艺术档案 > 展览档案 > 展讯发布 > [北京]“少作” 和 “狗年十三个月”

[北京]“少作” 和 “狗年十三个月”

2009-06-22 10:30:04 来源: 艺术档案网 作者:artda


展览名称:少作 —— 构建资本主义社会的灵魂
艺 术 家:奥利•约翰•安达尔
          李郁 & 刘波
策 展 人:Andreas Rishovd、苏文祥
展览开幕:2009/6/13  17:00
展览日期:2009/6/13 – 7/12
出 品 人:高平
主    办:伊比利亚当代艺术中心,Porsgrunn Art Society,西班牙国际文化艺术基金会

我们非常荣幸的邀请您参加由伊比利亚当代艺术中心和挪威Porsgrunn Art Society共同举办的联合项目:它们由两个个展组成,一个是来自挪威的艺术家奥利•约翰•安达尔的“少作 ——构建资本主义社会的灵魂”,另一个是来自中国的艺术家组合李郁、刘波的“狗年13个月”。





“少作 —— 构建资本主义社会的灵魂”

自由主义市场经济让全球的商业公司得以通过新闻媒体和广告活动中的光鲜图像和视觉修辞来改变我们思维和感受的方式。艺术家奥利•约翰•安达尔对这种图像轰炸带来的噪音干扰心存忧虑,同时担心它们对正处于自我身份形成早期阶段的青少年会造成影响,因此MMS(多媒体短信服务Multimedia Messaging Service)带来的新现象激发了他的兴趣。这些使用手机和电脑摄像头拍摄的低像素图片能通过因特网迅速发送到其它手机和电脑上。大人将此视为电信公司让人掏钱的促销伎俩,然而青少年们却把它看作与同龄人和外界直接沟通的新方式而欣然接受。




Artists:      Ole John Aandal
              Li Yu & Liu Bo

Curators:        Andreas Rishovd, Su Wenxiang
Opening:     2009/6/13  17:00
Dates:           2009/6/13 – 7/12
Address:  Iberia Center for Contemporary Artt
E06, 798 Art Dist, 4 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang Dist, Beijing, China
Director:     Xia Jifeng
Producer:    Gao Ping
Organizer:   Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Porsgrunn Art Society

Exhibition Brief:

Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, in collaboration with Porsgrunn Art Society from Norway proudly invite you to our joint project, which is comprised of two exhibitions: JUVENILIA – CONSTRUCTING A SOUL IN CAPITALIST SOCIETIES featuring Norwegian artist Ole John Aandal, and 13 MONTH IN THE YEAR OF THE DOG showcasing the Chinese artist duo Li Yu & Liu Bo.

Iberia Center for Contemporary Art has taken the expansion of a close and effective working relationship with art organizations worldwide as its basic principle and an important orientation, to introduce westerm contemporary art to China and to present young Chinese contemporary artists to Europe or the West at large. Hopefully, the Center will grow into a platform supporting and facilitating the mutual exchange and communication between art worlds of the East and the West. Perhaps, the present parallel exhibitions will serve as a real opportunity for the audience to discover how artists employ the same media of photography to present differences or similarities rooted in different geographic spaces.

“13 Months in the Year of the Dog”

“13 Months in the Year of the Dog” by Li Yu and Liu Bo, both from Wuhan city, is an ongoing photographic series, inspired by social reportages from several local big newspapers. In their work, Yu and Bo observe reality, interpreting it via the media itself and in a movie like staged photographic fashion, not very unlike scenes from soap operas.

The artists started their collaboration back in 1998, based on Bo`s thoughts around harm and violence, and representation of violence in art history. This was then combined with Yu`s interest for news stories from everyday life as basis for artistic fabrication. Their reproduction of news stories is a humane way of defeating press media, through postcard like and beautiful sceneries, depicting glimpses of life, death, hate, murder and insanity, revenge, justice and violence, social change and the loss of religion.

Juvenilia - Constructing a Soul in Capitalist Societies

Market liberalism allows global companies to change the way we think and feel by the use of glossy photography and visual rhetoric in news media and advertising campaigns. Worrying about the sheer noise created by this image bombardment, and its effect on adolescence in the early stages of forming their identities, Ole John Aandal was intrigued by the new phenomenon MMS; these low-resolution photographs taken with cameras in cell phones or computers, easily distributed to other phones or computers throughout the Internet. As adults tended to dismiss it as another marketing trick by the telephone companies to wring our pockets, teenagers have embraced it as a new and immediate way of communicating with their peers and the world at large.

In his works, Aandal uses photography to question the politics of the medium and how it shapes and charges our culture. Juvenilia is the voice of teenagers in a new media world where everybody is an artist and everything you can imagine is real.


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