艺术档案 > 展览档案 > 展讯发布 > “多元未来”首届新绎国际艺术双年展


2024-09-22 13:28:52.446 来源: 新绎美术馆 作者:新绎美术馆



The first ENNOVA Art Biennale will be held from October 27th, 2024 to April 30th, 2025 in Langfang, located in the center of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The Biennale is hosted by ENNOVA Art Museum, with internationally renowned curator and art critic Fumio Nanjo as the chief curator. The curatorial research team consists of scholars such as Miwa Kutsuna, Andrea Del Guercio, Hatanaka Minoru, and Qilan Shen.


With the theme "Multiple Future : a new visions of our life," the biennale delves deeply into the essence of contemporary art and the infinite boundaries of human creativity, in order to break through the traditional modes of thinking and to face the multiple challenges faced by contemporary humanity. 


The exhibition is divided into four chapters, the first focusing on sound as a special immaterial material, the second on creativity beyond borders, the third on the possibilities of environmental sustainability, and the fourth on exploring a post-human world.


The 1st ENNOVA Art Biennale brings together the wonderful works of nearly 100 artists (groups) and will be one of the most internationally influential contemporary art events in China.


▲ 池田亮司 Ryoji Ikeda 

测试图案[nº15] Test Pattern[nº15] 2024 

4台DLP投影仪、电脑、扬声器 宽6.5×高6×深41.6m 4 DLP projectors, computers, speakers, W6.5×H6×D41.6m

图片致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist


▲ 卢克·杰拉姆 Luke Jerram 盖亚 Gaia 2018

尼龙织物、内部风扇和照明、旋转器 直径10米 Nylon fabric, internal fan and lighting, rotator, 10 metres diameter

图片致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist 


▲ 艾米·卡丽 Amy Karle 

再生圣物箱 Regenerative Reliquary 2016 金属、玻璃、水凝胶、流体、混合介质 Metal, Glass, Hydrogel, Fluid, Mixed Media 66.04×47×62.23 cm 

图片致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist 



Proposed Artists:

Tomás Saraceno, Leandro Erlich, Refik Anadol, Kimsooja, Bill Fontana, Tatsuo Miyajima, Ryoji Ikeda, Ei Wada, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Shota Yamauchi, Meiro Koizumi, On Kawara, evala, Aoyama Shuhei, Xu Bing, Liu Jianhua, Wu Ziyang, Jia Aili, and others.





Fumio Nanjo


Curator, Art Critic, Researcher


从1997年威尼斯双年展日本馆开始担任各类国际大型展览策展总监,包括2001年横滨三年展、2006年及2008年新加坡双年展、2016年茨城县北艺术节、2017年檀香山双年展、2021年北九州未来创造艺术节 ART for SDGs、2021年—2023年 Fuji Textile Week等。国内的展览活动包括1998年担任中国台北双年展策展总监,2024年为上海当代艺术博物馆策划胡项城个展“天天问”等。著有《活在艺术中》(角川书店,2012年)等专著。

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Economics in 1972 and Faculty of Letters, (Philosophy, Aesthetics & Science of Arts) in 1977. After working for the Japan Foundation from 1978 to 1986 and other organizations, he participated in the launch of the Mori Art Museum (2002), served as Director from Nov. 2006 to 2019, and Senior Advisor from 2020. In the same year, he began working as General Advisor of Towada Art Center, Senior Advisor of Hirosaki Museum of Contemporary Art and in May 2023 he was appointed Executive Director of Arts Maebashi.

Since the Japan Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 1997, he has been curatorial director of a lot of major international exhibitions, including the Yokohama Triennale in 2001, the Singapore Biennale in 2006 and 2008, the Ibaraki KENPOKU Arts Festival in 2016, and the Honolulu Biennale in 2017. He has also organized the Kitakyushu ART Festival Imaging for Our Future: ART for SDGs in 2021 and Fuji Textile Week from 2021 to 2023. His exhibition activities in China include serving as curatorial director of the Taipei Biennale in 1998. In 2024, he curated Hu Xiangcheng's solo exhibition "Asking Every Day" for Shanghai Power Station of Art, etc. His publications include A Life with Art (2012) amongst others.



About ENNOVA Art Museum

Through international practices such as art exhibitions, academic research, systematic collections, education programs, and international art forums, ENNOVA Art Museum aspires to become a leading platform for global artistic exchange that is characterized by innovation, openness, diversity, and cross-border. We are committed to establishing a professional, non-profit museum that fosters artistic influence and expands public access to cultural experiences at the core region of the Jing-Jin-Ji cluster.






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