
2016“全球中国Global China”当代艺术展
出 品 人:方东兴
策 展 人:蒋非默、王泊乔、张海涛
E-mail: chinaart2016@126.com
Ash Moniz(加拿大)、艾恩·克⾥斯蒂安·⽶勒Arnd Christian Müller(德国)、边霄萌、卜桦、Garcia Frankowski(波多黎各/法国)、苍鑫、常徐功、陈庆庆、陈文令、陈友桐、戴翔、邓碧文、费俊+李心路、高文谦、郭工、汉森Johannes Nielsen(瑞典)、韩行、何盛源、胡介鸣、花俊、姬子、计文于+朱卫兵、贾鹏森、江衡、金江波、李洪波、李琳琳、李山Alessandro Rolandi(意大利)、李暐、李占洋、李子勋、梁绍基、梁越、林欣、刘健、刘茜懿、刘旭光、刘峥、卢杉、路赛·贝通Russell Beighton(英国)、马腾飞Martin Derbyshire(英国)、马晟哲、缪晓春、祁志龙、秦树义、邱黯雄、邱宇、邵译农、史金淞、孙逊、谭海山、田晓磊、童昆鸟、王雷、王薇、王维思、吴超+夏维伦、吴高钟、吴梦诗、武艺、徐一晖、许仲敏(英国)、杨泳梁、伊瑞STRAKA JIRI(捷克)、张浩、张丽丹、张沐辰、张琪凯、张巍、张湘溪、张小涛+余月雄、张彦峰、张正民、郑达、钟甦、周罡、朱冥
▲ 李子勋《水星人飞行器》综合媒材:压克力颜料、木材、塑胶、金属、灯、马达、机械装置、电子控制器、液晶屏幕;112x150x38cm;2007
▲ 苍鑫《巫术中的人工智能》系列方;机械装置;220x230cm;材料:树脂,铅皮,集成板,发动机,铝合金;2016
▲ 许仲敏《梯》机械装置;材料:不锈钢、玻璃钢、机械传动;260cm(h)x400cm
▲ 童昆鸟《瞌睡龙》动态装置;195x55x288cm;2016
▲ 郑达《机器的自在之语》互动LED装置;2016
▲ 张沐辰《呼吸》互动装置;微处理机 电子器件、防毒面具、声音、有机玻璃;尺寸可变;2013
▲ 邱宇《声之味》材料:喇叭,香料;动态装置;600×150cm;尺寸可变;2015
▲ 张丽丹《活体》动态装置;2016
▲ 吴高钟《黑夜陌名者-手电筒》280×120×120cm;雕塑装置,木雕,毛发等;2005
▲ 陈文令《超验的方舟Ark of Transcendenc》512x400x420 cm;不锈钢;2012
▲ 汉森Johannes Nielsen《Whispers From the Sky》动态装置;木、竹;220×120cm×5;2015
▲ 林欣《错误的秩序-废弃》电子影像装置;200×160×125cm;2014
▲ 吴梦诗《虫》动态装置;涤纶、PVC;220cm×直径30cm;2013
▲ 史金淞《经变图》影像装置;367×144cm×3;2016
▲ 李洪波《荒芜》金属;35×9.8×1.7 cm;2014
▲ 边霄萌《赛金花的大腿》材料:卸妆棉、化妆品、卸妆液;400×100×60cm;2016
▲ 王薇《发-日记》头发、影像;尺寸可变;2015
2016年9月28日 凌晨 于北京花家地北里
▲ 王维思《我胡汉三又回来啦!》之三;装置;废旧电子产品、编织袋等;尺寸可变;2016
▲ 王雷《今砖今砖》2013全年《东方今报》纸裁切及打浆制砖;尺寸可变;2014
▲ 邵译农《如如之心》 松木、榆木;尺寸不等;2013
▲ 张湘溪《天井》洗衣机装置;综合材料;55×55×88cm;2012
▲ 韩行《和谐社会》瓷盘烟熏技术、蜡烛;尺寸可变;2016
▲ 郭工《钢筋肖像》木;尺寸可变
▲ 邓碧文《信仰的黑洞》装置;2012
▲ 徐一晖《月球上读红宝书》陶瓷雕塑
▲ 李占洋《黄桷坪基督》玻璃钢;250×80×70cm;2006
▲ 李琳琳《野人花园》局部;3mx2.1mx2.6m;综合材料;2016
▲ 陈庆庆《找达利吧!》混合材料装置;45x30x12cm;2014
▲ 艾恩Arnd Christian Müller《圆环锤》
▲ 梁绍基《越》装置
▲ Ash Moniz《Lagrangian Lawn》Video Performance;5min17sec;2015
▲ 秦树义《冷兵器》换气系列作品;装置;210x100cm;2013
▲ 刘旭光《新山海经》360°旋转影像装置;3min31sec;2011
▲ 胡介鸣《一分钟的一百年》局部;影像与声音装置;2010
▲ 田晓磊《诗歌 》数字视频截图;2014
▲ 缪晓春《无始无终》动画截屏
▲ 卜桦《公元3012》数码动画
▲ 张小涛《三千世界》三屏动画;6分30秒;2014
▲ 邱黯雄《蛋糕》高清单频动画16:9;1920x1080;2014
▲ 钟甦《地久天长》单通道视频;17分钟;2015
▲ 吴超&夏维伦《追逐·最后的狂欢》实验动画;单频;22分27秒;2011
▲ 卢杉《基因糖》视频截图;高清录像;17’18”;2015-2016
▲ 贾鹏森《数字山水》超清16:9;数字影像;3分;2015
▲ 刘健《混沌&秩序》视频截图;时长2.47min;2011
▲ 孙逊《主义之外》视频截图;8分08秒;2010
▲ 刘茜懿《天籁籁》视频截图;10min22sec;2012
▲ 何盛源《翛》视频截图;2K多路视频 装置;17min39sec;2016
▲ 费俊+李心路《城市博物馆-记忆时空扭转》VR互动装置;2016
▲ 高文谦《物像之动-水之动》3’33;沉浸式影像;2016
——【艺术郑州】2016 “全球中国” 当代艺术展手记
20世纪初杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)作品中就透露出东方哲学思想,20世纪50年代,作曲家约翰·凯奇(John Cage)从东方“禅宗”思想中获取灵感,禅宗使西方人多少领会了理性的局限性。他们在敞开心灵,倾听大自然的声音中发现了新的美。日本物派作品中发散着东方自然朴素,非修饰的潜默力量。
▲ 花俊《不生不灭》影像截图;3分钟;2015
▲ 杨泳梁《陌入止境》数字影片;58分13秒;2015
▲ Garcia Frankowski《Poem of the Triangle》Diptych;Two Chanel Video Installation;Sound;2015
▲ 陈友桐《生产》综合、现场;2013
▲ 周罡《中国》实验短片;双屏;彩色;高清;34分20秒;2015
▲ 马腾飞 Martin Derbyshire《Codeswitcher 代码更改》视频截图
▲ 张彦峰+周罡《大武汉》纪录片;高清、彩色;09分48秒;2014
▲ 张琪凯《丙申-3》架上综合材料;124×124cm;2016
▲ 祁志龙《基督之殇》画布丙烯;260x210cmx3;2015
▲ 江衡《静物之四》150X120cm;布上油画;2016
▲ 刘峥《Instagram网络涂鸦互动项》43×41cm;2015
▲ 常徐功《刺绣·绣像系列》布上刺绣;200x160cm;2013
▲ 李山《社会敏感性研究与发展计划项目》
▲ 张浩《心灵被照亮的时刻》宣纸水墨;168x124cm;2014年
▲ 武艺《行拥供母》铜版画;35cm×40cm;2016
▲ 姬子《元初》纸本水墨;661×190cm;2011
▲ 伊瑞STRAKA JIRI《被碾压的麻雀》宣纸水墨;360×280cm;2011
▲ 张正民《围·观之一》综合纸本水墨;96cm×230cm×4;2013
▲ 马晟哲《Qi-2016 No.25》纸上蓝晒;96x76.5cm;2016
▲ 路赛·贝通Russell Beighton《无题:被偷走的时间》乙烯基贴纸;2016
▲ 戴翔《新清明上河图》局部;摄影/图片;115×2500cm;2014
▲ 李暐《自由的讲台》照片;176×388cm;2008
▲ 金江波《Patea冷冻工业:Tanaraki现场》摄影;300×115cm;2009
▲ 谭海山《1立方土和里面的628样物品》行为图片;2008
▲ 梁越《毒54》图片54幅,每幅50.8x84cm;2012
▲ 张巍《人工剧团-英雄雷锋》艺术微喷;100x130cm;2014
▲ 朱冥《2003年3月9日A号》图片;创作地点:澳大利亚悉尼;126×83cm;2003
▲ 郑东绿地中心外景
▲ 郑东绿地中心外景
Art Zhengzhou
2016 “Global China” Contemporary Art Exhibition
Producer: Fang Dongxing
Art Adviser: Wang Mingxian
Academy Director: Wang Chunchen
Curators: Jiang FeiMo, Wang Boqiao, Zhang Haitao
Curator Assistants: Zhao Lei, Cao Ying, Wang Jian, Su Yong
Sponsored by: Green Land Group • Zhong Yuan
Organized by: Shanghai Nature Awe Art Center
Opening Time: 16:00, Oct.29th (Saturday), 2016
Exhibition Duration: Oct. 29th, 2016 – Dec. 31st, 2016
Exhibition Location: Green Land Group Center of Zheng Dong
Artist (in alphabetical order by last name):
Ash Moniz (Canada), Arnd Christian Müller (Germany), Bian Xiaomeng, Bu Hua, Garcia Frankowski(Puerto Rico/ France), Cang Xin, Chang Xugong, Chen Qingqing, Chen Wenling, Chen Youtong, Dai Xiang, Deng Biwen, Fei Jun+ Li Xinlu, Gao Wenqian, Guo Gong, Johannes Nielsen (Sweden), Han Xing, He Shengyuan, Hu Jieming, Hua Jun, Ji Zi, Ji Wenyu+Zhu Weibing, Jia Pengsen, Jiang Heng, Jin Jiangbo, Li Hongbo, Li Linlin, Alessandro Rolandi (Italy), Li Wei, Li Zhanyang, Lee Tzu-hsun, Liang Shaoji, Liang Yue, Lin Xin, Liu Jian, Liu Qianyi, Liu Xuguang, Liu Zheng, Lu Shan, Russell Beighton (UK), Martin Derbyshire (UK), Ma Shengzhe, Miao Xiaochun, Qi Zhilong, Qin Shuyi, Qiu Anxiong, Qiu Yu, Shao Yinong, Shi Jinsong, Sun Xun, Tan Haishan, Tian Xiaolei, Tong Kunniao, Wang Lei, Wang Wei, Wang Weisi, Wu Chao + Xia Weilun, Wu Gaozhong, Wu Mengshi, Wu Yi, Xu Yihui, Xu Zhongmin (UK), Yang Yongliang, STRAKA JIRI (The Czech Republic), Zhang Hao, Zhang Lidan, Zhang Muchen, Zhang Qikai, Zhang Wei, Zhang Xiangxi, Zhang Xiaotao + Yu Yuexiong, Zhang Yanfeng, Zhang Zhengmin, Zheng Da, Zhong Su, Zhou Gang, Zhu Ming
Observing China with “Global China”
---- Contemporary Art Exhibition in Zheng Zhou
Wang ChunChen
When we talk about China today, it’s not limited to China only, but also about the world, and also about the global. China was formed after the long term fusion and interaction of multi-ethnic and multi-culture in the history. Therefore when we come to the age of globalization flown with the world trend, we have to face the new challenges and new structures, which will also give us the brand new vision of “Global China”.
Standing on the platform of the 21st century, “Global China” explores our directions forward with historical dimensions. It’s also quite meaningful for this exhibition to be held in Zheng Zhou, for Zheng Zhou is located in the middle of China with a long-standing history and a grand area. It used to be the core district during the most prosperous age of Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, and has created one of the most glorious civilizations in the history. The Buddhism was firstly located in this area when it came to the east during East Han Dynasty, indicating that this area used to be the center to guide the world at that time. “China” used to mean for “the country inside a country”, which was referring to this middle area of China around Zheng Zhou. The art in Song Dynasty is one of the peaks in Chinese Art. It is admired for its grandness and magnificence. The middle of China back then was the place to embrace the whole world, where people exchanged various thoughts with different languages (Religions like Buddhism and Nestorianism were all firstly spread out from this area). The characters and dispositions of people, during Han, Tang and Song Dynasty, were heroic and generous, great with absorbing essences from the whole world. The folk poetry collection famous with its orderly inheritance have nourished the world and enlightened our hearts for thousands of years. When we retrospect the Sage in the history, we can’t help pondering over with deep sighs, for “the middle of China” back then was somewhat like the concept of “the global” of today, which overlook the world with a broad vision, a rich knowledge base, and a tolerant heart. Therefore, “China” is not just limited to the middle area of China. It holds the open mind with “the world” instead. The ancient book “Shan Hai Jing” may sound like a myth, but it is actually the guide book for our ancestors to understand the world, and a valuable bible to appreciate the treasure in the world.
Therefore, it is a good will to bring up the “Global China” in our age of new contexts, which connects with our historical verve and aims for the whole world by absorbing the essence from different cultures and accepting various culture achievements. This “Global China” is not just the cultural concept of only “China”. What it’s pursuing and broadcasting is the outstanding civilization and culture all over the world. The vigour and creation are generated from the worldly concept, which is the shared character and value under the globalization. We’ve endowed the new meaning of “Global China”, that is to add the world factors into the concept of “China” and not to restrict it locally. “Global China” is also the brand new culture creation, just like the emerging and prospering of renaissance in Italy, which is not limited in Italy only. Instead it was acquired with the injection of new knowledge after absorbing and connecting the essences from the whole ancient civilization in Europe and Asia. As to art, “Global China” has helped us with a wider vision with extra power, which is exactly what we need while developing our Contemporary Art today.
If we observe the development of art in recent 30 years in China, we could see this path clearly. Were our artists not opening their hearts and expanding their vision, they would never take various new methods to express art, nor would they present the world by digging into the perception of globalization commonness. Even though they borrowed the existing classic language to present art, they’ve strived very hard to convert the expressive force of the age to add the contemporary new perception into it. When we glance over the art works of this exhibition, we will find that the mindedness of China Contemporary Art could be observed by “Global China”. We used to define and divide Chinese Art in several aspects, like it has to be ink paint and ceramic when comes to media, and the themes have to be flowers, birds, grass and insects, or mountains, rocks, trees and woods. In recent years, it has to be realistic, concrete, narrative, characteristic and etc. when talking about Chinese Art. These numerous theories would restrict the understanding of people from time to time. It seems like nothing else should show up in Chinese Art, and if it does happen, it has to be exotic, which is not reasonable, nor is it regarded as Chinese Art. This conclusion is agreed by the majority. Hence, in order to develop Chinese new art and new culture on a broader base, the purpose to bring up “Global China” is to open our minds, so that Chinese artists, during their art creation, won’t be constrained by those restricted subconscious concepts. Instead, they should devote themselves in every possible way to present art with a decisively mind.
With this big wish and great mind, we could come to enjoy the art of this exhibition again. We could acquire the freedom and happiness either as an audience or as a researcher. The freedom comes from the touch and poignant resulting from the word of Art while facing the abundance and variety of art, which contains not only diverse types and different media but also rich meaning and varied scenes. The artists, who are active in current Chinese Art, have lived up to their pursuing dreams of art creation --- their art imagination co-exists with their acquired art freedom at the same time, and the possible art challenges they may encounter also lies in how they try every possible media and methods. If this is not art, what is it? As a concept, the “Global China” has affirmed their validity and possibility to pursue international languages and methods. In the meanwhile, exhibitions like this are also a way for us to retrospect the marks Chinese Art left in the contemporary. They have vividly presented how the art concept of “Global China” was structured, which is not limited into one object, nor does it belong to a certain group. It is full of diversities instead. The meaning of diversity is not as simple as either a little more or less. It has reflected and influenced the distance and emotions between human and the world. “One” is the sole bias, which could lead to the narrow-minded and the stubbornness, then to the decline of art, because the nutrition is so limited that it has a negative impact to absorb new creations. “One” tends to simplify the richness and variety of the world, which is the big taboo for Contemporary Art. It is the annotation of “Global China” that will test our intelligence, explore our talents, and improve our imaginations.
The Global is synonymous with abundance. China is exactly the long-lasting existence in the history. The meaning of “Global China” occurs when the global and China connects with each other. The “Global China” is not only China’s China, but also the China of the whole world, the China with peace, the China in pursuit of improvements, and the China to share knowledge and values with the whole world. China, at this moment, is the pursuit and accomplishment of China in recent one hundred years. As the public worldly language, art, with its unique charm, has helped people around the world to share the civilization, emotions and wisdom. No matter what type of Contemporary Art it is, it will all enlighten audiences like us to realize: We will be no longer lonely. There are ample creations waiting for us on our path of exploration, which will sooth our hearts and souls.
This is to say: That is exactly where the art of “Global China” lies.
HuaJiaDiBeiLi, Beijing
Midnight of Sept. 28th, 2016
Chinese Art under Global Context
----- (Art Zheng Zhou)2016 “Global China” Contemporary Art Notes
Zhang HaiTao
In the age of Global interaction, the influences between global politics, economy and culture will intensify the competition of centralized discourses. It has become especially vital of the culture differences and diversities under the centralized context of which economy decides the right, and it has also balanced the effects that economic value decides all. “Chinese Style” contemporary art differs from current western art under the global context, and carries its local characters. I believe there are two advantages of Chinese contemporary art comparing with western art: One is the current unique environment and culture background of China. The other is the Chinese traditional and classic culture resources. These two points, I believe, are different from the western, and are able to talk to the west on the same level. It is crucial for Chinese contemporary art to search for the practical survival feelings, to focus on history, culture and thoughts, hence to find the ecosystem which is different from western values.
Zheng Zhou is located between the south and the north of China, with a typical culture of “mixing”. Several capitals in historical dynasties were located in this area, which has built up a great base of traditional culture. But since modern times, the new culture here is lagged and conservative. So it’s pretty hard for Contemporary Art to seep in. Also due to the missing of the talents, the absence of new ideas, and the lacking of art education, it has become very hard to develop Contemporary Art. We can’t set up a virtuous cycle for art ecology here in Zheng Zhou, such as setting up art zones, arranging exhibitions and art reviews, and collecting artworks. However, I believe we need people here to do things which have not been done by others, and initiate activities like “teach-help chain”, thus to change the current situations. We could use this “lever” and give it a try here, and the meaning will for sure emerge. It is extremely meaningful for the Greenland Group to promote “Chinese Style” contemporary art in this central China area. We could improve the art pattern in Zheng Zhou and even in Central China through this exhibition, then igniting the whole area. In the meanwhile, the brand of Greenland could also be promoted, which would empower the local economy through the culture industry.
Is the thinking method formed under Chinese classic historical culture compatible with the development of Contemporary Art? The answer is absolute without a question. The most important character of Contemporary Art is “integration”, and it is a key character of ea