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[北京]北京新语 New Expression of Beijing

2018-08-24 11:17:54 来源: 三遠当代艺术 作者:


New Expression of Beijing


开幕 Opening丨2018.8.26,4: 00PM
策展人 Curator丨戴卓群 Dai Zhuoqun
Artists丨Cai Dongdong, Chen Xiaoyun, Dong Dawei, He An, Jiang Zhi, Li Yiwen, Liu Cong, Liu Wei, Lu Lei, Lv Song, Wang Mao, Xu Qu, Yan Bing, Ye Linghan, Zang Kunkun,  Zeng Hong, Zhang Hui

三远当代艺术中心(N3 Contemporary Art)荣幸地宣布,我们将于8月26日举办最新群展“北京新语”,本次展览由策展人戴卓群策划,将汇集蔡东东、陈晓云、董大为、何岸、蒋志、李易纹、刘聪、刘韡、陆垒、吕松、王茂、徐渠、闫冰、叶凌瀚、臧坤坤、曾宏、张慧等共十七位全部生活和工作在北京的艺术家共同呈献。

▲ 何岸,《加拉加斯》| He An, Caracas,
铁板,钢,水泥 | Iron plate, steel, cement
尺寸可变 | Variable size 2017 






▲ 蒋志,《世界是你们的也是我们的 之B-2017-18》| Jiang Zhi,The world is yours, as well as ours  No.B-2017-18,
油画 | Oil painting
220 x 660 cm,2017 


N3 Contemporary Art is delighted to announce the opening of the group exhibition “New Expression of Beijing”, on August 26. Curated by Dai Zhuoqun, the exhibition features seventeen artists including Cai Dongdong, Chen Xiaoyun, Dong Dawei, He An, Jiang Zhi, Li Yiwen, Liu Cong, Liu Wei, Lu Lei, Lv Song, Wang Mao, Xu Qu, Yan Bing, Ye Linghan, Zang Kunkun, Zeng Hong and Zhang Hui, who live and work in Beijing.
“New Account of the Tales of the World”, published in the Southern Song Dynasty, is a book that contains 36 chapters and more than 1100 historical anecdotes and character sketches of literati, musicians, and painters who lived from the Second through Fourth Centuries. This famous volume constitutes an important source for that historical period.

▲ 徐渠,《美国》| Xu Qu, the US
布面腐蚀和丙烯 | Acrylic and corrosion on canvas
250 x 200 cm, 2017

“New Expression of Beijing”, used as an excuse to organize an exhibition, is inspired by the “tales of the world”, attempts to record and present feedbacks from the most recent and vivid expressions of the artists who live and work here, by means of their everyday notes and sketches.This kind of record is certainly incomplete, but rather similar to a collection of samples and pieces in all shapes, forms and fragments that dazzle and radiate with their aura.
Beijing, the source center for Chinese contemporary art over the last four decades, has always had the largest number of artists, the most vibrant creativity, where the most cutting-edge exploration and experimentation took place. Of course, it is also where new ideas clashed with the old ones, the new integrated, assimilated, or even replaced the old, or where the new transformed the old, or at times, the old is reborn into the new. 

▲ 曾宏,《静物-15》| Zeng Hong ,Still life  No.15
布面丙烯 | Acrylic on canvas
160 x 120cm,2015

“New Expression”, presents the notes and sketches of here and now, the works on view embody the subjective, limited, yet detailed practices of these artists, at the same time, they are momentary, ephemeral, yet leaving their marks behind.



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