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李小鏡(Li Xiaojing)

2011-08-01 12:13:58 来源: 艺术档案网 作者:artda


李小鏡出生於重慶,自幼隨家人移居台灣。大學在台灣中國文化學院主修西畫,畢業後赴美進修並獲藝術碩士學位,目前定居於紐約。李小鏡在紐約以美術指導起家,七十年代末期轉任攝影師。曾從事時裝及人文攝影多年,八十年代起他將攝影轉移用在藝術創作的領域裡;九十年代興起的電腦科技使他得以將繪畫、攝影與創作等上同的經驗整合為一種獨特的媒材。 首先以相機將人物拍成肖像,再把圖像輸入電腦,李小鏡將眾生猶自上定的蛻變,逼出半人半獸一般的造型。他並以適切的題目為這些系列作品命吊為;「十二生肖《(Manimals)、「審判《(Judgement)、「108眾生像《(108 Windows) 、「源《(Origin)、 「夜生活《(Nightlife),及「成果《(Harvest)。這些作品自 1993 年起,先後於紐約的 O.K. 哈里斯畫廊(O.K. Harris Works of Art)展出,及時吸引了 PBS 及 MSNBC 電視台,紐約時報(New York Times)、美國攝影雜誌(American Photo)、Zoom、Art Life、Creative Technology 等雜誌的注意。接著在法國、義大利、英國、日本、台灣、葡萄牙 、德國以及美國各地美術館和藝廊,路續的展出這些系列作品。

2006 “众生相”八大画廊北京当代馆,中国北京
2005 “成果”哈里斯畫廊 (O.K. Harris Works of Art), 美國紐約市
2005 “成果”東之畫廊, 台灣台北市
2005 “源”(應邀為大會主題藝術家), Ars Electronica 2005 電子藝術節, 奧地利
2004 “成果”日動畫廊 (Nichido Contemporary Art), 日本東京
2001 “夜生活”哈里斯畫廊 (O.K. Harris Works of Art), 美國紐約市
1999 “源”與“審判”(大會特別邀請藝術家) Cyber 99 葡萄牙里斯本CCB文化中心,
1999 “源”哈里斯畫廊 (O.K. Harris Works of Art), 美國紐約市
1997 “108眾生相”哈里斯畫廊 (O.K. Harris Works of Art ), 美國紐約市
1997 “審判”家畫廊, 台灣台北市
1996 “十二生肖” 與 “審判”J.J. Brookings 畫廊, 美國舊金山市
1995 “十二生肖” 與 “審判”水城堡畫廊 (Galerie du Chateau d'Eau),法國土魯斯市
1995 “審判”世界畫廊 (Gallery of the World, Stiavnica, Slovakia), 斯洛伐克
1972   美国宾州,费城艺术学院硕士
1968   台湾文化学院艺术学士

Beginning from stark portraits photographed with a high resolution digital camera, Daniel Lee submits his pictorial subjects to the digital wringer, provoking their unsettling metamorphosis into animal-like forms. He appropriately entitled these series "Manimals", "Judgement", "108 Windows", "Origin" and "Nightlife" initially shown at O.K. Harris Works of Art Gallery in New York since 1993, in addition, these works attracted the attention of publications like PBS Television, New York Times, American Photo, Zoom, Wired, Art Life, Harper's, Creative Technology magazines and gallery and museum exhibitions in France, Italy, England, Japan, Taiwan, Portugal, Canada, Germany and Austria.

Known as Lee Xiaojing in Chinese, born in Chunking, China (1945) and raised in Taiwan. He moved to United States after he received his BFA in painting from College of Chinese Culture. Then he got his MA degree majored in Photography and Film from Philadelphia College of Art and worked as an Art Director in New York until the late seventies, at which point he changed to photography as a career. Within one and a half decades, he went through different stages in fashion, people to still life collage. Since 1993, computer technology allowed him to combine his various drawing, photographic and fine art skills in one medium.

Daniel Lees work has been shown internationally in solo exhibitions at O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York (1993, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2005), the East Gallery, Taipei (2005), Nichido Contemporary Art, Tokyo (2004), CCB Center, Lisbon (1999), the Galerie du Chateau d'Eau, Toulouse (1995), the Fotofo Gallery, Bratislava (1995), both of his "108 Windows" and "Origin" in video installation have been shown in the 2003 Biennale of Venice, and to be chosen as the logo artist by Ars Electronica 2005, Linz, Autria.

2006 "Manimals", Pa Ta Gallery Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2005 "Harvest", O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York, USA
2005 "Harvest", East Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2004 "Harvest", Nichido Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
2004 "Nightlife", Taipei Art Fair International 2004, Taipei, Taiwan
2001 "Nightlife", O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York, USA
1999 "Origin" & "Judgement", Cyber 99, CCB, Lisbon, Portugal
1999 "Origin", O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York, USA
1997 "108 Windows", O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York, USA
1997 "Judgment", Home Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1996 "Manimals", J.J. Brookings Gallery, San Francisco, USA
1995 "Manimals" Galerie du Chateau d'Eau, Toulouse, France
1995 "Manimals", Shimazu Studio, Fukuoka, Japan
1995 "Judgment" Gallery of the World, Benska Stiavnica, Slovakia
1972 Master of Arts, Philadelphia College of Art, Philadelphia ,USA
1968 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan



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