【复归 - 重庆首届国际现场艺术节】
One Year Dedication
Dimension Art Center
Nov. 23, 2017
'The 1st Dimensions International Live Art Festival in Chongqing'
DAC has been devoted to exploring the possibilities of making connection with broader fields in modern China since founded. We leverage the Art Festival to practice and discuss in urban and rural fields, using Return: Reflection on Modernity and Development of Locality as main theme to stretch from art language field to society space field.
The main content of the Festival consists of Urban and Rural fields, the two most important society fields we can not ignore in modern China.
重庆是大山大川汇聚之地,城乡空间糅合在一起,对比特别强烈,关于城市现场,我们与20位艺术家一起,将会带领大家进入工业时代的遗留物- “被废弃工厂的巨大躯壳内”进行创作实践,同时也期待借本次机会吸引工厂周边的居民参与进艺术节的公众互动中,增加更多艺术与公众对话的契机。
Chongqing boasts great mountains and big rivers with strong contrast of the mixture of urban and rural spaces. We introduce 20 artists into the relic of a giant abandoned factory in the Urban field from the industrial times to inspire creation and engage people living around to take part in and establish dialogue between art and public.
We introduce many a natural site in the Rural field with local residents to inspire creation and exchange the status quo of Chinese rural lives and cultures in the process of modernization.
During this art festival, we have formed an academic group of seven, which will be sent to the spot of our festival and discuss about the academic theme and everything happens on the spot!
We are honored to have 20 artists from China, Italy, Portland, Japan, Austria, Argentina, German etc. Together we will present the festival in the live art field.
复归 - 重庆首届国际现场艺术节
The 1st Dimensions International Live Art Festival in Chongqing
学术讨论|Academic Discussion:
讲座 Lecture
周斌:《现场艺术龙门阵》Bin Zhou:“Chat of Live Art”
时间|Time:2017.11.23 14:00-15:30
Address:In the meeting hall on the second floor of DAC
林汉坚:《文化传承和现场艺术》Hanjian Lin:“Cultural Heritage and Live Arts”
时间|Time:2017.11.24 14:00-15:00
Address:In the meeting hall on the second floor of DAC
第一现场|First field:
城市 Urban
开幕式+现场创作 Opening Ceremony + Performance:
时间|Time:2017.11.25 14:00-18:00
2017.11.26 14:00-18:00
Address:Chongqing power plant "granulation field"
文献展开幕 Document Opening Ceremony:
时间|Time:2017.11.25 19:30
Address:In the exhibition hall A of DAC
第二现场|Second field:
乡村 Rural
现场创作 Performance:
时间|Time:2017.11.27 14:00-18:00
Address:No.1 Community, Zhong Liang Village, Hua Yan Town, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing.
Antonio Bertoni [ 意大利 | I TA ]
段英梅&韩萧寒 Yingmei Duan & Xiaohan Han [ 德国&中国 | GER&CN ]
邓上东 Shangdong Deng [ 中国 | CN ]
Ewa Maria Śmigielska [ 波兰 | POL ]
高元 Yuan Gao [ 中国 | CN ]
和丽斌 Libin He [ 中国 | CN ]
李琨 Kun Li [ 中国 | CN ]
Megumi Shimizu 清水惠美 [ 日本 | JP ]
Michael Pöllinger [ 奥地利 | AT ]
Nicoleta Auersperg [ 阿根廷 | ARG ]
普耘 Yun Pu [ 中国 | CN ]
任前 Qian Ren [ 中国 | CN ]
童文敏 Wenmin Tong [ 中国 | CN ]
Tomasz Vollmann [ 波兰 | POL ]
王彦鑫 Yanxin Wang [ 中国 | CN ]
信王军 Wangjun Xin [ 中国 | CN ]
伊可 Ke Yi [ 中国 | CN ]
张云峰&李海光 Yunfeng Zhang & Haiguang Li [ 中国 | CN ]
艺术总监 Art Director:曾途 Tu Zeng
学术顾问 Academic Adviser:周斌 Bin Zhou
策展人 Curator:胡燕子 Yanzi Hu
Commentators:Qingwei Lan, Hanjian Lin, Ruijun Shen, Meng Tian
执行统筹 Coordination:何京 Jing He
总务 General Services:胡克 Ke Hu
公共关系 Public Relations:邵丽桦 Lihua Shao
社会关系统筹 Social Relations Leader:张罗娜 Luona Zhang
影像监制 Image Producer:李济深 Jishen Li
Assistances: Ling Chen, Zhi Geng, Haoqiao Jiang, Xuan Wang, Ye Xie, Xiaoting Xu, Yuanshuai, Xizi Yu, Xianfan Zhu, Yaofang Zhang, Yuxian Zhou, Zhenzhu Zhang
主办单位 | Sponsored by:
十方艺术中心 Dimensions Art Center(DAC)
协办单位 | Coorganized by:
成都UP-ON向上现场艺术空间 UP-ON Live Art Space
欧洲艺术文化中心 European Art and Culture Centre
乡土建筑及工业遗产研究中心 Vernacular Architecture & Industrial Heritage RC
重庆意中文化传播有限公司 Chongqing ltaly-China Culture Communication Co.,Ltd
ESL建筑工程事务所 ESL Studio Architecture Ingegneria S.a.s
羽目影像摄影工作室 Yu Mu Studio
支持单位 | Supported by:
重庆市九龙坡区黄桷坪造粒厂 Huangjueping Granulation Plant of Jiulongpo District, Chongqing
四川美术学院跨媒体个性化工作室 Individual Cross Media Studio of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
四川美术学院国际化艺术拔尖人才英语培养计划 Internationalized Arts Talents Program of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
西南田野创作社 Southwest Field Creation Community
同力天得(香港)有限公司 ASG Project(HK)Ltd
前线 Art Edge
先生书院 Master Academy
重庆雅创服饰集团 YACO
重庆版权超市 Chongqing Copyright Mall
商界传媒集团 BIZ Media Group
手艺网 91 craft
中华手工 Handicraft
门唱片 MEN Records
大师有空APP Da Shi You Kong
1314杂志 1314 Magazine
灰空间 Chaos Art Space
洛克青年 Youth Rock
后学院 Post-academic
喵儿石 Mao er' Art & Creative Zone
艾托比亞国际艺术中心 Artopia International Art Center
重庆面包画据文化传播有限责任公司 BreadInfographic Design Agency
山东雷欧程控科技有限公司 Shandong Leock Technological Co., Ltd.
成都街子古镇蜗居客栈 Lovely Dwelling Inn in Jiezi Ancient Town, Chengdu;