艺术档案 > 展览档案 > 展讯发布 > [北京]蓝鼻子: 新影像—盒子

[北京]蓝鼻子: 新影像—盒子

2009-06-15 14:54:40 来源: 艺术档案网 作者:artda

Blue Noses,Bowling

Blue Noses,Artist and mode,Photogarphy,l100x66,

Blue Noses,Boxing a trois

展览名称:蓝鼻子: 新影像—盒子
开幕酒会:2009年6月20日15:30 - 19:00
展览日期:2009年6月20日 - 7月31日
展览地点:艺术ISSUE PROJECTS(北京市朝阳区崔各庄乡北皋甲1号)

蓝鼻子,这对俄罗斯观念艺术团体组合去年成功在“韩之演当代艺术空间”举办RCS群展后,又将在“艺术ISSUE PROJECTS”举办在中国的第一次个展。蓝鼻子组合成立于1999年,由Viacheslav Mizin和Alexander Shaburov组成。他们主要的创作是简短,残酷,诙谐的影像。

Jeong jinyong,Divinity0905,140x180cm,Mixed medium,2009

Jeong jinyong,Divinity0904,140x180cm,Mixed medium,2009

展览地点:艺术ISSUE PROJECTS(北京市朝阳区崔各庄乡北皋甲1号)

郑真蓉的艺术,让一个城市终算年华渐逝,也能落得如此韵味十足……作为新生代艺术家,郑真蓉目前在韩国艺术界享有极高的声誉。其作品中,有着对艺术近乎宗教般的虔诚心态。2009年6月20日,艺术ISSUE PROJECTS 将把艺术家的这份虔诚展示给国内外的观众。
在材料上,郑真蓉经常使用玻璃珠沙进行创作,并采用三段式铺陈构图。这种方式使其画面的空间拥有广泛的延续性。此次在中国的个展,艺术家不仅带来了最新的绘画作品,同时也将展出新的装置作品,“超验的图像”。 在题材上,他选择了西方权力核心的两大象征——皇宫和教堂,透过犀利的画面视角,将自古以来的权力中心的力量结构完全具象化。本次展出的作品便是对于西方教堂建筑部分的描绘,他回到西方社会主体中对“神”的敬仰态度,由下至上取角。因此观者在观赏他以教堂为主轴的作品时,同样处于一种崇拜的状态。这种隐喻性正是郑真蓉作品的特质,也是其作品能够脱颖而出的原因。
不仅在首尔,郑真蓉在纽约,台北,深圳和北京都举办过展览。他曾于2007年受邀成为首尔美术馆第一届南京驻地工作室的艺术家,以及2008年韩国当代美术馆第四届Go-yang驻地计划的艺术家。他的作品已被韩国国家美术馆,首尔美术馆和Song-Eun 文化基金会等机构所收藏。
Blue Noses : New video-boxes
Openning: June 20, 2009, 15:30-19:00
Exhibition Period: June 20—July 31, 2009
No.1 Beigao, Cuigezhuang County, Chaoyang District, Beijing

After the success of the group show, RCS at Han JI YUN Contemporary Space last year, the Blue Noses group is going to have their first solo show in China by ART ISSUE PROJECTS. They, founded in 1999, are composed of Viacheslav Mizin and Alexander Shaburov. The main genre is short, brutally humorous film.
In the art of the group Blue Noses are embodied the innovatory trends of Russian modern art – the communicatory and the comical. The artists work in zones, borderline for the aesthetic and social response, and with the most poignant problem for these zones and the general social state. The art of Blue Noses, as a worldview, tends sooner to the Rabelais-like simple-hearted clear thinking, than to social criticism. Frequently their works represent video-documentation of some absurd and hilarious actions, performed by the artists as improvisations based on pre-prepared roles. Their artworks elegantly balance on the edge of the everyday and artistic phenomenon, reminding one of a half-professional, half-amateur video, where the intended fiasco is indistinguishable from a dilettante blunder. Blue Noses mockingly imitate the high art of the 20th century, mass culture, television, glamour, the joy of leisure, the spectacle of sport, the sacred rituals of everyday life etc.

The very new edition of LITTLE MEN which was exposed at Moscow Biennale 2005, Venice Biennale 2005, FIAC 2004-5 and etc. will be shown especially for their first solo show in China. In June, you can see the very contemporary Russian art which was invited to the best art world.
Transcendantal Imitari - Divinity Chamber
Jeong Jinyong Solo Show
Openning: June 20, 2009, 15:30-19:00
Exhibition Period: June 20—July 31, 2009
No.1 Beigao, Cuigezhuang County, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Jeong Jinyong’s art portrays a city in lasting charm, even when its glories are faded and lost…As an emerging artist, Jeong Jinyong receives very high regards for his work from the Korean art community. And he was introduced at Mapping Asia, CIGE 2008. In his work, we see an almost religious devotion to art. In this summer, ART ISSUE PROJECTS will show this religious devotion to the art lovers in China and abroad as well.
Jeong Jinyong always uses glass beads as medium and adopts a 3-step method to construct the composition, by which way, he creates a visual continuum on the image. For his first solo show in China, he will show not only contemporary oriental painting but also installation works with new subject, ‘Transcendental image’. He chose the palace and the church to represent power and authority respectively in the west. Through the construction of visual angles, Jeong Jinyong concretizes the structure of power centers since the ancient times. For his depiction of western churches, he takes on a different perspective going from the bottom towards the top. That is to say, he stresses the respect and worship for god in western societies. Such kind of metaphor is not only the particularity of his work, but also the reason why they stand out from other works.
He has showed in not only Seoul but also New York, Munich, Taipei, Shenzhen and Beijing. He was admitted the artist of the 1st residence in Nan-ji studio at Seoul Museum of Art in 2007 and the artist of the 4th residence in Go-yang studio at National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea in 2008. His artworks are collected at National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea, Seoul Museum of Arts and Song-Eun Cultural Foundation. 


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