艺术档案 > 展览档案 > 策展档案 > 2017卡塞尔文献展作品︱雅典


2017-06-17 12:21:24 来源: 策展人 作者:

Abel Rodríguez
, Ciclo anual en las altas terrazas de la selva tropical (Annual cycle in the high terraces of the rainforest, 2007)
ink on paper

Andreas Ragnar Kassapis
Object 32 (2016)
oil on wood panel

Apostolos Georgiou
0100 (2005), acrylic on canvas
210×230 cm
photo: Boris Kirpotin

Ashley Hans Scheirl
Glorious Restraint, from the series “Painter’s Parody” (2016)
acrylic and oil on canvas
125×175 cm


Christos Papoulias
The House of the Divorced (2014)
colored pencil and graphite on paper
21 × 27 cm (framed)
courtesy Christos Papoulias, Locus Athens


David Harding
Portrait of Samuel Beckett (From a Photograph by Jane Bown) (2016)
graphite on paper
30 × 21 cm

David Schutter
L LB dc 3 (2013)
chalk and crayon on paper
34×24 cm
courtesy David Schutter and Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago


Edi Hila
Boulevard 3 (2015)
oil on canvas
94.5×143×3 cm
photo: Blerta Hoçia

 El Hadji Sy
Les pêcheurs (Fishermen, 2016)
acrylic, mixed media, and string on canvas
2.1×3.5 m, photo: Mamadou Touré dit Behan


El Hadji Sy
Les pêcheurs (Fishermen, 2016)
acrylic, mixed media, and string on canvas
2.1×3.5 m
photo: Mamadou Touré dit Behan


Ganesh Haloi
Untitled (2016)
tempera on paper, mounted on board
47×72.5 cm
courtesy Ganesh Haloi and Akar Prakar, Kolkata


Gordon Hookey
MURRILAND! (2016, detail)
oil on canvas, 2×10 m
© Gordon Hookey/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017, courtesy Gordon Hookey and Milani Gallery, Brisbane
photo: Sam Cranstoun


K. G. Subramanyan(1924–2016)
Ethiopian Nativity (1987)
watercolor and oil on paper
81×61 cm

Lala Rukh
1985 Women’s Action Forum calendar
offset print
61.5×40.5 cm


María Magdalena Campos-Pons and Neil Leonard
La ira de Chango and Zeus I and II (The wrath of Chango and Zeus I and II, 2016),
recycled car metal, ink, acrylic and matte medium, watercolor, and pencil on paper
101.5×73.7 cm each


Miriam Cahn
burkazorn (2010)
oil on canvas
78×46 cm
photo: Etienne Frossard


Mounira Al Solh
four drawings from “I Strongly Believe in Our Right to Be Frivolous” (2012–17), ink, graphite, marker, paint, and thread on paper
30×21 cm each
courtesy Mounira Al Solh and Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut/Hamburg


Nathan Pohio
In a Dream of 200,000,000 Horses (What Horses Teach Us. Willow Creek Press calendar 2016) (2016)
ceramic pigment on vinyl
82 × 318.5 × 4 cm


Nilima Sheikh
A Pastoral (Reading Agha Shahid Ali 16) (2003)
tempera on wasli paper
71×40.5 cm


Nomin Bold
Labyrinth game (2013)
gouache and gold leaf on cotton
160×102 cm
courtesy Nomin Bold and Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane

Pélagie Gbaguidi
Spectrum of Homo mercantilis (2016)
colored pencil on paper
29×21 cm


Pélagie Gbaguidi
Spectrum of Homo mercantilis (2016)
colored pencil on paper
29×21 cm


Rainer Oldendorf
Lost in Prevelakis Hall, Polytechnion, Athens (2016)
whiteboard marker on paper
100×70 cm
courtesy Rainer Oldendorf and Erna Hecey Gallery, Luxembourg


Rainer Oldendorf
Lost in Prevelakis Hall, Polytechnion, Athens (2016)
whiteboard marker on paper
100×70 cm
courtesy Rainer Oldendorf and Erna Hecey Gallery, Luxembourg


Rosalind Nashashibi and Nashashibi/Skaer
In Vivian’s Garden (2016)
oil on canvas
60×90 cm
courtesy Rosalind Nashashibi and Murray Guy, New York


Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
In Vain (1972), carbon copy of typewriting
29.5×21 cm
courtesy Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt and ChertLüdde, Berlin


Sámi Artist Group
Keviselie/Hans Ragnar Mathisen
Máná niehku—Stállu (A child’s nightmare—Stállu, 1974)
lithograph, after a 1969 watercolor
28.2×36.7 cm


Sámi Artist Group
Britta Marakatt-Labba
 Managing (2013, detail), embroidery
38×38 cm

Sámi Artist Group
Synnøve Persen, The Flag (1977)
silkscreen ink on paper
image: 30 × 44 cm, overall: 56.7 × 68 cm


Stanley Whitney
James Brown Sacrifice to Apollo (2008)
oil on linen
183×183 cm
courtesy Stanley Whitney; Team Gallery, New York


Vija Celmins
Untitled (Dark Sky 1) (2016)
40.6×38.1 cm


Gennadius 图书馆


Envoy: Angel of Post-History By Ross Birrell


Bonita Ely 作品
Plastikus Progressus Memento Mori
ASFA ©Stathis Mamalakis



工作室项目Studio14 :Aboubakar Fofanad


 Georgia Sagr
图片来源:Stathis Mamalakis


Marie Zygouri
《The Round-up Project》


图片来源:e-flux Conversations


Beau Dick 面具作品


Rasheed Araeen《 Shamiyaana——Food for Thought:Thought for Change》
图片来源:Yiannis Hadjiaslanis

《Shamiyaana-食物换取思考:思考改变》是英国籍巴基斯坦裔艺术家Rasheed Araeen的作品,他们在雅典的广场上设立了一个帐篷并供应食物。这顶帐篷吸引到远离当代艺术领域的雅典人和叙利亚移民,给予大家一个共享空间,分享一顿美食、一场谈话。


Rebecca Belmore作品
Biinjiya iin Onji
菲洛帕波山 ©Fanis Vlastaras


Hiwa K作品
ODEION ©Mathias Voelzke


雅典当代艺术博物馆 ©Stathis Mamalakis

Beau Dick作品
雅典当代艺术博物馆 ©Mathias Voelzke


德国骑手Tina Boche和匈牙利骑手Zsolt Szabo走在艺术之路上

周日,艺术家罗斯·比雷尔(Ross Birrell)启动了《爱马仕的过境》(The Transit of Hermes),12位骑士将用100天时间,跨越3000公里路程,从希腊雅典出发,一路向北,经过马其顿、塞尔维亚、克罗地亚、斯洛文尼亚、奥地利,最终来到德国卡塞尔,跨越申根和非申根地区,在欧洲地图上画出一条对角线。

这个行动的灵感来源于从布宜诺斯艾利斯到纽约的10000英里马术之旅的传记,瑞士籍阿根廷裔骑手Aimé Félix Tschiffely于1925年至1928年完成了这一旅程,这是一次史诗般的耐力之旅,跨越了边境和战区,也是无数的当代迁徙的寓言。



王兵《15小时》展览现场,影像装置,15小时50分钟 ©第14届卡塞尔文献展(希腊)


王兵《15小时》(静帧画面) © Wang Bing 2017


王兵《15小时》(静帧画面) © Wang Bing 2017



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