Artists:Alicja Kwade、David Schnell、Michael Sailstorfer、Matthias Weischer、Jorinde Voigt、Sebastian Riemer
Curator:Sun Yongzeng
展期:2017.09.15 - 2017.10.31
Exhibition Dates:09. 15, 2017 - 10. 31, 2017
Organizer:Whitebox Art Center
Address:B07, 797 Road, 798 Art District, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
白盒子艺术馆很荣幸的参与到“德国8:德国艺术在中国”之中,展览由中央美术学院和德国波恩艺术文化基金会主办,中央美术学院院长范迪安和德国波恩艺术文化基金会主席瓦尔特·斯迈林(Walter Smerling)担任总策划。“未来一代——德国当代青年艺术”展作为“德国8”系列大展中的第一站,将于9月15日上午11点在白盒子艺术馆隆重开幕,白盒子艺术馆馆长孙永增担任策展人,本次展览精选了在德国年轻一代中有代表性的6位当代艺术家:阿丽佳·柯维德(Alicja Kwade)、大卫·施奈尔(David Schnell)、迈克尔2塞尔斯托夫(Michael Sailstorfer)、马蒂亚斯·维斯切尔(Matthias Weischer)、朱莉德·福格特(Jorinde Voigt)、赛巴斯蒂安·里默(Sebastian Riemer),21件参展作品涵盖绘画、摄影、装置等不同媒介与形式,作品基于新的信息化无边界时代所具备的全球性视野和对当代艺术的再拓展精神,并结合了德国当代艺术对历史与现实的批判与反思。
Whitebox Art Center is honored to participate in “Deutschland 8: Deutsche Kunst in China”, organized by the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Stiftung für Kunst und Kulture.V. , curated by Fan Di’an, the principal of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Walter Smerling, chairman of the Bonn Art and Culture Foundation. “Deutschland 8” marks the first edition of “Future Generation: Young German Art” will open on September 15, at 11 a.m. at the Whitebox Art Center. Mr. Sun Yongzeng, the director of the Whitebox Art Center will serve as the curator of this exhibition, to present six representative contemporary artists of the young generation from Germany. They are: Alicja Kwade, David Schnell, Michael Sailstorfer, Matthias Weischer, Jorinde Voigt and Sebastian Riemer. The works on view include painting, photography, installation and various artistic mediums and forms. These works are rooted in the global vision and adventurous spirit to experiment with contemporary art in the age of infinite amount of information today, while integrating their critiques and reflections on history and reality in their contemporary art practices.
艺术家简介 & 部分作品
Alicja Kwade
Born in 1979 in Katowice, Poland. Lives and works in Berlin.
Alicja Kwade, one of the most creative artists of the younger generation in Germany, studied under Dieter Hacker and Christiane Möbus at the University of the Arts in Berlin. Her oeuvre is a universe of its own, which revolves around questions relating to reality, values, time, and space, as well as the perception and construction of these. She is inspired by the idea that there are other realities beyond one’s own lived reality. To make her ideas tangible, the artist employs a wide variety of media and techniques, from photography and film to sculptures and large-scale installations. She often transforms everyday objects and standardized commercial items into intriguing compositions and thus intelligently and playfully reflects the interrelationships between ideas and concepts.
▲《保守力量的吸引(2)》,木材,黄铜,玻璃,钢,铜,铝,中密度纤维板,20件 ; 《Attraction of Conservative Forces (2) 》,wood, brass, glass, steel, copper,Aluminum, MDF, 20-piece,250 x 250 x 250cm,2011
David Schnell
Born in 1971 in Bergisch-Gladbach. Lives and works in Leipzig.
David Schnell became widely known as a representative of the “New Leipzig School” and has set himself the goal of bringing traditional panel painting “up to date.” His themes and means could not be more classical: oil paintings dedicated to landscapes depicted in perspective. And yet what we see is clearly of the here and now—if not of tomorrow. Schnell’s landscapes have one foot in cyberspace: computer graphics, pixels, encryptions, and deep perspectives such as those found in animated films and games. The influence of the digital media on his work cannot be overlooked, while the creative process could not be further removed from the digital age. Schnell’s paintings transport the viewer into a virtual world of images that appears to follow its own inner logic.
▲《泻湖》,布面油彩;《Lagoon》,oil on canvas,120 x 180cm ,2012
Michael Sailstorfer
Born in Velden in 1979. Lives and works in Berlin.
Michael Sailstorfer, born in Velden, Germany in 1979, is one of the most active and creative artists of the younger generation in Germany today. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and completed his master’s degree at Goldsmith College in London.
The artistic practice of Michael Sailstorfer encompasses various media, including sculpture, site-specific installation, art in public places, and video. The essence of his art is based on transformation, which is simultaneously a source of inspiration, a creative process, and an intention. He prefers to work with everyday objects and materials, deconstructing and rearranging these, robbing them of their original function and context, and at the same time creating works that question classical concepts of sculpture and space, thus providing new possibilities for interpretation in an altered environment.
▲《时间不是高速公路-巴塞尔》,轮胎,铁,电机,电,墙;《Time is not a Highway - Basel》,raiffeisen, electric motor, electricity, wall,80 x 95 x 65cm,2011
Matthias Weischer
Born in 1973 in Elte, Westphalia. Lives and works in Leipzig.
Rooms devoid of people—inside a house or embedded in a landscape—are the primary theme in the works of Matthias Weischer, who gained an international reputation at a very early stage in his career. Even before he completed his studies at the Academy of Visual Arts (HGB) in Leipzig, from which he graduated as a master student of Sighard Gille in 2003, his works were being presented in numerous exhibitions in Germany and abroad. This was followed by various prizes, awards, and scholarships, including a work grant at the renowned Villa Massimo in Rome (2007).
▲《无题》,布面纸浆油彩;《Untitled》,Pulp painting on canvas,121 x 126.5cm,2016
Jorinde Voigt
Born in 1977 in Frankfurt am Main. Lives and works in Berlin.
Jorinde Voigt is a researching artist. In her drawings, prints, and paintings, she delves deeply into terminologies, processes, and phenomena, is inspired by literature and music, and transforms her observations into a highly aesthetic and fascinating formal vocabulary. After initial experiments with photography as an artistic and documentary medium, she soon turned to drawing with lines, colors, and her own handwriting, with which she discovered possibilities of expression for repetitions, condensations, and simultaneities within a spatiotemporal framework. The structures derived from musical notations and scores, which characterize Voigt’s works on paper and are also reminiscent of diagrams or scientific (hypothetical) models, are marked by strict regimentation, an inner logic, and a meandering freedom, an open, flowing motion of the different elements.
▲《地球之歌,第四章节:告别》,纸面墨水、金叶、印度墨水、油蜡笔、丙烯墨水、彩色粉笔、铅笔;《Song of Earth. Chapter IV The Farewell》,141 x 200cm,2016
Sebastian Riemer
Born in 1982 in Oberhausen. Lives and works in Düsseldorf.
Sebastian Riemer is one of the most creative photo-artists of the younger generation in Germany. He studied under Thomas Ruff and Christopher Williams at the Academy of Art in Düsseldorf and has already received numerous awards and distinctions for his artistic work, including .
▲《LSMK》 ,纸面C-打印,金属框;《LSMK》 , C-Print, metal frame,81 x 104cm,2015
“Next Generation: Young German Art” presented at Whitebox Art Centre, encompasses the artistic practices that have been influenced by the academic fruitions in post-war Germany, as well as those undergoing experimentation and development. It is a rare opportunity for this young generation of German artists to exhibit their works in China, which provides a system of reference for the Chinese artists in their own art practices. This exhibition will be on view until October 31, 2017.
Deutschland8:Deutsche Kunst in China
总策展人:范迪安 瓦尔特·斯迈林(Walter Smerling)
副总策展人:张子康 岳洁琼 李鹏 周旭君 闫士杰 高 鹏 谷 燕 孙永增 彼得·魏贝尔(Peter Weibel)
执行策展人:徐 丹(Xu Dan) 冯 雪 高 高
主办机构:德国波恩艺术与文化基金会 中央美术学院
联合主办:中央美术学院美术馆 太庙艺术馆 北京民生现代美术馆 红砖美术馆 今日美术馆 元典美术馆 白盒子艺术馆
主要合作机构:大众汽车集团 (中国) 中国国际航空股份有限公司 中国国际货运航空公司