展览名称:《安全島》 黎卓華個展
開幕酒會:2011年11月25日(星期五) 晚上6時至8時
展览地點:香港中環善慶街1號Gallery EXIT安全口畫廊
開放時間:星期二至六 1100-1900
Gallery EXIT 安全口畫廊將呈獻黎卓華的個人展覽《安全島》。個人與現實世界若即若離的關係,慢慢演變成一種自身與周邊環境的距離感。這種感覺令藝術家質疑其角色和價值,甚至動搖個體在時間和空間裡的存在意識。黎氏看中攝影媒介能夠直接反映現實世界的特性,在其繪畫過程中重塑被相機捕足的那時那刻,彷如重新投入迷離詭弔的場景,從而確立自己和現實世界的關係。黎氏把一件件冷冰冰又具有明顯功能的人造建設,如高爾夫球旗干和迴旋處,化作線條形態都充滿美感和性格的景物。藝術家利用輕柔和細密的筆觸、幽淡而迷矇的色調把自然景觀和人造建設融為一體。
Sarah LAI: Safety Island
Sarah LAI, A Drowsy Car, 2011, oil on canvas, aluminium, 168 x 183 x 50 cm
Sarah LAI
Safety Island
25 November - 23 December 2011
Opening Reception: Friday, 25 November 2011, 6 - 8 pm
Gallery EXIT, 1 Shin Hing Street, Central, Hong Kong
Hours: Tue - Sat, 1100 - 1900
Gallery EXIT is pleased to present Safety Island, the second solo exhibition of Sarah Lai with the gallery. Included in the show are 5 sets of paintings and a video that continues the artist's probing into a sense of estrangement with the familiar. Lai adopts photography's aptness in mirroring reality and seeks to reconnect with her surroundings through renditions of captured scenes. Yet unlike reality itself, Lai strips the mundane objects and structures, such as a golf flag and roundabout, off of their functions and subtly beautifies them with cool faded colours. The soft meticulous brush strokes and hazy images on canvas create an uncanny world where the man-made melds into nature to become one seamless landscape.
In the exhibition's title piece "Safety Island", a smooth marble-like beach raft floats steadily in the placid waters. The tranquil seascape seems to be unperturbed by this alien construction. In "A Drowsy Car", an overturned vehicle lolls unscathed in the soft meadow. In the absence of casualty and destruction, this pastoral scene of accident is neither violent nor distressful. Its composition points to surrender as the artist beckons to reconcile with the unperfected nature of life. Through this series of work, Lai deals with defeatism and unsentimentally offers remission.
For the artist, the creative process offers a temporary shelter as she tries to consolidate her place in the world. In a sense, painting becomes a safety island. Lai insists that this state of mind should not be constant but a pause in a journey to allow moments of uninterrupted inspection.
Sarah Lai graduated from the Fine Arts Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2007. In the same year, she received the Ramon Woon Creative Prize, Grotto Fine Arts Ltd.'s Creative Award and Cheng's Fine Arts Award in Western Painting. Lai is also a Finalist of the 2010 Sovereign Asian Art Prize.