艺术档案 > 人物档案 > 评论家+策展人 > 张海涛(Zhang Haitao)

张海涛(Zhang Haitao)

2012-02-16 16:05:03 来源: artda.cn艺术档案 作者:张海涛


张海涛(Zhang Haitao)


张海涛(Zhang Haitao),策展人、艺术评论家、未来艺术学者、艺术档案网主编、数字艺术与区块链实验室研究员,北京实验与科技艺委会委员;鲁迅美术学院实验艺术系特聘教授(硕导)、中央美术学院城院研究生部客聘导师,北京服装学院客座教授(硕导)、湖北美院高级讲学专家、一级美术师。2000年后致力于当代艺术研究与创作工作,2004年至今在国内外已策划参加百余场学术展览。2007年创办艺术档案网。2009—2017年先后任宋庄美术馆执行馆长、元典美术馆副馆长、贾平凹文化艺术馆副馆长、荔空间策展人、NO!SPACE艺术总监,2008-2017年任北京独立影像展实验单元负责人及选片人。Hyundai Blue Prize Art+Tech 2022大赛评委;2019年第七届“金拴马桩奖”影像艺术节终评评委;2015至2020年丽水摄影节学术委员、评委;2015北京798艺术节展演项目优秀策展人奖;2023获连州国际摄影年展最佳策展人奖;首届文旅中国元宇宙创新大赛评委;海峡两岸DS数字艺术奖评委;第九届中国研究生智慧城市大赛评委;首届圈子艺术青年奖评委。2012年出版个人著作《未来艺术档案》。


2024年 奇点时代——AIGC生成影像展;

2024年 量子千变——公共影像展;

2024年 并行输出——国际影像展;

2023年 连州国际摄影年展:时光机器——不断定义影像艺术;

2023 《以虚强实》AIGC生成影像展

2023 “同行际遇多元的话语国际影像展

2023年  蛇口戏剧节宇宙方舟2020”未来艺术板块

2023  人机合一机器人艺术时代 

2022年 BOE苏州湾数字艺术馆常设展

2022年 “我的元宇宙”都市圈·元宇宙数字艺术展;

2021年 分身:我宇宙;

2021 反思未来:人形机器人艺术计划;

2020年 未来艺术学;
2020年 机器·人·艺术·时代;
2019年 艺术合肥·当代艺术季“解药——实验影像艺术展”;
2019年 第11届中国宋庄文化艺术节“宋庄记忆”展;
2017年 日常动媒体;
2017年 北京798艺术节第六届推介展“星际物质”—贾鹏森地球之外的探索;
2017年 “原乡”华语短片电影展;
2017年 “超体”行为艺术·文献展;
2017年 2017艺术北京 NO!空间:全自动 ;
2017年 BUMP爬坡小组:活·生生;
2017年 “人机合一”人机关系艺术展;

2016年 破案小组:营救行动;
2016年 AZZ艺术郑州·2016“全球中国”当代艺术展;
2016年 世界临终关怀与缓和医疗日:中国2016艺术行动; 
2016年 BIFF 2016实验影像展;
2016年 “自动寓言”张沐辰人机关系艺术项目;
2016年 刘港顺:超文本;
2016年 乌兰巴托华语短片电影展;
2016年 “增生计划”邱宇人工机体装置艺术展;
2016年 ZZEx 2016郑州实验影像展;
2016年 “私人经验”展;

2015年 “动·静”计划一、二、三系列; 
2015年 北京798艺术节第四届“推介展”青年展:“架上”; 
2015年 2015北京798艺术节第四届“推介展”主题展:新民间转换; 
2015年 第十六届OPEN国际行为艺术节 —“合作”; 
2015年 “受害者”—张卓良公共实证艺术项目; 
2015年 “启明”朱久洋作品展; 
2015年 杜岩 吕滢《ICI》艺术展;

2014年 动图:陈学刚GIF影像艺术展; 
2014年 第五届西安国际影像节; 
2014年 2014“全球创客嘉年华”—北京站:陈友桐艺术项目; 
2014年 2014西安“媒体城市”国际艺术展及《媒体城市·聚合微时代:西安新媒体短片高峰论坛》; 
2014年 第十一届北京独立影像展及《实验片论坛:当代影像教育生态与问题》; 
2014年 不合时宜:王海元新作; 
2014年 “原乡(北京)”当代艺术展; 
2014年 进化批判:戴帆艺术宣言及研讨会; 
2014年 演化批判:陈友桐艺术宣言; 
2014年 “搜神”当代艺术计划; 
2014年 城市凶猛——丁新华新图像; 

2013年 100X100=900国际录像艺术展 - 中国展映及研讨会; 
2013年 暗物质II——当代艺术的异类表述; 
2013年 感应器II——“感应•感动”人工机能艺术展; 
2013年 “宠灵”建筑空间设计——方案艺术戴帆个案; 
2013年 第十四届OPEN国际行为艺术节; 
2013年 第玖层——2013艺术家创作方案及草图展; 
2013年 第十届北京独立影像展; 
2013年 元典美术馆“地下实验场”艺术项目:“生产”——陈友桐; 
2013年 “行动日”——青岛行为艺术现场; 
2013年 感应器——“感应·感动”人工机能艺术展; 
2013年 EXIN亚洲实验电影与录像艺术论坛——中国大陆板块北京展映;

2012年 EXiN2012亚洲实验电影与录像艺术论坛; 
2012年 第九届北京独立影像展及《建构当代影像艺术的生态与价值》论坛; 
2012年 生物·生态——中荷当代艺术展; 
2012年 耽搁——刘港顺作品展; 
2012年 暗物质——当代艺术的异类表述展; 
2012年 “2012” ——“文明相悖论”三人展; 
2012年 文化·沙漠——库布其当代艺术展;

2011年 “虚实同源——2011北京新媒体艺术年展”及论坛; 
2011年 “行为艺术中国文献——1985-2010”展; 
2011年 第六届北京独立电影展; 
2011年 八零后艺术档案(一);

2010年 “天干物躁”苏非舒物主义诗歌现场(宋庄站); 
2010年 2010年首届“新媒体艺术与高等教育”学术论坛; 
2010年 宋庄系列学术讲坛; 
2010年 异数 39°—— 当代艺术展; 
2010年 “烈日西藏”西藏当代艺术展; 
2010年 自动!全自动!——卓凡人工装置展; 
2010年 微/生/物——陈友桐个展; 
2010年 折射洗脑——谭力勤数码精印与装置个展; 
2010年 第一届798多媒体艺术节——人造“风景”新媒体艺术主题展; 
2010年 自然?——龙德轩当代艺术展; 
2010年 “潜默”当代艺术展,德国; 
2010年 2010影像档案展及论坛; 
2010年 不确定的可能性——798及周边艺术群落青年作品展;

2009年 我要永远和你在一起——林菁菁个展; 
2009年 第五届宋庄艺术节•青年策展人邀请展——“未来索引:自然·不自然”; 
2009年 “傻瓜效应”多媒体装置展; 
2009年 生活在宋庄(四)——宋庄及周边艺术家群落田野调查展;

2008年 第三届北京独立电影论坛; 
2008年 当代嗅觉艺术展——嗅觉·感觉; 
2008年 “高压线下”音乐·影像·诗歌现场; 
2008年 新快·拍图片展;

2007年 07影像档案展(798); 
2007年 07影像档案展(宋庄); 
2007年 首届主题文献展 ——权充IV·暧昧Ⅲ·潜默;

2006年 当代权充艺术展Ⅲ; 
2006年 当代权充艺术展Ⅱ;

2005年 暧昧:不确定性表达展; 
2005年 暧昧·昧暧艺术展;

2004年 当代权充艺术展; 
2004年 参与策划“人间烟火”;


2024年11月8日 全国实验艺术大会鲁迅美术学院“未来艺术学档案一一人工智能、元宇宙、生物与太空艺术”讲座;

2024年11月24日 哈尔滨广厦学院课程《未来科技艺术概论一一人工智能、元宇宙、生物与太空艺术》;

2024年12月5日 四川美院美术馆第四届“中国当代雕塑的方位”学术论坛暨 “未来之境:科技+艺术”学术研讨会;

2024年12月24日 天津美术学院造型艺术学院雕塑系“雕塑与科技工作坊”课程讲座《未来艺术档案》;

2024年9月 鲁迅美术学院实验艺术系《未来艺术概论与简史》;

2024年9月 中央美术学院城市设计学院研究生部《人工智能艺术设计概论》;

2024年3月 中央美术学院未来媒体工作室《未来艺术导论》课程;

2024年1月17日 中央美术学院望京校区 数字博物馆数字艺术人才培训;

2024年1月13日 北京798CUBE论坛“弹性与底线:机器人艺术时代”;

2023年12月18日-22日 鲁迅美术学院实验艺术系研究生“未来艺术概论”课程;

2023108日 策划连州摄影节摄影前沿物理真实与人工生成的真实论坛

202310-11月 云南艺术学院文华学院武汉工程科技学院燕京理工学院银川科技学院数字媒体艺术人才培养方案修订研讨会

202310月 中央美术学院城市设计学院人工智能与艺术设计研讨会及论坛演讲主题:《未来奇点——人机终极关系艺术设计》;

20239月 中央美术学院城市设计学院研究生部未来艺术设计概论课程


202377日一78日 武汉华中师大美术学院智能时代的数据可视化艺术创作型人才培训课程未来派人工智能.湿媒体太空与元宇宙艺术》;

2023626日 中国元宇宙大会2023”发言的主题未来伦理矛盾与共生一一元宇宙与人工智能艺术》;

2023 520日 ·未来金石峰会演讲主题未来世·科学世元宇宙与人工智能艺术

2023517日 中央美术学院国际学院数字艺术中心课程未来世数字.人工智能.太空与元宇宙艺术》;

202358日 中国传媒大学动画与数字艺术学院研究生课程智能艺术与未来影像研究》;

2023415 HUOSHUI·讲座未来艺术档案 ——人工智能生物元宇宙与太空艺术简史》;

20234月 湖北美术学院影视动画学院系列讲座分享主题未来数字与动画艺术的实验导论

20233月 西安欧亚学院艾德艺术设计学院系列讲座现场与2023届毕业生创作与设计指导分享主题未来数字艺术的跨界概论与策展实践范式

20232月 四川美术学院实验艺术学院讲座分享主题未来艺术学与未来世生存档案——太空生物人工智能与元宇宙艺术

2022年12月 第三届艺术与科技高端论坛,演讲主题:未来艺术学:人工仿生与元宇宙; 

2022年12月 国际元宇宙与智慧教育大会,演讲主题:未来世生存档案:科学世与元宇宙艺术——未来启示当代; 

2022年10月 策划北京服装学院北七家校区《数字媒体艺术导论》并讲授《数字媒体艺术导论/第三讲 张海涛:未来数字艺术跨界导论——反思未来•启示当代》;

2022年9月 中国元宇宙峰会2022”论坛发言《未来元宇宙艺术:矛盾与共生•反思与共识》;

2022年9月 策划北京服装学院总校区《数字媒体艺术导论》并讲授《数字媒体艺术导论 第三讲/张海涛:未来数字艺术简史与导论——反思未来•启示当代》;

2022年8月 韩国首尔ACC媒体立面《班迪漫步:与地球和解的脚步》展览暨融复合艺术社区论坛活动计划,演讲主题“未来艺术学:自然世、人类世与科学世的转向;

2022年8月 北京服装学院讲课《未来艺术学一一太空、生物、人工智能与元宇宙艺术》;

2022年7月 日清华美院未来艺术网络|线上沙龙讲座“未来学与未来艺术学思潮:




2022年4月 鲁迅美院实验艺术系研究课程“未来媒体艺术:太空、生物、机器人与元宇宙艺术”;

2022年4月 欧亚艾德艺术设计学院“未来艺术学:宇宙与元宇宙——太空、生物、人工智能与元宇宙艺术”工作访;

2022年2月 清华美院信息艺术系线上分享“矛盾与共识:未来元宇宙艺术”讲座;

2021年12月 大连工业大学“第三届国际艺术与科技论坛”,演讲主题:未来人工仿生与太空艺术简论——未来太空艺术: 超人·机器人·外星人;

2021年12月 鲁迅美术学院传媒动画学院讲座:实验动画与未来艺术的跨界导论;

2021年12月 南京艺术学院“长江新视听大会”及“先锋论坛:开发新边际”;

2021年12月 人工智能产业技术创新战略联盟(AITISA)主办“中国元宇宙峰会2021”,发言的主题“虚实同源:未来元宇宙艺术”;

2021年11月 天津美术学院实验艺术学院移动媒体系“疆界”:人工智能与生物艺术工作坊;

2021年10月 四川美院雕塑系线上讲座:数智造物:超人、机器人、外星人;

2021年10月 鲁迅美术学院当代艺术系研究生二年级课程《未来太空艺术:超人、机器人、外星人计划》;

2021年6月 中国传媒大学动画与数字艺术学院研究生课程《智能科技与未来影像》;
2021年6月 中央美术学院三维数字动画工作室“实验动画”课程:《实验动画与未来媒体艺术的跨界概论》、《中国实验动画的历史逻辑与生态》;
2021年5月 北大讲座“计算艺术”系列讲座1——打破艺术与科学的边界:《未来相悖论:人工智能艺术的反思功能》;

2021年3月 鲁迅美术学院当代艺术系2019级研究生二年级课程《未来艺术学——未来启示当代》;
2021年3月 “疗愈室沙龙——策展人之夜01”论坛;
2021年3月 刘旭光个展论坛:中国当代艺术中的神秘主义;
2020年11月 “感知之维一一一港澳视觉艺术双年展” 云论坛;
2020年11月 未来艺术学概论 ——天津美术学院实验艺术学院研究生系列学术论坛讲座;
2020年10月 华中师范大学美术学院“AI ART. 2020 人工智能艺术与设计在线论坛”;

2020年9月 《人工智能与当代艺术》系列线上讲座 NO.2《人工智能的能与不能》;

2020年9月 天津·TianJin.Eden Box;论坛“后疫情时代的国际现场艺术”;

2020年8月 深圳前海CCF-GAIR 2020全球人工智能与机器人峰会【AI+艺术专场】演讲主题“自律与自省、欲望与创造”机器人艺术学概论;

2020年8月 深圳华·美术馆·艺术沙龙“模糊的边界:多向度的人机艺术”;

2020年7月 中国独立电影ZOOM在线讨论会发言“动画纪录片概念与主客观表达的兼容性纷争”;

2020年6月 北京服装学院2017级新媒体与动画夏季研究生毕业答辩会;

2020年5月 中国独立电影生态讨论会ZOOM在线讨论会发言;

2019年12月 第七届“金拴马桩奖”大学生影像艺术节主论坛“影像力·致未来-2019影像艺术教育论坛”主题发言《未来影像的媒介趋势》;

2019年12月 第七届“金拴马桩奖”大学生影像艺术节分论坛新媒体单元主题:重思教育—新媒体艺术作为突破边界的手段,作为学术主持;

2019年12月 第十五届连州国际影像年展专家见面会及主题讲座“未来媒介与影像的逻辑简史”;

2019年11月 广州美术学院跨媒体艺术学院《未来科技艺术导论》;

2019年11月 在艺·沙龙《人工智能 还是人工智障——AI艺术的衡量标准究竟在哪儿?》;

2019年9月 “未来启示当代”鲁迅美院当代艺术系研究生二、三年级工坊课程;

2019年7月 北京大学“Al+艺术”理论与实践课工坊指导;

2019年7月 光州市立美术馆北京创作中心驻馆策展人;

2019年6月 北京服装学院新媒体系硕士研究生答辩会;

2019年5月 天津美术学院移动媒体系毕业评审、答辨会;

2019年5月 首届天津科技媒体艺术论坛;

2019年5月 光州市立美术馆北京创作中心第11期驻馆艺术家工作室开放展交流会;

2019年4月 北京服装学院设计学专业讲课“未来科技与人工智能艺术”概论;

2019年3月 主持北京服装学院新媒体艺术系《设计文化与生活方式》综合课程与系列学术讲座;

2019年1月 天津美术学院移动媒体系毕业生创作与论文指导;

2018年12月 成都壹平方阅读公益图书馆《近未来科技与人工智能艺术的逻辑简史》;
2018年11月 北京服装学院《人工智能学与AI艺术观念简史——AI、哲学、艺术的历史逻辑》;
2018年11月 中国美术学院中国国际设计博物馆《近未来科技艺术》;
2018年10月 中华世纪坛北京国际摄影周2018“录像艺术在德国”多媒体影像学术研讨会;
2018年10月 西安美术学院公共艺术与文化视野系列讲座《新媒体重新定义公共艺术》;
2018年6月 天津美术学院2018届移动媒体艺术系、摄影艺术系毕业答辩会;
2018年6月 北京服装学院新媒体艺术系硕士研究生学位论文毕业答辩会;
2018年6月 天津美术学院实验艺术学院移动媒体系、摄影系毕业作品评审工作;
2018年3月—5月 中央美术学院设计学院教授《数字艺术如何融入公共空间》课程;
2018年3月—5月 北京服装学院新媒体系教授《时尚媒体艺术趋势》研究生课程;
2018年3月 中央美术学院设计学院研究生“问题与课题”系列讲座《艺术趋势 & 未来科技》;

2017年12月—2018年1月 中央美术学院城市设计学院传统造物工作室课程《未来艺术档案》;
2017年12月 北京服装学院新媒体艺术系硕士研究生答辩会;
2017年11月 汕头大学长江艺术与设计学院讲座《科技新媒体艺术概论》”;
2017年10月 “未知的未来”河北国际视觉艺术实验展学术委员及新媒体艺术论坛A《新媒体艺术的未来实验方向》;
2017年10月 天津美术学院实验艺术学院移动媒体艺术系《移生万物》移动互联网艺术档案学术主持及研讨会;
2017年6月 北京服装学院新媒体艺术系硕士研究生答辩会;
2017年1月—5月 天津美术学院影像系毕业生创作指导、毕业创作评分、毕业答辩工作;

2016年12月 北京服装学院新媒体艺术系硕士研究生答辩会;
2016年11月 四川美术学院新媒体艺术系“第五届新媒体艺术论坛·展览”演讲主题《中国新媒体艺术价值判断的要素》;
2016年6月 乌兰巴托华语短片电影展选片人、论坛嘉宾;
2016年6月 天津美术学院影像系毕业生创作指导; 
2016年4月 天津美术学院授课《交互影像装置艺术》;
2016年1月 重庆长江当代美术馆讲座《未来艺术档案》;

2015年12月 天津美术学院影像系教授《影像与空间》课程;
2015年12月 北京服装学院新媒体艺术系硕士研究生答辩会;
2015年11月 天津美术学院国际艺术学院中英数字媒体专业授课《创意媒体与数字文化》;
2015年9月 天津美术学院影像系授课《媒体艺术概论》;
2015年7月 天津美术学院国际艺术学院《新媒体艺术方案与空间创造》课程汇报;
2015年7月 北京服装学院讲座&论坛《未来媒介与当代艺术》; 
2015年6月 天津美术学院国际艺术教育学院讲授《媒体艺术历史理论与艺术表现课》; 
2015年1月—5月 指导天津美术学院影像系毕业生创作课、并参与毕业创作评分、毕业答辩工作;
2015年4月 北京工业大学《新媒体艺术概论与策展》讲座;
2015年1月 湖北美术学院《新媒体艺术跨界、策展与价值》讲座;

2014年12月 郑州轻工业学院易斯顿美术学院《中国策展生态与新媒介艺术价值》讲座;
2014年11月 “2014·艺术季”西安美术学院第四届研究生学术月实施《新媒介·方案艺术实践》工作坊;
2014年11月 天津美术学院学院影像系教授《影像与空间》课程;
2014年5月 西安美院影视动画系实施工作坊并授课《建构新媒体艺术的生态与价值》;

2013年12月 北京服装学院新媒体艺术系研究生答辩会;

2010年 北京服装学院策划首届《新媒体艺术与高等教育》学术论坛;

1999—2008年 曾先后在北京人文大学、中国地质大学、北京工商大学、北京科技研修学院讲授造型基础课;






Art Resume

Zhang Haitao, Painter, Curator, Art Critic, Future Art scholar, Editor-in-Chief of Art Archives Website, National First Class Artists,Member of Yichang Artists Association, Researcher of Digital and Blockchain Laboratory of the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism; Distinguished Professor (Master Supervisor) of the Experimental Art Department of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, Distinguished Professor Master Supervisor of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Visiting Professor of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, and Senior Lecture Expert of Hubei Institute of Technology. Currently living and working in Beijing. Studied at Hubei University of Technology and Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts before 2000. Devoting himself to the research and creation of contemporary art after 2000. Since 2004, he has planned and participated in over 100 domestic and international academic exhibitions. Founded Art Archives Website in 2007. From 2009 to 2017, he successively served as the executive director of Songzhuang Art Museum, Deputy Director of Yuandian Art Museum, Deputy Director of Jia Pingwa Culture and Art Museum, Curator of Li Space, and Art Director of NO! SPACE. Judge of the Hyundai Blue Prize Art & Tech in 2022 competition; Final Judge of the 7th "Golden Horse Stake Award"" of Image Art Festival in 2019; Academic member and judge of the Lishui Photography Festival from 2015 till now; Judge of the first Cultural Tourism China Metaverse Innovation Competition, Judge of the Cross-Strait DS Digital Art Award; Judge of the first Circle Art Youth Award. In 2012, he published his personal work "Future Art Archives". He has taught courses, guided workshops, or participated in forums and lectures at Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, Peking University, and other 8 major art academies.


1994, the 3rd Prize, the first teacher-student calligraphy and painting competition in Hubei Province

1999, Work "United as One" selected into the 9th Shaanxi Provincial Art Exhibition and the Art Works Exhibition to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China.

2000, Work "Father and Son" participated in the first exhibition of new artists and new works of the Beijing Artists Association.

2001, Silver Medal, the "Olympic" award selection for calligraphy, painting, and photography to welcome the Olympic Games

2002, Gold medal in the adult category, the calligraphy and painting exhibition hosted by the Ministry of Culture at the China International Science and Technology and Cultural Achievements Expo

2015, Outstanding Curator Award for Performance Projects, Beijing 798 Art Festival

2023, The Best Curator Award, Lianzhou International Photography Annual Exhibition

Exhibition Planning and Participation


- Time Machine - Continuously Defining Video Art

- "Using Virtuality to Strengthen Reality" AIGC Generated Image Exhibition

- "Encounters with Peers: Diverse Languages" International Photography Exhibition

- "Cosmic Ark 2020" Future Art Section, Shekou Theater Festival

- Human-machine integration: the era of robotic art  

2022, BOE Suzhou Bay Digital Art Museum permanent exhibition.

11,2022, "My Metaverse" Metropolitan Circle. Metaverse Digital Art Exhibition

2021, Doppelgänger: My Universe.

2021, Reflection the Future: Humanoid Robot Art Project.

2020 Futurology of Art;


2019 Hefei Contemporary Art Season "Antidote-Experimental Video Art Exhibition”.

2019 "Songzhuang Memory"; the 11th China Songzhuang Culture and Art Festival

2019 Man-Machine Integration---- Man-Machine Art Plan II

2019, "Future Enlightenment Contemporary", Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Department of Contemporary Art, the second and third-year workshop course closing exhibition

2018: “Guarding Original Hometown” 2018 Guang’An Field Biennale

2017: “Urban Nomadism”, 2017 Hangzhou Big Roof International Moving Image Exhibition.

2017: Daily Dynamic Media.

2017 The 6th Promotional Exhibition of Beijing 798 Art Festival "Interstellar Material"

2017: “Original Hometown”, Chinese Short Film Festival.

2017: 2017 Art Beijing NO! SPACE: Full-Automation.

2017: “Integration of Man and Machine”, Man-Machine Relationship Art Exhibition.

2016: AZZ Art Zhengzhou•2016 “Global China” Contemporary Art Exhibition

2016: World Hospice Care and Palliative Care Day: China 2016 Art Action,

2016: BIFF 2016 Experimental Image Exhibition.

2016: “Automated Fables” Zhang Muchen Man-Machine Relationship Art Project.

2016: Ulan Bator Chinese Short Film Exhibition

2016: “Proliferation Plan”, Qiu Yu Artificial Body Installation Art Exhibition

2016: ZZEx 2016 Zhengzhou Experimental Image Exhibition

2015: “Dynamic-Still” Plan one, two, three series

2015: Beijing 798 Art Festival, the 4th Introduction Exhibition: “Youth Exhibition: On the Shelf”.

2015: 2015 Beijing 798 Art Festival, the 4th Introduction Exhibition: “Theme Exhibition: New Folk Transformation”

2014: The 5th Xi’an International Film Festival

2014: 2014 “Global Mak-er Carnival”- Beijing: Cheng Youtong Art Project.

2014: 2014 Xi’an “Media City” International Art Exhibition and “Media City• Polymerization Micro-Age: Xi’an New Media Short Film Summit Forum”

2014: “Original Hometown (Beijing)” Contemporary Art Exhibition

2014: “Search for God” Contemporary Art Plan

2014: “Original Hometown” Contemporary Art Exhibition and Workshop

2013: 100x100=900 International Video Art Exhibition – China Exhibition and Workshop

2013: Dark Matter II – The Abnormal Expression of Contemporary Art

2013: Sensor II – “Responding• Touching” Artificial Mechanism Art Exhibition

2013: The 9th Layer – 2013 Artists Creation Projects and Sketching Exhibition

2013: Sensor – “Responding• Touching” Artificial Mechanism Art Exhibition

2013: EXIN Asia Experimental Film and Video Art Forum- China Continental Beijing Exhibition”

2012: EXiN 2012 Asia Experimental Film and Video Art Forum

2012: Biology• Ecology – China and Neverland Contemporary Art Exhibition

2012: Dark Matter – The Abnormal Expression of Contemporary Art

2011: “Same Origin of False and Truth – 2011 Beijing New Media Annual Art Exhibition” and Forum

2011: Art Archive of the 80’s Generation (1)

2010: 2010 the 1st “New Media Art and Higher Education” Academic Forum

2010: Heteromerism 39° - Contemporary Art Exhibition

2010: Automatic! Completely Automatic! – Zhuo Fan Artificial Installation Exhibition

2010: Micro/ Living/ Objects – Chen Youtong Solo Exhibition

2010: Refractive Brain-Washing- Tan Liqin Digital Deluxe Print and Installation Solo Exhibition

2010: The 1st 798 Multi-Media Art Festival – Artificial “Sceneries” New Media Art Theme Exhibition

2010: Nature? – Long Dexuan Contemporary Art Exhibition

2010: “Lurking Silence” Contemporary Art Exhibition, Germany

2010: 2010 Image Archive Exhibition and Forum

2010: Uncertain possibilities – 798 and Neighborhood Artists Tribes Youth Artwork Exhibition

2009: The 5th Songzhuang Art Festival • Young Curators Invitation Exhibition – “Future Index: Natural• Unnatural”

2009: “Fool Effects” Multi-Media Installation Exhibition

2008: Contemporary Sense of Smell Art Exhibition – Sense of Smell• Sense of Perception

2008: New Snap• Shot Photograph Exhibition

2007: 07 Image Archive Exhibition (798)

2007: 07 Image Archive Exhibition (Songzhuang)

2007: The 1st Theme Literature Exhibition – “Temporary Serving IV• Ambiguous III • Lurking Silence

2005: Ambiguous: Uncertainty Expression Exhibition

2005: Ambiguous• Dubious Art Exhibition

2004: Participating in Curating “The World of Mortals”

Teaching and Lectures, Forums 

10.08, 2023, Planning the "Photography Frontier: Physical Reality and Artificially Generated Reality" forum at the Lianzhou Photography Festival

10-11,2023, Speech on revision of digital media art talent training plans for Wenhua College of Yunnan University of the Arts, Wuhan Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Yanjing Institute of Technology, and Yinchuan Institute of Science and Technology

10,2023, Speech "Future Singularity - Art Design of the Ultimate Relationship between Man and Machine”, Artificial Intelligence and Art Design Seminar and Forum of the School of Urban Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

09,2023, "Introduction to Future Art Design" course teaching, Graduate Department of the School of Urban Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

08.03-08.06,2023, Speech "Future Ethics: Contradictions and Symbiosis—Universal Universe and Artificial Intelligence Art", The 2023 China Beijing (International) Audiovisual Conference

07.07-07.08,2023 "Data Visualization Art Creative Talent Training in the Intelligent Era" and “Futuristic: Artificial Intelligence. Wet Media. Space and Metaverse Art" course teaching, the Academy of Fine Arts of Central China Normal University in Wuhan.

06.26,2023, Speech "Future Ethics: Contradictions and Symbiosis - Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence Art", "China Metaverse Conference 2023"

05.20, 2023, Speech “Future World Science World: Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence Art”, the "Ying·Future" Jinshi Summit,

05.17, 2023, "Future World: Digital. Artificial Intelligence. Space and Metaverse Art" course teaching, Digital Art Center, the Central Academy of Fine Arts International College

05.08, 2023, "Intelligent Art and Future Imaging Research" Postgraduate course teaching, the School of Animation and Digital Art at Communication University of China 

04.15,2023 HUOSHUI·Lecture "Future Art Archives - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence, Biology, Metaverse and Space Art”. 

04,2023, Speech: Experimental Introduction to Future Digital and Animation Art; School of Film and Television Animation, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, 

03,2023, Speech: “cross-border introduction and curatorial practice paradigm of future digital art;” Xi'an Eurasian University Aide School of Art and Design, holding a series of lectures on-site with 2023 graduates on creation and design guidance. 

02,2023, Speech “Future Art and Future Survival Archives - Space, Biology, Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse Art;”, Experimental Art School of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute 

12, 2022 speech topic: Future Art: Artificial Bionics and Metaverse, "The 3rd Art and Technology High-end Forum" 

12, 2022, speech topic: “Future World Survival Archives: Science World and Metaverse Art - Future Enlightenment for the Contemporary”, the "International Metaverse and Wisdom Education Conference" 

10.25,2022, Planned "Introduction to Digital Media Art" at BeiQiJia Campus of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology and taught "Introduction to Digital Media Art/Lecture 3 Zhang Haitao: Cross-border Introduction to Digital Art in the Future - Reflecting on the Future and Enlightening the Contemporary." 

09.16,2022, speech "Future Metaverse Art: Contradictions and Symbiosis Reflection and Consensus”, the China Metaverse Summit 2022" forum 

09.15,2022, planned "Introduction to Digital Media Art" at the main campus of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology and taught "Introduction to Digital Media Art/Lecture 3 Zhang Haitao: A Brief History and Introduction to Future Digital Art - Reflecting on the Future and Enlightening the Contemporary”. 

08,2022, speech "Future Art: The Turn of the Natural World, the Anthropocene, and the Scientific World, the "Bandy Walk: Steps to Reconciliation with the Earth" exhibition and integrated art community forum activity plan at the ACC media facade in Seoul, South Korea. 

08.08,2022, Lecture "Future Art—Space, Biology, Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse Art", Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology 

07.10, 2022 "Futurology and Future Art Thoughts: ——Space, biology, robots and metaverse art”, Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts Future Art Network | Online Salon Lecture 

06, 2022, Speech "Future Digital Art: Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse", the "2022 China Digital Art Summit" 

05,2022 Lecture "Future Art: Universe and Metaverse Art - Space, Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse”, CAFA School of Urban Design. 

04,2022 Research course "Future Media Art: Space, Biology, Robots and Metaverse Art”, the Experimental Art Department of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. 

04,2022 Workshop "Future Art: Universe and Metaverse - Space, Biology, Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse Art”, Eurasian Academy of Art and Design. 

02,2022 Lecture "Contradiction and Consensus: Future Metaverse Art", Department of Information Art, Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts. 

12,2021, Speech “A brief discussion of future artificial bionics and space art - Future space art: Superman·Robot·Alien”, The Third International Art and Technology Forum”, Dalian University of Technology 

12,2021, Lecture “Introduction to the Cross-border Introduction to Experimental Animation and Future Art”, the School of Communication and Animation of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts 

12,2021, “Yangtze River New Audiovisual Conference" and "Pioneer Forum: Developing New Margins”, Nanjing University of the Arts 12,2021,  

12,2021, hosted the "China Metaverse Summit 2021, and giving speech "The Same Source as Virtual and Real: Future Metaverse Art", the Artificial Intelligence Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance (AITISA) 

11,2021 "Boundaries": Artificial Intelligence and Bio-Art Workshop, Department of Mobile Media, School of Experimental Art, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. 

10,2021 Online Lecture “Digitally Intelligent Creations: Superman, Robots, and Aliens”, the Sculpture Department of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts 

10,2021, the second-year postgraduate course "Future Space Art: Superman, Robot, and Alien Plan”, the Department of Contemporary Art, Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. 

06,2021 Postgraduate course "Intelligent Technology and Future Imaging”, the School of Animation and Digital Art, Communication University of China. 

06,2021 "Experimental Animation" course, "Cross-border Introduction to Experimental Animation and Future Media Art", "Historical Logic and Ecology of Chinese Experimental Animation"; 3D Digital Animation Studio of the Central Academy of Fine Arts: 

05,2021 Lecture "Computational Art" Lecture Series 1 - Breaking the Boundary between Art and Science: "Future Paradox: The Reflective Function of Artificial Intelligence Art", Peking University

03, 2021, the second-year postgraduate course "Future Art Studies - The Future Inspires the Contemporary" for 2019 students, the Department of Contemporary Art of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. 

03, 2021, Forum "Healing Room Salon - Curator's Night 01" 

03, 2021, Liu Xuguang Solo Exhibition Forum: Mysticism in Chinese Contemporary Art. 

11,2020, Cloud Forum "Dimensions of Perception - Hong Kong and Macao Visual Art Biennale" 

11,2020, Speech “Introduction to Future Art”, Academic Forum Lecture Series for Graduate Students of the School of Experimental Art, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. 

10,2020, the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Art and Design Online Forum of the Academy of Fine Arts, Central China Normal University”. 

09,2020, "Artificial Intelligence and Contemporary Art" series of online lectures NO.2 "The Can and Cannot of Artificial Intelligence”. 

08,2020, Shenzhen Qianhai CCF-GAIR 2020 Global Artificial Intelligence and Robot Summit [AI + Art Session] Speech topic "Self-discipline and introspection, desire and creation" Introduction to Robot Art. 

08,2020 "Blurred Boundaries: Multi-dimensional Human-Machine Art", Shenzhen Hua Art Museum Art Salon 

12,2019, the main forum of the 7th "Golden Horse Stake Award" University Student Image Art Festival "Image Force · To the Future-2019 Image Art Education Forum" keynote speech "Future Image Media Trends”. 

12,2019, The theme of the new media unit of the 7th "Golden Horse Stake Award" College Student Video Art Festival Sub-forum: Rethinking Education—New Media Art as a means to break through boundaries, as an academic host. 

12,2019, Expert meeting of the 15th Lianzhou International Film Festival and thematic lecture "A Brief History of the Logic of Future Media and Images”. 

11,2019 "Introduction to Future Art of Science and Technology", School of Intermedia Art, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. 

11,2019, "Artificial Intelligence or Artificial Intelligence-Where is the measurement standard of AI art?”.

09,2019 "Future Enlightenment Contemporary" 2nd and 3rd grade workshop course of the Department of Contemporary Art of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts.

07.,2019, Peking University "Al+ Art" theory and practice workshop guidance.

07.,2019 Resident curator of Beijing Creation Center of Gwangju Art Museum.

05,2019, the first Tianjin Science and Technology Media Art Forum.

05,2019, Gwangju Municipal Art Museum Beijing Creation Center 11th Residential Artist Studio Open Exhibition Exchange Meeting. 

04,2019, a lecture on "Future Technology and Artificial Intelligence Art" in Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology.

03,2019, hosted the comprehensive course and series of academic lectures on "Design Culture and Lifestyle" of the Department of New Media Art, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. 

12.,2018: “The Brief Logic History of Near Future Technology and Artificial Intelligence”, Chengdu One Square Reading Public Welfare Library

11,2018: “Artificial Intelligence and the Brief History of AI Art Concept --- AI, Philosophy, the Historical Logic of Art”, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

11,2018: “Near Future Technology Art”, China Design Museum of China Academy of Art.

10,2018: “Video Art in Germany” Multi-Media Image Symposium, Beijing International Photography Week 2018, China Millennium Monument

10,2018: “New Media Re-defining Public Art”, Public Art and Culture Vision Serie Seminar, Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts

06,2018: 2018 Oral Defense for Graduation of Moving Media Art Department and Photography Department, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

June,2018: Graduation Work Review and Evaluation, Moving Media Art Department and Photography Department, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

March-May,2018: Teaching “How Digital Art Integrates into Public Space” Lessons in the Designing Institute of Central Academy of Fine Arts 

March-May,2018: Teaching “Art Trend of Fashion Media” Lessons in Graduate School of Media Department, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

03,2018: “Art Trend & Future Technology” Seminar of “Problems and Issues” Serie in Graduate School of Designing Institute, Central Academy of Fine Arts 

12,2017- 01.2018: Teaching “Future Art Archive” Lessons in Traditional Creation Studio, City Design School, China Central Academy of Fine Arts

11,2017: Seminar “Technological New Media Art Introduction”, Long-River Art and Design Institute, Shantou University

10,2017: “The Future Experiment Direction of New Media Art”, Academic Committee and New Media Art Forum A “Unknown Future” Hebei International Vision Art Experiments Exhibition

10, 2017: “Movements Generating All Things”, Mobile Internet Art Archives Academic Seminar, Moving Media Art Department of Experimental Art Institute, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

January-May,2017: Directing and Reviews the Graduation Work and Oral Defense in the Image Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts 

12, 2016: Seminar “The Essential Factors to Judge the Values of China New Media Art”, “The 5th New Media Art Forum•Exhibition”, New Media Art Department of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts

06,2016: Film Selector and Forum Honored Guest, Ulan Bator Chinese Short Film Festival

04,2016: Teaching “Interactive Image Installation Art” Lesson, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

01,2016: Seminar “Future Art Archives”, Chongqing Changjiang Contemporary Art Museum 

12,2015: Teaching “Image and Space” lessons in the Image Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

11,2015: Teaching “Creative Media and Digital Culture” Lessons in Chinese-English Digital Media Department, International Art Institute, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

09,2015: Teaching “Introduction of Media Art” Lessons in the Image Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

07.2015: “New Media Art Project and Space Creation” Lesson Report, International Art Institute, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

07,2015: Seminar& Forum “Future Media and Contemporary Art”, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

06,2015: Teaching “Historical Theory of Media Art and Art Expression” Lesson in International Art Institute, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

04,2015: Seminar “Introduction and Exhibition Curating of New Media Art”, Beijing University of Technology

01.,2015: Seminar “Transboundary, Curating and Values of New Media Art”, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts 

12,2014: Seminar” The Ecology of China Curating and Values of New Media Art”, Eastern International Art College, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry

11.,2014: Workshop “New Media • Project Art Practice”, The 4th “2014•Art Season”

Graduate Students Academic Month, Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts

11,2014: Teaching “Image and Space” Lessons in the Image Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

05,2014: Directing Workshop and Teaching “Constructing the Ecology and Values of New Media Art” Lessons in Movie Animation Department, Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts 

12,2013: Graduate School Oral Defense for Graduation, New Media Art Department, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology 

2010: Directing and planning the 1st “New Media Art and Higher Education” Academic Forum, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology 

1999-2008: Teaching “Basic Modelling” Lessons in Beijing Humanities University, China University of Geosciences, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing Science & Technology Education College 

Publications and Periodicals 

2023 "The Future is Coming: Artificial Intelligence. GPT Focus Year - Subversive Art Media and Conceptual Turn" 

"Zhang Haitao: East Asia. Japan's Contemporary and Future Art Archives - Geo-Culture across Tradition, Modernity and Future Time and Space" 

"AI Era: The Debate between the "Danger Theory" and the "Harmony Theory" of Artificial Intelligence in the Future", 

2022 "Rediscussing Metaverse Art: Representation and Hyperreality - Authentic Interconnected Network and Accounting Metaverse" 

"Future World" Survival Archives: Definitions and Trends of Thoughts on Futurology and Future Art","Chronicles of Chinese New Media Art Exhibitions (2000-2020)",

"Experimentation is the Future: Cross-border Archives of Chinese Experimental Animation",

"Controversy and Challenges: Future Metaverse Art" 

Articles in 2021 and before: 

"Zhang Haitao: Cross-border, Difference and Transformation between Technology and Art" published in the 134th "China Art News." 

Edited and planned an issue of "Future Apocalypse - A Brief History of Future Art " for "Gallery" magazine, with Zhang Haitao as the cover character, and the theme content "Chinese Robot Art” for "Illustrated Magazine." 

Written a large number of articles about futurology, such as "Historical Logic and Characteristics of Postmodern, Contemporary and Future Art Trends",

"Future Space Art: Superman, Robots, Aliens - Transhuman Posthumanism", 

"Self-Discipline and Self-Feflection" Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Art", 

"A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence and AI Art Concepts - The Historical Logic of AI, Philosophy, and Art", 

"Foreseeing the Future - A Discussion on Future Art", 

"Machine· People, Art, and Times Equality Construct a Future Robot Social System", 

"A Brief History of Western Bio-Art (1933-2018) - New Ethical Art Movement", 

"Introduction and Brief History of Foreign Digital Art - The Same Origin of Virtual and Reality and the Internet of Everything”, 

“A Brief History and Introduction of Physical, Technological, and Art Media—Views of All Things and Mind-body Sensing”, 

“The Historical Logic of the Occurrence of Mobile Media Art”, 

“The History of the Origin of Technological Media Art and a Sorting of Controversial Concepts”, 

“Constructing China Value Judgment and Benign Ecology of New Media Art", 

"History of the Interactive Relationship between Photography and Art Media (1826-2000)", 

"Historical Characteristics of Chinese Contemporary Art after 2000", 

"Beware of "Putting the cart before the horse" in art management - "The Current Situation and Problems of "Art Management" in China", 

"A Brief History of China's Contemporary Art Trends and Ecology in the 1990s (1989-1999)", 

"The Relationship between Modern Art, Postmodern Art and Contemporary Art", 

"Exploring the Embarrassment Characteristics of the Post-1970s Art Group" 

"Youth Art Ecology in the Transition between Old and New Times", 

"Curatorial Archives and Ecological Characteristics of China 1989-2012", 

"The Value of Contemporary Art", 

"Object View· Observation of Things - Natural Object Art" and other theoretical articles. 



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