洪浩 就势
Hong Hao AS IT IS
展期:2011年11月26日 - 2012年02月26日
Date: 26 November 2011 – 26 February 2012
开幕式:2011年11月26日 下午4点
Opening: 4pm 26 November 2011
北京公社荣幸地宣布,我们将于2011年11月26日开幕洪浩个 展“就势”,这是洪浩在北京公社的第二次个展,将展出他最 新的作品。展览持续到2012年2月26日。
Beijing Commune is pleased to announce the solo exhibition “Hong Hao AS IT IS” on 26 November 2011. Theexhibition will last until 26 February 2012. This will be the second exhibition of Hong Hao at Beijing Commune.
Literally, As It Is means “do the right thing at the right place”, or “adopt measures suiting local conditions”.When a person talks about something different according to the existing truth or rules, he is acting what we called “as it is”. As the title of exhibition, it also prompts the method that Hong Hao works in: by borrowing the form, function and denotation of everyday objects, he creates a “new” that wouldn’t make the viewers feel distant and strange. By showing this new series of the artist’s installation works, the exhibition aims to present Hong Hao’s recent reflection on the inner logic of social mechanics.
北京朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区 798 Art Factory, No. 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015, China
www.beijingcommune.com info@beijingcommune.com T. 86 10 8456 2862 F. 86 10 8456 2862
T. 86 10 8456 2862