开幕酒会:2019.04.08 15:00-18:00(星期一)
电话:+ 86 - (0) 28 8512 6358
▲ 童文敏, 草坪, 行为影像, 5分钟58秒,单频高清影像(彩色,无声),2018,中国重庆中梁村. Ed.5+2AP
TongWenming, Lawn, Performance video, 5 mins58sec,single - channel HD video(color,no sound),2018, ZhongliangVillage,Chongqin, China. Ed.5+2AP
▲ 童文敏,工厂项目-594厘米的认同, 行为影像, 25分钟20秒,单频高清影像(彩色,有声), 2016,重庆合伟铁艺厂. Ed.5+2AP
TongWenming,FactoryProject- the Identification of 594cm, Performance video, 25mins20sec,single- channel HD video(color,sound),2016, ChongqingHewei IronCrafts Factory , China. Ed.5+2AP
Tong Wenmin: Escape From Discipline
Duration: 08/04/2019 –09/06/2019
Opening: 08/04/2019, 15:00-18:00, Mon
Organizer: A Thousand Plateaus Art Space
Artists: Tong Wenmin
Curator: Ni Kun
Media: Performance video, Performance photography, Performance painting, Performance installation
Venue: A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, South Square, Tiexiang Temple Riverfront, Shengbang Street, High-tech Development Zone, Chengdu, China
Tel: + 86 - (0) 28 8512 6358
Mail: info@1000plateaus.org
A Thousand Plateaus Art Space is honored to present the solo exhibition of the artist Tong Wenmin: “Tong Wenmin: Escape From Discipline” on 08.04.2019. We will exhibit Tong’s works from 2016 to 2018.
In the past few years, Tong Wenmin's artistic practice has been based on "body-performance.” It’s real and direct, opposing the behavioral preaching that has appeared in the earlier Chinese cultural scene known as the Enlightenment. Her performance is more connected to the individual and everyday life.
▲ 童文敏,盘旋, 行为影像, 6分钟9秒,单频高清影像(彩色,有声), 2017,中国四川红白镇. Ed.5+2AP
TongWenming,Hover, Performance video, 6mins9sec,single- channel HD video(color,sound),2016, HongbaiTown,Sichuan Province, China. Ed.5+2AP
Tong Wenmin's performance can be roughly divided into two directions: the white cube/indoor space - in which the audience participates in her live performance; and the personal body works that occur in the public social space. The exhibited 2016 series “Factory Plan” is her most definitive work in recent years. It refers to the shift of the artist's focus – from emphasizing the individual as well as introspective physical and emotional expressions, to more proactive attempts to incite different, real social situations through her individual actions while still remaining the consistent to her poetry and honesty. A body with consciousness and warmth, and a body that is unwilling to be disciplined or classified can be considered an escape from discipline.
This exhibition focuses on her focal transformation. At the beginning of the artist's career path, letting the body return to the real social field is an important and necessary choice. Globalization strengthens capital and mobility, and it also promotes discussions about nomadism and reconciliation. But this is just the start - physicality /localization /global context are the artist’s future focuses.
▲ 童文敏
Tong Wenmin
WenminTong, born in 1989. Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the SichuanFine Arts Institute in 2012. Now living and working in Chongqing. Performanceart is her main artistic creation way. She is activing in the live communication of International Performance . She alsocreates and exhibits her performance artworks in several countries and regions,including Poland, Hungary, German,Australia, Israel, Iran,Japan, NewZealandThailand, Hong Kong, Macao and so on. her creation is focus on exploringthe intersection of the covert perceptions of people and the reality ofcircumstance. She use the poetic action of body to expresses the thought of themankind's existence situations。She explore the wild way ofthinking and the meaning of modern life .