艺术档案 > 行为档案 > [展讯]第十六届OPEN国际行为艺术节 —“合作”

[展讯]第十六届OPEN国际行为艺术节 —“合作”

2015-08-31 13:40:40 来源: artda.cn艺术档案 作者:artda


“OPEN 打开国际行为艺术节”是在中国第一个也是规模最大、历史最长的一个非官方民间国际行为艺术节,创始于2000年,设计为每年一届,旨在中国建立“自由的国际行为艺术平台”。第十六届“OPEN打开国际艺术节”艺术总监陈进,邀请张海涛、付晓东作为本届艺术节的策展人,今年艺术节侧重研究行为艺术“跨界与合作”的可能性,将于2015年9月4日一11日在798艺术区空间站举办。

The “OPEN International Performance Art Festival” is China’s first, largest and longest running unofficial international performance art festival. From its inaugural festival in 2000, The aim of the annual “OPEN International Performance Art Festival” is to establish a “free platform for performance art” in China. Chen Jin, art director of the 16th “OPEN International Performance Art Festival,” has invited Fu Xiaodong as this year festival’s curator. The research focus of this year’s festival explores the possibilities of “cross-border collaboration” within performance art. The upcoming festival will be held 9.4-9.11 at Space Station, located in 798 Art Zone. 


16th OPEN International Performance Festival “Collaborate” 

艺术总监 | Art Director: 陈进 | Chen Jin 

策展人 | Curators:付晓东张海涛 | Fu Xiaodong, Zhang Haitao

主办方 | Organizer:空间站 | Space Station


陈进策划《无题》 [2015.9.4  14:30~21:30]

合作者:B. Hinman(美国)、Erica Sklenars (新西兰)、黄成、何成云、荒井真一(日本)、韩涛、胡懿菲、刘南茜(中国香港)、Nathalie Mba Bikoro(加蓬/法国Gabonese/French)、张圆、张卓良(加拿大)

Chen Jin’s “Untitled” : B. Hinman (USA), Erica Sklenars (New Zealand), Huang Cheng, He Chengyun, Huang Jing Zhenyi (Japan), Han Tao, Hu Yifei, Liu Nanqian (Hong Kong, China) Nathalie MBA Bikoro (Gabonese/French), Zhang Yuan, Zhang Zhuoliang (Canada)

谭海山策划《叽哩呱啦》[2015.9.5   14:30~17:30]


Tan Haishan’s “Loud Chatter”: Luo Si, Jin Muyan, Song Xi, Yang Xinjia, Tan Haishan, Yuan Xingtang, Li Qiuren, Wang Ling, PAPO Group (Huang Qicai, Cheng Sanwa, Si Jianwei, Wang Feng)

BCome《阴道之道》 [2015.9.5   19:00~21:30]

BCome’s “Vagina Road”

双飞艺术中心策划《双飞外卖》+《最外层皮肉》  [2015.9.6   14:30~17:30]


Double Fly Art Center’s “Double Fly Take-Out” + “Outer Flesh”: Liu Zhongyu

何利平策划《日常切片》 [2015.9.6   19:00~21:30]


He Liping’s “Daily Slice”: He Liping, Audience members 

韩冰策划《拉面人生(Ramen Life)》 [2015.9.7   14:30~17:30]


Han Bing’s “Ramen Life”: Sun Shaokun, Han Bing, Duo Duo 

清水惠美策划《梦上连接(variation) 》  [2015.9.7   19:00~21:30]

合作者:Adel Andalibi(伊朗)、Alessandro Rolandi(意大利)、李子沣、清水惠美Megumi Shimizu(日本)、于伯公、姚薇

Qing Shui Hui Mei’s “Variation”: Adel Andalibi(Iran), Alessandro Rolandi (Italy), Li Zifeng, Megumi Shimizu (Japan), Yu Bogong, Yao Wei

朱利页策划《腾蛟起凤》 [2015.9.8  14:30~21:30]


Zhu Liye’s “Dragon + Phoenix Rising”: Terminal Flirtatious Cancer Group, Indigo Garden Dance Troupe 

叶甫纳策划《哈哈镜》  [2015.9.9   14:30~17:30]

合作者:范学超、郭兴悦、刘陆芳、罗森、 李叶 、李子奕、邵振兴、王宋鑫、杨江有 、杨兰、张海龙、张术、张昱       

Ye Funa’s “Laughing Mirror”: Fan Xuechao, Guo Xingyue, Liu Fufang, Luo Sen, Li Ye, Li Ziyi, Shao Zhenxing, Wang Songxin, Yang Jiangyou, Yang Lan, Zhang Hailong, Zhang Shu, Zhang Yu

乌云装扮者、杨紫策划《PAPAPA泡泡纸再见》 [2015.9.9   19:00~21:30]


Cloud Attire, Yang Zi’s “PAPAPA Good Bye Bubble Paper”: Han Xinyi

石可策划《结》  [2015.9.10  8:00~20:00]


Shi Ke’s “Knot”: Deng Hanbin, Li Yao, Shi Ke, Ceng Burong

刘成瑞策划《其身无血》 [2015.9.11  14:30~18:00]


Liu Chengrui’s “Bloodless Body”: Chen Jingshi 

华韡华《此时此地》[2015.9.11   19:00~21:30]

Hua Weihua's"Here and Now"



Chen Youtong’s WeChat Interactive Game “Collaboration” (Online Project): wechat followers 


Festival Schedule 


展期:2015年9月4日-11日 (每日下午场14:30-17:30,晚场18:30-21:30)


媒体支持:艺术档案网 www.artda.cn


Opening: 9.4, 2015 14:30

Dates: 9.4-9.11-2015 (Every Afternoon14:30-17:30, Evening 18:30-21:30

Festival Venue: Space Station (Space Station, NO. 4 Jiuxianqiao Rd, 798 Art District, Beijing)

Media Support: Art Archive www.artda.cn

Contact Number: 59789671





Collaboration and Site Specificity 

text: Fu Xiaodong 

 “Collaboration” involves “the other’s” mutual “encounters” within a specific space. Twelve events in 7 days will be planned exclusively by artists. Within this time and space, multiple webs of intersubjectivity will be established between the performer and the audience. The borders between chance, flesh, narrative, life, and drama all collide with one another. Different logical relationships and symbolic systems are combined, generating both contradiction and communion, tension and ambiguity, tension and relaxation, all whose excitement appears within this space. Every happening in this space, each rehearsal, carries a theoretical logic. Even when abounding with chance, intuition, improvisation, and different creative backgrounds and knowledge structures, there are still beautiful fireworks of flourishing pluralistic aesthetics. 

Within this time-based structure and displacement of space and body, artists may create a heightened sense of tension and focus among the audience. When this mode of thinking is activated, these daily experiences are wildly different that anything experienced before. Only through the living arts may this domain gradually unfold. 





Collaborative Action 

text: Zhang Haitao 

The theme of this year’s performance art festival focuses on “collaboration,” the first-ever thematic attempt in the history of the “OPEN International Performance Art Festival.” “Collaborative Action” is the concept of cross-performance art. Collaboration establishes artists with other artists, co-creating with forms of cross-media, cross-domain and cross-identity. The structure of the exhibition consists of curator and artist collaborations. Artists also engage in their own curation efforts, collaborating with friends and learning from one another through technical and supplemental means, or complementing with one another conceptually.  

Collaboration is a type of artistic language and is an exhibition structural method. It is a harmonizing inclusive relationship between people. Collaboration reflects a spiritual contract. Informal cooperation during this era of “deceit” is the embodiment of integrity and charisma. Contemporary communities currently sway between the relationship between assimilation and alienation. Assimilation is information-based. The physical boundaries of psychological barriers are easily broken, subjected to extreme unification and even centralization; alienation is individual, an alternative embodiment. But alienation will also face ethical conflicts. People often grow old and die without ever coming in contact with one another. This will eventually run its course. 

Groups, teamwork, and the division between labor and cooperation creates laws of survival, primarily, mutual transformation and the process of coordination between assimilation and alienation. 


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