艺术档案 > 大史记 > 文献档案 > MOMA当代摄影档案1960-NOW︱档案:重构历史


2017-06-17 12:47:51 来源: 东邪西毒 作者:文/Eva Respini︱译/西毒


The Archive:Rewriting Histories

文/Eva Respini︱译/西毒

从照片被发明以来,它已经称为档案的代名词了,如今最常见的档案文件就是照片。照片的特性非常契合档案用来记录、分类以及整理知识的功能。档案摄影由记录犯罪案件、考古发现等等社会事件发展而来, 通常用于永久性的档案储存,给予历史以可靠性和证据支持,并促进了人类学、社会学和科技的发展。


其中一种策略是转化官方档案的语境,并制造新的叙事,从而质疑摄影的真实性。加利福尼亚艺术家Larry Sultan和Mike Mandel共同拍摄的“Evidence”便是这种创作方法的先驱。艺术家从公共和私人档案中梳理了四十万张照片,从中选出九十九张照片作为最终成书和展览的集合,从而创造出一中神秘、有趣,甚至充满幽默感的叙事结构。

而有些艺术家探讨的是照片重现历史的局限性,德国艺术家Michael Schmidt的“U-NI-TY”创作于柏林墙倒塌的第二年,他集合了公共和私人的影像将统一后的德国形象化,并探讨了激情澎湃的德国人背后的身份危机。


二十世纪末和新世纪初,公共和个人领域之间的界线越来越模糊,艺术家开始运用个人肖像去体现公共事件。在系列“May, June, July, August”中,艺术家Lorna Simpson从一本ebay买来的相册着手,在这本1957年的相册中,一位不知名的洛杉矶女性在照片中摆出各种海报女郎的姿势,艺术家模仿照片中的场景和姿势重新演绎了快照内容,给予它们以不同的格调和新的公共职能。



Carrie Mae Weems
American, born 1953



From here I Saw What Happened and I Cried. 1995
Thirty-four chromogenic color prints with sandblasted text on glass (10 shown)
Gift on behalf of The Friends of Education of The Museum of Modern Art, 1997

Taryn Simon
American, born 1975


Chapter I, A Living Man Declared Dead and Other Chapters I-XVIII. 2011
Three pigmented inkjet prints (213.4×301.6 cm)
Gift of the Fundacion Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso, 2012

Gilles Peress
French, born 1946



The Silence. 1994
Twenty two gelatin silver prints (six shown)
Gift of Susan and Peter MacGill, 2007


Hai Bo
Chinese, born 1962


The No. 6. 1999
Two chromogenic color prints. each (60.9×87.6 cm)
The Family of Man Fund, 2008


Bertien van Manen
Dutch, born 1942


Munich, Germany, from the series Give Me Your Image. 2002-05
Chromogenic color print (32.2×48.2 cm)
E. T. Harmax Foundation Fund, 2005


Gay Block
American, born 1942


Adele Defarges, France, from the series Rescures: Portraits of Moral Courage in the Holocause. 1988
Chromogenic color print (57.4×47 cm)
Gift of the artist, 1994


Lorna Simpson
American, born 1960


May, June, July, August #8. 2009
Twelve gelatin prints (12.7×12.7 cm)
Aquired through the generosity of The Contemporary Arts Council of The Museum of Modern Art, 2010


Akram Zaatari
Lebanses, born 1966


After They Got the Right to Arms. Fourteen Young Men Posing with Guns. Early 1970s/2006
Siteen gelatin silver prints (28.8×28.8 cm)
Fund for the Twenty-First Century, 2012


Christian Boltanski
French, born 1944


The Storehouse. 1988
Seven gelatin silver prints with seven electric lamps and 192 tin biscuit boxes containing cloth fragments (211.2×375.8 cm)
Jerry I. Speyer Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Phillips, Barbara Jackson, and Arnold A. Saltzan Funds, and purchase, 2989


Carlos Garaicoa
Cuba, born 1967



Untitled (L.A.). 2004
Two gelatin silver prints, one with thread and pins (100.3×150.5 cm)
Fund of the Twenty-First Century, 2005


Walid Raad
Lebanese, born 1967



My neck is thinner than a hair: Engines. 1996-2004
One hundred gelatin silver prints (24×34 cm)
Fund for the Twenty-First Century, 2004


Michael Schmidt
German, 1945-2014


U-NI-TY. 1991-94
163 gelatin silver prints (thirty-one shown)
Horace W. Goldsmith Fund through Robert B. Menschel and purchase, 1998

Zoe Leonard
American, born 1961


Analogue. 1998-2009
342 chromogenic color prints and 70 gelatin silver prints
Aquired through the generosity of The Contemporary Arts Counil of The Museum of Modern Art, 2013


David Wojnarowicz
American, 1954-1992


Weight of the Earth, Part I. 1988
Fourteen gelatin silver prints (99.1×104.8 cm)
The Family of Man Fund, 1991


Roni Horn
American, born 1955



Still Water. 1999
Eighy offset lithographs (81.6×57.5 cm)
Aquired through the generosity of Kathy and Richard S. Fuld, Jr., 2007


Olafur Eliasson
Danish and Icelandic, born 1967



Jokla Series. 2004
Fourty-eight chromogenic color prints (36×54 cm)
Aquired through the generosity of Jerry I. Speyer, Marie-Josee Kravis, and Micheal Lynne, 2006


Hans-Peter Feldmann
American, born 1969



11 Pictures. 1973
Artist's Book (9.7×9.8 cm)
The Museum of Modern Art Library, New York, 1986


Takuma Nakahira
Japanese, born 1938


C-084, from the series Circulation: Date, Olace, Events. 1971
Gelatin silver print, printed 2013 (32.1×48 cm)
David H. McAlpin Fund, 2014


Larry Sultan
American, 1946-2009


Evidence. 1977
Artist's book (23.5×225.5 cm)
The Museum of Modern Art Library, New York, 1987


Rachel Harrison
American, born 1966


Voyage of the Beagle. 2007
Fifty-seven pigmented inkjet prints (twelve shown)
Fund for the Twenty-First Century, 2007


Phil Collins
British, born 1970



free fotolab. 2009
Eighty 35mm slides (four shown)
Fund for the Twenty-First Century. 2011


Jan De Cock
Belgian, born 1976


Denkmal 11, Museum of Modern Art, 11 West 53 Street, New York, 2008. Diptych 23, Module CCCXX, Module CCCXXI. 2008
Two chromogenic color prints (133×79 cm)
Fund for the Twenty-First Century, 2008


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