝对信号 鸟人 哈姆雷特 故事新编 樱桃园 白鹿原 建筑大师 大将军寇流兰)、孟京辉(思凡 一个无政府主义者的意外死亡 恋爱的犀牛 镜花水月 关于爱情归宿的最新观念 两只狗的生活意见 我爱XXX 一个陌生女人的来信)、牟森(彼岸/关于彼岸的汉语语法讨论 零档案 与艾滋有关 上海奥德赛)、荣念曾(香港)(百年之孤寂第四年•拾月 拾日谭·爱在瘟疫蔓延时 香港样板戏 审判卡夫卡之拍案惊奇 九五二三事 百年 孤寂10.0文化大革命 舞台姐妹 夜奔)、孙晓星(————这里是分割线————)、田戈兵(非常高兴)、田沁鑫(断腕 驿站桃花 青蛇 (剧场版) 青蛇(水上版) 罗密欧与朱丽叶)、王翀(雷雨2.0 地雷战2.0)、文慧(和民工一起跳舞 生育报告 和三奶奶跳舞)、汪建伟(屏风 仪式 时间剧场展览)、新工人艺术团(我们的世界、我们的梦想 城市的村庄)、许国权(澳门)(妈妈离家了 上帝说, 有光, 便有了光 七十三家半房客之澳门奇谈)、邢亮(觉-II)、赵川/草台班(2011草台班拉练 不安的石头 世界工厂)、张广天(圣人孔子 眼皮里摘下的梅花 红楼梦 哈姆雷特危机 神佑新丹麦人 杜甫)、张慧(哦!美好的日子! “异象聚小组”作品回顾)、张献(舌头对家园的记忆 左脸 红楼梦 集体舞)、总体艺术工作室(迷宫 理想国2•华西村)
30 Years of experimental theatre
Experimental theatre in Mainland China roseat the end of the seventies, which till now has a history of more than threedecades. Despite the fact that the concept and the realm of “experimentaltheatre” need further discussion and clarification, its existence has no doubtbecome a very important module in Chinese contemporary art. Quantities of greatworks, that are both experimental and widely socially engaging, have beenproduced within the past thirty years by some critical and productive artists,a lot of who are still active nowadays. This exhibition intends to survey thedevelopment of experimental theatre as thorough as possible, while we are veryaware it’s a mission impossible. Including forces inside and outside ofinstitutions, schools, folk and market, we attempt to examine the effects theyhave on the progress of experimental theatre, and the role experimental theatreplays in the spiritual life in contemporary China within the past thirty years,and to address attention to the interdisciplinary practices betweenexperimental theatre and contemporary visual art, photography and videography,dance, and other fields.
Aspiring to provide the audience a chance tore-encounter history, we have selected hundreds of representative works bydozens of artists from the magnificent landscape of the past thirty years, andpresented them in the form of documents. Meanwhile, the exhibition would serveto some extend as an image and video archive of experimental theatre, an idealall-around visual documentation for young researchers. For us, the realexperimental theatre is the vibrant Chinese society itself in the past thirtyyears.
Curators:Qiu Zhijie, Wang Ziyue
Address: MingyuanContemporary Art Museum (#436, East Yonghe Road, Shanghai)
Date: Sep 5th -Oct 5th, 2015
Opening reception date: 4pm, Sep 5
Artists (in alphabetic order, according to the last name):
Cao Xi, Feng Jiangzhou, Gu Lei, HeQiwo, Hoi Kuok Kuen (Macao), Hou Ying, Jiang Ruoyu, Jin Xing, Li Jianjun, LeiYu Leong (Macao), Li Yinan, Lin Zhaohua, Meng Jinghui, Mou Sen, New Worker ArtTroupe, Post-Sense Sensibility Group, SIMA, Sun Xiaoxing, Tian Gebing, TianQinxin, Wang Chong, Wen Hui, Wang Jianwei, Xing Liang, Yung Ning Tsun (HongKong), Zhao Chuan/Grass Stage, Zhang Guangtian, Zhang Hui, Zhang Xian