每年的甄选工作由奥地利电子艺术节两位艺术总监之一的Christine Schöpf,以及另一位评审团成员负责。在去年(2012年),入选作品依照其所表达的主题被分入如下各组:“艺术电影”、“音乐相关”、“内心世界”、“视觉效果”、“喜剧”、“观点与信息”和“叙事”等等。
一篇来自评委Christine Schöpf与Jürgen Hagler对有关评选过程的采访:
地点:chi K11艺术空间(上海K11购物艺术中心B3层 淮海中路300号)
Inner Spaces, Comedy, Position & Message - Selected winning animations from Ars Electronica Animation Festival 2012
Since 2009, Ars Electronica's "Animation Festival" presents a selection of works submitted to the Prix Ars Electronica’s "Computer Animation / Film / VFX" category. Each year, nearly 700 works are submitted to this category of Prix Ars Electronica, but only 15 receive a prize at the competition. The "Animation Festival" wants to showcase the wide range of submitted works which at the same time represent an international "best of" in this field.
The selection is done by one of the two artistic directors of Ars Electronica, Christine Schöpf, and a jury member. In the 2012 edition, the works are grouped around the topics "Art Film", "About Music", "Inner Spaces", "Visual Effects", "Comedy", "Position & Message", and "Narration".
About Animation Festival
Learn through an interview with Christine Schöpf and Jürgen Hagler on the selection process:
Which criteria are used to select the works in the festival lineup?
Hagler: The process begins with a preliminary selection, which we do together. We assemble all the works from a single year, view all the submissions, though we’re already familiar with some of them because we also attend other festivals.
Schoepf: But we go through all the submissions to come up with a short list of candidates for the Prix judging in order to get down to a number that’s manageable over the course of only three days.
Hagler: I mean, there are a lot of entries! In recent years, it’s been in the 550-700 range, and it takes quite a bit of time to screen so many films.
Schoepf: In this preliminary judging, we make note of films that we believe have no chance in the competition for Prix honors but might be a good fit on the Animation Festival program. This year, there were 210 works that made it to consideration by the jury. First comes the KO round—if the work doesn’t get Thumbs Up, it’s eliminated. Then, we look at the survivors, and really focus on 80-100 works.
We screen the 15 best films and think about which thematic cluster we could assign them to. Is it Narration, is it Sex & Crime, is it Dark Stories, our sort of late-night lineup? We scrutinize the 15 films with emphasis on the best way to group them together, which is also the way we come up with new themes.
Hagler: The preliminary selection and the jury session take place within the span of two weeks, which means a really intensive encounter with the material. So, first we have a little huddle. Then the jury convenes, which is also an extended process—the discussion continues through lunch about things like the latest trends that are evident in the first round. And these elaborations give rise to concepts and themes that just might develop into a new category.
Does this mean that the Animation Festival’s themes differ from one year to the next?
Schoepf: Exactly. Narration, for example, is on the program every year. But there have also been themes for which we had a couple of terrific works but just not enough to assemble a whole package.
Hagler: For example, Position & Messages, which deals with political statements, or Psyche, Reality—we find substantive approaches that are really exciting and dovetail into a one-hour block. Short films are a mainstay of every Animation Festival; we have a short film program with an approximately one-hour running time that consists of 6-10 animated films.
Date Apr 1, 2013 - Apr 14, 2013
Language English
Planner Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber
Venue chi K11 art space (Shanghai K11 Art Mall, B3, 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu)
Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber
Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber is a translator, editor and manager of cultural cooperation projects with a focus on China.
Since the 1980s she has translated many books about Chinese philosophy as well as digital culture. Since the mid 90s, she has been working, amongst others, for Ars Electronica, the oldest festival for „art, technology and society“, as an editor, curator (first digital archive of Ars Electronica, Digital Communities category of Prix Ars Electronica, annual Festival Symposium etc.), and the China liaison person of Ars Electronica. In 2010, she has been commissioned by swissnex China to organize the cultural & scientific framework program for an exhibition about Einstein traveling through Chinese science centers. She just finished a research project on the use of Chinese social media by Swiss academic institutions (commissioned by swissnex China).
She lives in Linz and Shanghai.