O2art is honored to announce that the solo exhibition “Artificial Theater -Act II” of artist Zhang Wei will be presented from August 18 to September 30, 2020.
Zhang Wei restates his concern for body and identity with his deep visual language. He is an artist who creates virtual images through photography. His works are permeated with the control of structure, proportion, outline, light and shade as well as the spirit of the characters. The whole process of image making is full of those thrilling moments of painting.
The group of works of "Artificial Theater - Profile Portraits of Unknown Women " is based on the image of the characters in the Western Landmark painting works. By combining the body parts of hundreds of ordinary people, the real images are completely disappeared and broken through artificial exchange. Zhang Wei takes the initiative to eliminate the chance and moment, but the image has the persuasive power of penetrating consciousness, creating a brand-new, virtual portrait of ordinary women. Together with us are our fixed views on these "standard images" created by Western painting masters.
He had come to realize that in the modern world, people’s sense of identity is formed by mass media and advertising. Self-worth is measured against that of entertainers, leaders and heroes promoted by a consumer-driven society. In an effort to show how these external influences affect self-definition, he took elements of his earlier portraits of everyday Chinese people and combined them using Photoshop — and perhaps a touch of alchemy — to create virtual portraits of the personalities that, Mr. Zhang said, for better or worse, shaped today’s Chinese mind-set.
—— New York Times JAMES ESTRIN
「关于艺术家 About Artist」
曾获得2019中国金熊猫杰出摄影艺术家奖,2016保诚亚洲当代艺术奖提名,2013色影无忌中国年度新锐摄影师大奖,同年入选中国摄影年度排行榜,2011获得TOP20·中国当代摄影新锐奖, 2010获得 Global Times2010国际风尚年度新锐艺术家大奖,2009获得亚洲主权艺术奖提名奖,同年获得丽水国际摄影大奖。曾在意大利Galleria Immerso,西安美术馆+西安新艺术中心,瑞士ART & PUBLIC+日内瓦摄影中心,第六届连州国际摄影年展等地举办个展。作品被美国科恩家族艺术基金会,美国芝加哥当代摄影博物馆,中央美院美术馆,上海龙美术馆,上海摄影中心,上海昊美术馆,广东美术馆,成都当代影像馆,丽水摄影博物馆,谷仓当代影像馆收藏。
Zhang Wei was born in Shangluo city, Shaanxi province of China in 1977, now lives and works in NowYork.
He was nominee by Outstanding Photographer 2019 Golden Panda Photography Awards 2016 Prudential Eye Awards Contemporary Asian Art, won the prize of 2013 New Photo Award of China and in the same year was selected in the photography annual ranking. In 2011, won the prize of The Top 20 of China. In 2010, won the prize of The Global Times 2010 Artists Award Of The Year. 2009 was nominee by Sovereign Asian Art Prize and in the same year won the prize of Lishui Photography Festival Award. Solo exhibitions at Galleria Immerso, Italy,Xian art Museum, Xian new art center, Xian, China,Art & Public Geneva Switzerland,Yuan Art Museum, Beijing, China,6th Lianzhou International Photo Festival, Lianzhou, China Art & Public Cabinet PH, Geneva Switzerland and Centre de la Photographie.Collected by MOCP Museum of Contemporary photography, Guangdong Museum of Art, GuCang Center of, Contemporary Photography, Shanghai Center of Photography, Lishui Photography Museum, How Museum, Kunstraum Villa Friede, Long Museums, ChengDu Contemporary Image Museum.