艺术档案 > 影像档案 > [上海]另一种讲述——中国新十年影像录


2011-10-28 16:01:41 来源: 艺术档案网 作者:artda


艺 术 家:曹斐 陈熹 韩五洲 黄奎 李明 李牧 梁玥 楼南立 B6 宋涛 苏文祥 孙逊   徐渠 徐震 张炜 周滔 张鼎 祖伟民
策 展 人:Raul zamudio,Annie   
开幕酒会:2011.11.5, 5:00 - 8:00 pm
展览时间:2011.11.5 - 2011.12. 20
展览地点:其他画廊 - 上海空间 - 上海市普陀区莫干山路50号9号楼101 

“另一种讲述”是中国艺术家的一次影像艺术展览,这些艺术家在众多途径中拓展了这一艺术类型。这次展览也许被同时看做是一场当下的评定和对历史的回顾。同样地,这只是这种艺术形式的某部分历史,也是其他中国艺术家正在做的其他艺术形式的异种实践,比如油画,雕塑,行为和摄影。没有一种主流风格或是绘画美学可以被定性为“中国的”,中国绘画集合了所有的国际性艺术实践,它的国际化特质正说明了这一点。同样地,中国的影像艺术和在英国,美国或是其他国家一样多元化。这次展览的副标题也需要一些解释:它暗示了对中国的影像艺术的迅速发展的惊讶和吃惊;这个副标题不仅仅在形容影像艺术的多样化,也是在形容中国艺术家们的高水平作品。      展览名称“另一种讲述”说得很明白,中国的影像艺术是一个特别多元的范畴,它在极其迅速的成长,变得更加复杂和精巧。这次展览中精心挑选的作品强有力地证明了这一点。艺术家们正在扩展影像艺术形式和观念的语言,他们方法只说是令人惊叹,或者不可思议。  

Alternative Narrative is an exhibition of video art by Chinese artists who have expanded the genre in numerous ways. And though the exhibition may seem as both an up-to-date assessment as well as looking back to its emergence, by the same token, it is only a fractured historiography for this art form is as much a heterogeneous practice as other genres that Chinese artists are working in today including painting, sculpture, performance, and photography, for example. There is not one dominant style or painting aesthetic that can be characterized as Chinese, for the global nature of Chinese painting underscores this as it rubs up against all forms of international practices. Similarly, then, the state of Chinese video art is as diversified as any of its counterparts in the UK, US, or any other country.  The subtitle of the exhibition also needs some clarification as well: it alludes to nothing short of astonishment if not unimaginable how quickly video art in China has exponentially advanced; and the subtitle is not only descriptive for the sheer diversity of video as well as the high level of accomplishment of its Chinese practitioners.    As the exhibition Alternative Narrative makes quite clear, Chinese video art is an extremely diversified field that is only exponentially growing and subsequently getting more complex and sophisticated. The selected, albeit strong, examples presented in this exhibition underscore this. Already artists are working and expanding the formal and conceptual vocabularies of video art in ways that can only be characterized as astonishing if not…well…unimaginable.

作 品 Works

 给我一个吻  录像  3分钟  2002年
Give me a kiss , Video , 3 ', 2002
Thank you, take a look at me, give you, a kisses …… to you, a kisses ……  


 至远星 动画 4分44秒  2011年
To the Stars , animation video , 4'44'' , 2011

这是一个与之前创作的绘画有所关联的影像,地球在人类的威胁下 再适合居住,艺术家描绘 那些离开之前的情景:体能训练、用意念控制环境的训练、人们不断被装入各种航天载具,然而强烈的希望通常转变成一种强烈的不安。片末出现一个身穿宇航服的独孤身影,伴随着“Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star”的微弱歌声,反映出对现实的失望、恐惧及无可奈何。
This work is related to the painting made by the artist earlier. The earth is no longer a heaven for man as it has been heavily polluted by its residents. Artist depicts the scene before man’s departure for an outer space destination: physical training, and man being loaded to all sorts of spacecrafts. But the strong hope turns into a harassing unrest. The lonely sight of an astronaut in space suit appears in the end of the work. When the familiar melody of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star goes on, everyone can feel the cause of “leaving in jet”: the disappointment, fear and helplessness in the everyday world.


 国歌 数字影像 1分19秒  2011年
March on , Digital video , 1'19'' , 2011

National Anthem
The idea is to play national anthem in a humble corner in the outskirts of the town. The anthem is coupled with audience’s reaction.It is in such an environment and time that a song is played.The passersby just walk pass, not seem to be bothered by the performance.The national anthem is charged with excessive meanings and information, making the whole image tricky and subtle.Quietly and weakly, nothing seems to have happened.This is the ambiguity I want to convey.  

优秀市民奖  行为/录像  2007
Outstanding Citizen Award , Performance/Video , 2007

给闯红灯的同志颁发“优秀市民奖”,除奖状外还有奖金。艺术家亲自参与整个行动,用诙谐、调侃的语言给我们上演 一出滑稽戏,男女老少之过路行人都被艺术家带入角色,真实却又荒谬,芸芸众生之相令观者感慨。
Awarding “Excellent Citizen Prize” and bonus for those who run red lights, the artist directs the whole performance, staging a parody for us with humorous and mocking language. All the passersby, man, woman, elderly and young, are brought into play by the artist, real, yet absurd. The behavior of the people triggers thinking of all the spectators. 

《武侠之 哈哈哈哈哈》  单视频录像  03分27秒  2011年
Swordsman: Hahahahaha , Single Channel Video , 3'27'' , 2011

《武侠之 哈哈哈哈哈》是“武侠”系列中的一部单视频录像。“武侠”指向是香港邵氏武侠电影。具体是邵氏电影的美学风格。“喇叭”,在录像厅盛行80年代,是一个掩盖器,它在城镇乡村的公众区域用简单粗暴的方式传递出江湖的刀枪棍棒,腥风血雨,它也是烟雾缭绕的录像厅中风月片的最佳障眼法,它能代表录像厅的时间,也能将记忆拉回到80年代。“哈哈哈哈哈”是对录像厅播放武侠电影最清晰的记忆,它是电影中武林角色最常见的一种态度,笑声的大小和音调通常是配合着角色的正邪立场的。视频《哈哈哈哈哈》中的喇叭和笑声便是对各种侠士的扮演。
Hahahahaha is a single channel video in Swordsman series. By “Swordsman” I am referring to those movies made by Shaw Brothers, especially their unique style.Loudspeakers were used to cover the real events going on in the video club in the 1980’s. They on one hand gave a hint with the rough and violent sound of fighting scenes of what was being played inside the video club, and on the other hand covered up the movies that were sometimes played which were not supposed to be shown publicly. They are icons of the heydays of video club, pulling us back to the 1980’s.“Hahahahaha”, the sound of laughter, is what we remember most about showing swordsman movie in video clubs. In various scenes the roles in the movie would laugh, the volume and tone of which is determined by the side those roles take. The loudspeaker and laughers indicate the actor’s performance as knights and warriors

禅之漫步  影像  4分钟  2011年
Zen for Walking ,  video , 4' , 2011

2011年,我在上海虹口区的一条街道上重新表演了白南准( Nam June Paik)的《禅之漫步》。我牵着一只小提琴在街上漫步,提琴发出摩擦地面的噪音,混杂在街道的喧嚣声中。整个过程中,很少有人注意到并观看我的表演,大家都在忙碌着 ,买菜、赶路。只有一只小狗对我吼了几声,算是对我的表演表示关注。
I rehearsed Nam June Paik’s Zen for Walking in a street in Hongkou District, Shanghai. I walked in the street, pulling a violin behind. The noise of violin rubbing the ground could not be heard in the din of the street. I was hardly noticed throughout the performance. Everyone was busy walking to work or shopping. The only spectator was a dog; it barked at me, in order to show me its attention. 

楼上的幽灵  视频 | 单路  1分钟  2001年
The ghost upstairs , Video | Single channel , 1' , 2001

This is an artwork that would even amuse the artist herself. She is amazed by this raw recording of her early life. This is the phantom that appears in the minds of girls of the same age, a simple and natural recognition of this plain and barren world. The only thing that makes it vulgar and blatant is its unmediated style.


 城市之音  录象视频  5.1 环境电子音乐
Sound Of The City , Video + 5.1 Electronic Ambient Music

Sound Of The City是一个的关于城市声音与视觉景观的系列新媒体作品,是一个不断进行与扩大中的长期艺术项目。
‘Sound Of The City’ is a series of new media art pieces about city sound and landscape, which is also an on-going project.
Artist finished parts of Shanghai and Hangzhou in 2010 Fall. all the sound clips were gathered from field recording, B6 used the technology of electronic music production to abstract the clips, and present the result with multi-channels; the video materials were edited, overlapped, composed, and presented by multi-screens.
'sound of the city' tried to deconstruct the sound and visual materials, and to interpret landscape of the city, B6 also wants to present how we accept or reject our own listening and viewing. 

4.7G系列之三-四国   视频 | 单路  6分钟  2007年
4.7G-03-Four Countries , Video | Single channel , 6' , 2007

This is the third work by 4.7G. Four Kingdoms is a plain record of a bunch of young man playing chess game. This scene is so normal that we tend to neglect them; yet it represents our everyday life: bantering, laughing, feeling angry and abusing. In the background music played by B6, five young men play chess game, chatting, smoking, and bantering. This is the life of game and life in the city.


减速  录像  4分48秒  彩色16:9  有声循环  2010
Slow Down,Video, 4'48", Color, 16:9, Sound Loop,2010

13 kilometers away from the starting point of Beijing-Baotou railway, I fix a thread to one side of the rail, and hold the end on the other, trying to block the train, or at least lower its speed a little, just a little …

黑色咒语   视频 | 单路  7分56秒 2008年
Coal Spell, Video , 7’56’’, 2008


一 座神秘的黑暗之城,风暴肆虐,黄沙漫天。城市中心,几座巨大的建筑冲向天际,喷出滚滚浓烟,遮天避日,终日不见阳光。一种主义的声响日以夜继,千日不绝, 用以驱逐人们对这个世界的种种好奇与揣测!这是一间囚禁着历史的巨大的监牢,亦是一头性情凶残暴戾而且喜怒无常的怪兽,直到有一天,人们驱动着发出撕心裂 肺吼叫的苏联挖掘机,粗暴掀开巨大的地皮,渐渐接近这个城市的心脏......甚至可以窥视历史的变幻!
Coal Spell, inspired by this old five Yuan RMB note, is an account of the rise and fall of Fuxin, an old industrial coal city located in northeastern China. As a result of the experiences and nostalgia of his upbringing, the artist began to question both History and Power:

徐 渠
行为录像《逆水行舟 》  版数:2/3   14分58秒  彩色标清  2011年
Upstream ,  Edition:2/3 , 14'58'' , Color , 2011

This video records the artist and his fiend’s boat adventure in a stink creek called Liangmahe River near his residence. They made to downtown area Beijing in boat. The artist tries to trigger certain thinking with such performance, which could appear boring, yet is full of signification. In this work we see a pervasive boredom, and the artist’s perception of the world.


巡回演出  视频 | 多路   2000年
Road show , 3 channel video installation , 2000

徐震将自己装扮成一个说唱乐手,三个屏幕同时播放着他台上举着麦克风奋力表演的场景。而在这一煽动人心的视觉画面之外,观众听到的却是他低 弱的模仿性爱的声音。伴随着高潮的到来,台下观众的情绪被充分调动,尖叫和口哨声也渐趋热烈,似乎达到了一种互动。而事实上,屏幕中至始至终没有出现台下 欢呼的观众。
Xu Zhen plays rap singer; the three screens simultaneously show the scenes of him singing hard with microphone in his hand. However, outside the hot scenes being shown, audience hears Xu imitating the sound of having sex. As the performance in screens arrive at the climax, the audience’s whistle and exclaim could be heard, as if responding to Xu’s performance. But in fact the cheering audience never appears in the screen.


我梦见你在一亿年后的黑暗苍穹下  动画影象  5分钟   2011年
I dream you in the dark sky after 100 million years ,  Animation , 5' , 2011

Short film in a narrative way, put an own feeling, experience and imagination in a specific time and space launch, in the realistic predicament and surreal dream free, in the individual the endless struggle, trying to find his lost ancient shell.  

互助练习  单屏录像  10分54秒  2009年
Mutual Exercise , Single channel video, 10'545'' , 2009

Mutual exercise is some practices and experiences in a mutual way between my friend and me in the public space. We provide each other with our bodies to move forward mutually and to rehearse different kinds of common actions, according to the unostentatious and interesting scenes and objects. When we are still, it seems that we were just the same as all those ordinary people around. 

大时代   摄影  102.0 * 153.0 cm (40" * 60")  2007年
Great Era  , Photo , 102.0 * 153.0 cm (40" * 60"), 2007

Zhang Ding’s latest work The Great Era (2007) is a Fellini-style surrealist short movie, taking Shanghai as the background of the stage. Accompanied by the background music, the hero wanders in the street on a bicycle, which is decorated with a horse head mask.


厕所  影像  5分30秒  2002年
Toilet , video , 5'30'' , 2002

The work has a typical quality of silent movie, very normal, yet provides a window to the reality in China. Made in an urban village outside the college campus where the artist attended, the work features simple plot, impressive music, and an air of black humor. The smooth narrative of young men’s prank throws the audience into laughter.

Alternative Narrative is an exhibition of video art by Chinese artists who have expanded the genre in numerous ways. And though the exhibition may seem as both an up-to-date assessment as well as looking back to its emergence, by the same token, it is only a fractured historiography for this art form is as much a heterogeneous practice as other genres that Chinese artists are working in today including painting, sculpture, performance, and photography, for example. There is not one dominant style or painting aesthetic that can be characterized as Chinese, for the global nature of Chinese painting underscores this as it rubs up against all forms of international practices. Similarly, then, the state of Chinese video art is as diversified as any of its counterparts in the UK, US, or any other country.  The subtitle of the exhibition also needs some clarification as well: it alludes to nothing short of astonishment if not unimaginable how quickly video art in China has exponentially advanced; and the subtitle is not only descriptive for the sheer diversity of video as well as the high level of accomplishment of its Chinese practitioners.    As the exhibition Alternative Narrative makes quite clear, Chinese video art is an extremely diversified field that is only exponentially growing and subsequently getting more complex and sophisticated. The selected, albeit strong, examples presented in this exhibition underscore this. Already artists are working and expanding the formal and conceptual vocabularies of video art in ways that can only be characterized as astonishing if not…well…unimaginable.


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