艺术档案 > 视频档案 > 北京大学公开课︱人工智能原理


2020-03-03 19:05:37.776 来源: 中国大学MOOC 作者:王文敏





Part I. Basics: Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence
1.2 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
1.3 History of Artificial Intelligence
1.4 The State of The Art
1.5 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 1

Part I. Basics: Chapter 2. Intelligent Agent
2.1 Approaches for Artificial Intelligence
2.2 Rational Agents
2.3 Task Environments
2.4 Intelligent Agent Structure
2.5 Category of Intelligent Agents
2.6 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 2

Part II. Searching: Chapter 3. Solving Problems by Search
3.1 Problem Solving Agents
3.2 Example Problems
3.3 Searching for Solutions
3.4 Uninformed Search Strategies
3.5 Informed Search Strategies
3.6 Heuristic Functions
3.7 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 3

Part II. Searching: Chapter 4. Local Search and Swarm Intelligence
4.1 Overview
4.2 Local Search Algorithms
4.3 Optimization and Evolutionary Algorithms
4.4 Swarm Intelligence and Optimization
4.5 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 4

Part II. Searching: Chapter 5. Adversarial Search
5.1 Games
5.2 Optimal Decisions in Games
5.3 Alpha-Beta Pruning
5.4 Imperfect Real-time Decisions
5.5 Stochastic Games
5.6 Monte-Carlo Methods
5.7 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 5

Part II. Searching: Chapter 6. Constraint Satisfaction Problem
6.1 Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs)
6.2 Constraint Propagation: Inference in CSPs
6.3 Backtracking Search for CSPs
6.4 Local Search for CSPs
6.5 The Structure of Problems
6.6 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 6

Part III. Reasoning: Chapter 7. Reasoning by Knowledge
7.1 Overview
7.2 Knowledge Representation
7.3 Representation using Logic
7.4 Ontological Engineering
7.5 Bayesian Networks
7.6 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 7

Part IV. Planning: Chapter 8. Classic and Real-world Planning
8.1 Planning Problems
8.2 Classic Planning
8.3 Planning and Scheduling
8.4 Real-World Planning
8.5 Decision-theoretic Planning
8.6 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 8

Part V. Learning: Chapter 9. Perspectives about Machine Leaning
9.1 What is Machine Learning
9.2 History of Machine Learning
9.3 Why Different Perspectives
9.4 Three Perspectives on Machine Learning
9.5 Applications and Terminologies
9.6 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 9

Part V. Learning: Chapter 10. Tasks in Machine Learning
10.1 Classification
10.2 Regression
10.3 Clustering
10.4 Ranking
10.5 Dimensionality Reduction
10.6 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 10

Part V. Learning: Chapter 11. Paradigms in Machine Learning
11.1 Supervised Learning Paradigm
11.2 Unsupervised Learning Paradigm
11.3 Reinforcement Learning Paradigm
11.4 Other Learning Paradigms
11.5 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 11

Part V. Learning: Chapter 12. Models in Machine Learning
12.1 Probabilistic Models
12.2 Geometric Models
12.3 Logical Models
12.4 Networked Models
12.5 Summary
Quizzes for Chapter 12



单元测试60% 【12个单元测试,共100道题目,占总成绩60分】

[1] 王文敏:《人工智能原理》,高等教育出版社,2019年8月28日

[2] Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig. "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition)". Prentice Hall, Dec. 11, 2009.


[3] Stuart Russell等著,殷建平等译:《人工智能:一种现代的方法 (第3版)》,清华大学出版社,2013年11月1日。


[4] Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, https://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/


[5] Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh and Ameet Talwalkar. "Foundations of Machine Learning". The MITPress, Aug. 17, 2012.






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