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化鹏(Dai Peng)

2013-04-18 12:52:56 来源: artda.cn艺术档案 作者:artda

化鹏(Dai Peng)


2012  中国第九届独立影像年度展,南京

2011  深圳湾国际艺穗节,深圳
     “录像艺术终端”--The Region of Veneto,威尼斯TheSeven Projects主办
      2011年希腊Video艺术节Miden Kalamata’s Historic Centre,希腊

2010  “灰色想象”,当代唐人艺术中心,香港
2009   横滨电子艺术节杭州单元,横滨

2012    LOST-标本丢了钥匙,清影当代艺术空间, 杭州


LOST 影片截图

LOST 影片截图

LOST 影片截图

LOST 影片截图

LOST 影片截图

LOST 展览现场

LOST 展览现场

LOST 展览现场







Self Introduction for "LOST"

For creating the animation "LOST", I have spent the whole year to find my own way of working. Without any assistants, I do not need to explain anything to anyone else, which would make the artwork much more interesting.

The animation is the concrete and essence of the time. Every single frame could contain a flash of moment or a history. The long, slow and time-consuming creation process is a kind of contradiction of the fast-pacing society. It is a kind of private way of creation. And I get to know myself more in that process.

By creating the animation, I try to find a new kind of visual language and material. I use all those material that can be easily found in our mundane life, like tracing paper, common paper, glass and lamps. I print, cut, slice, create collages and glue them together with different types of tracing paper to create every element in the animation, then shoot them on glass piled upon the lamps. In this way, the animation makes its way.

Just like the word "LOST" means, I think it's kind of a self-transforming process.

As the animation began with a scene of silent, spiritual mountain, with the up-coming heavy rain, like a dream, the tearing anxiety of self-destroying along side with a catastrophe were pushing everything in front of the eyes into a vanishing point in the distance, then diminishing in the end. When the eyes opened once again, there was still the scene of spiritual mountain, though it was blurred. Sometimes, the silence may be disrupted by sudden noises, while the noise may be also sinked and buried into the silence of the sea. All in all, just like an ephemeral bubble in my dream.    

上一篇: 裴丽(Pei Li)  下一篇: 方璐(Fang Lu..   


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