2010 王川纸上水墨作品,Babu画廊,深圳
2010 逍遥与边缘—王川个展,偏锋新艺术空间,北京
2007 我的山水,四合苑画廊,北京
2006 涂画的觉醒—王川油画近作,OCT当代艺术中心,深圳
2006 中国抽象油彩—王川油画作品,朱屺瞻艺术馆,上海
2001 生命的痕迹—王川艺术回顾展,何香凝美术馆,深圳
2000 精神生活的手稿—王川水墨作品,汉雅轩画廊,香港
1999 王川水墨个展,艺倡画廊,香港
1999 王川水墨个展,深圳画院,深圳
1998 王川水墨个展,纽约•苏荷•456画廊,纽约,美国
1990 王川水墨个展,汉雅轩画廊,纽约,美国
1990 生命的指标,汉雅轩画廊,香港
1990 墨点—王川个展,深圳市博物馆,深圳
1988 王川水墨个展,中国美术馆,北京
2011 绘画的书写性,北京当代艺术馆,北京
2011 光芒十射,新加坡杨艺术中心北京开馆展,北京
中艺博国际画廊博览会 北京
不可缺席,成都文轩美术馆 成都
2010 重构—中国当代抽象艺术TOP展, 北京今日美术馆,杭州美术馆
2009 中国抽象艺术展—重返现代,杭州美术馆,杭州
2008 气韵—中国抽象艺术国际巡回展,中国广场艺术空间,纽约,美国
意派•中国抽象艺术三十年,La Caixa Form美术馆,西班牙帕尔马/巴塞罗那/马德里
2007 从西南出发—西南艺术当代展,广东美术馆,广东
2006 中国水墨文献展,南京博物馆,江苏
2005 实验水墨回顾展 1985-2000,深圳画院,深圳
2004 第四届深圳国际水墨艺术双年展—笔墨在当代,深圳关山月美术馆,深圳
2002 七七、七八级四川美院回顾展,四川美术馆、重庆川美美术馆,四川
2001 城市俚语,何香凝美术馆,深圳
2000 新中国画大展,江苏省美术馆、上海刘海粟美术馆,江苏/上海
1999 墨易,德国Herrenhof Mussbach美术馆,德国
1998 看东方—三人展,纽约Goldstrom画廊,美国
1997 Chinese Abstraction and Beyond,香港艺倡画廊、香港艺术中心,香港
1996 重返家园,美国旧金山瑞曼画廊、世界日报画廊,美国
1994 共赏抽象之美,香港艺倡画廊,香港
1993 后八九年中国新艺术,汉雅轩画廊、香港艺术中心,香港
1992 九十年代首届中国艺术双年展,广州
1991 中国89’后当代艺术研究文献展,北京
1990 蜕变—现代中国水墨画,香港艺术中心,香港
1989 中国现代艺术展,北京中国美术馆,北京
1988 当代中国绘画选粹,意大利法拉拉现代美术博物馆•米兰国际艺术节,以及意大利各地巡回展,意大利
1986 全国85’美术新潮幻灯作品研讨会,珠海
1983 北京全国职工美展油画作品展获一等奖,中国美术馆,北京
1981 四川美院赴京油画展,中国美术馆,北京
1980 布面油彩《再见吧!小路》获文化部优秀作品奖•获四川省两项优秀文艺奖,北京第二届全国青年美展,中国美术馆,北京
2010《中国当代艺术全集》 巫鸿著 美国纽约现代艺术博物馆
2010《中国当代艺术全集•绘画编•油画第一卷》 鲁虹著 上海书画出版社
2010《中国当代艺术三十年•绘画篇》 文化艺术出版社
2009《中国美术60年1949-2009》 潘公凯等著 人民出版社
2009《王川•纸上水墨2009》 香港紫罗兰书局
2008《个案•艺术史中的艺术家》 吕澎著 湖南美术出版社
2007《21世纪中国当代艺术史》 吕澎著 北京大学出版社
2007《气韵•中国抽象艺术巡展》 黄专著 岭南美术出版社
2006《越界•中国先锋艺术1997-2004》 鲁虹著 湖北美术出版社
2005《实验水墨回顾展1985-2000》 湖南美术出版社
2004《第四届深圳国际水墨画双年展》 河北美术出版
2002《中国当代艺术史1989-1999年》 吕澎著 湖南美术出版社
2001《中国水墨实验二十年》 皮道坚著 岭南美术出版社
2000《第二届深圳国际水墨画双年展》 广西美术出版社
2000《WANG CHUAN 2000》 香港艺倡画廊
1998《第一届深圳国际水墨画双年展》 广西美术出版社
1997《中国艺术大展作品集》中国画卷 上海书画出版
1993《后八九中国新艺术》 香港汉雅轩画廊
1992《王川—走向原始的开端》 吕澎著 四川美术出版社
1992《中青年国画家百人作品集》 廖雯著 香港艺术潮流出版社
1990《生命的指标—王川》 香港汉雅轩画廊
1989《中国现代艺术史—1979-1989》 吕澎 易丹著 湖南美术出版社
1988《中国当代美术史—1986-1987》 高名潞等著 上海人民出版社
1984《新中国文艺大系•美术集》 中国文联出版公司
1983 作品《车轮》于全国职工美展获优秀作品一等奖;于全国铁路美展获特等奖
1980 作品《再见吧!小路》获文化部优秀作品奖;于四川省优秀文艺作品评选获两项优秀作品奖
Wang Chuan
Born in Chengdu in 1953
Bachelor degree and graduated from the Tranditional Chinese Painting of Sichuan Fine Art Institute in 1982
Now Living and Working in Beijing, China
Solo Exhibitions:
2010 Aloof from the Struggle & Aside from the Hubbub—Wang Chuan's Solo Exhibition, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China
Ink On Paper By WangChuan ,Babu Gallery,ShenZhen,China
2007 My Landscape, the Courtyard Gallery, Beijing, China
2006 Waking of Graffiti—Wang Chuan’s New Oil Painting, OCT
Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, China
Chinese Abstract (Oil Painting), Zhu Qizhan Museum of Art, Shanghai, China
2001 Trace of Life—A Retrospective Exhibition of Art Paintings
by Wang Chuan, He XiangNing Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China
2000 Diary of a Reflective Life—Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings,
Hanart T Z Gallery, Hongkong, China
1999 Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings, Alisan Fine Arts Gallery, Hongkong, China
Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings, Shenzhen Fine Art Institute, Shenzhen, China
1998 Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings, Gallery 456, Soho, New York, USA
1990 Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings, Hanart T Z Gallery, New York, USA
The Life Index, Hanart T Z Gallery, Hongkong, China
The Life Index, Hanart T Z Gallery, Taiwan, China
Blackness—Wang Chuan’s Solo Exhibition, Shenzhen Museum, China
1988 Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings, China Museum of Art, Beijing, China
Group Exhibitions:
2011 Graphology of painting,Museum of Contemporary Art BeiJing
2011 Splendor,YangGallery BeiJing Grand Opening,BeiJing
Visible Soul,The 4th Chinese Abstract Art Exhibition,PIFO Gallery,BeiJing
China International Gallery Exposition 2011 BeiJing
Not Absence From Attendance ChengDu WenXuan Art Museum, ChengDu
2010 Reconstruction—The top exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Abstract Art ,Today Art Museum,BeiJing,Hangzhou Museum of Arts
Geneva International Art Fair, Geneva, Switzerland
Open Flexibility: Innovative Contemporary Ink Art, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
Array with No Objects—Academic Inviting Exhibition of Contemporary Abstract Art in 2010, Hubei Museum of art ,Wuhan, China
Thirty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art (1979-2009), MinSheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2009 Exhibition of Chinese Abstract Art—Return to the Modern, Hangzhou Museum of Arts, Hangzhou, China
Space for Perspective, Chang Art, Beijing, China
Where the Spirit Lives:Exhibition on Occasion of 100 th Anniversary of Abstract, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China
Yi Pai—Century Thinking, Today Art Museum,Beijing,China
2008 Qi Yun—International Exhibition of Chinese Abstract Art, China Square, New York, USA
Towards the Post-abstract, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China
Case Studies of Artists in Art History and Art Criticism, SZ Art Center, Beijing, China
Yi School•30 Years of Chinese Abstract Art, LaCaixa Form Art Museum Madrid, Spain
2007 From Southwest: Contemporary Art from Southwest of China, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
Lines: Chinese Abstract Art, Greek Art Center, Shanghai, China
Ink had Five Colors, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China
QI YUN: International Travelling Exhibition of Chinese Abstract Art, Shenzhen/Beijing, Hongkong/New York, China/USA
2006 The Exhibition of Chinese Painting Documentaries, Nanjing Visual Art Museum, Nanjing, China
Wang Chuan & Yan Shanchun, Hanart T Z Gallery, HongKong, China
Create History: Commemoration Exhibition of Chinese Modern Art in 1980s, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, China
2005 Retrospection of Experimental Ink & Wash 1985—2000, Shenzhen Fine Art Institute, Shenzhen, China
Korean—Chinese Contemporary Ink Painting, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
The Art of Giving—A Selection of Donations to the Hongkong Museum of Art, Hongkong Museum of Art, Hongkong, China
2004 The 4th International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen, Guan ShanYue Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China
2002 Review Today's Works of 77', 78', Art Museum of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, ChongQing, China
2001 Urban Slang—Chinese Contemporary Art of Zhujiang Delta, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
2000 Grand Exhibition of New Chinese Painting, Liu Haisu Art Gallery/Jiangsu Art Museum, Shanghai/Nanjing, China
The 2nd International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen, Guan ShanYue Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China
China: 20 Years of Ink Experiment, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangdong, China
1999 The Gusto of Ink & Wash, German Herrenhof Mussbach Art Museum, Germany
Exhibition of the Two Artists, Goldstrom Gallery, New York, USA
1998 Looking Eastern—Three Artists, Goldstrom Gallery, New York, USA
The 1st International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen, Guan ShanYue Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China
1997 Chinese Abstraction and Beyond, Alisan Fine ArtsGallery/Hongkong Arts Center, Hongkong, China
Modern Ink Painting in China, Shanghai Library, Shanghai, China
1996 Returning to Homeland, Gallery on the RIM, San Francisco, USA
Abstract Paintings, Alison Fine Arts Gallery/Shanghai Museum of Art, Hongkong/Shanghai,China
1994 Abstract Paintings, Alisan Fine Arts Gallery, Hongkong, China
1993 New Art from China: Post-1989, Hongkong Arts Center, Hongkong, China
Chinese Fine Arts in the 1990s: Experiences of China, Sichuan Museum of Art, ChengDu, China
China Newly Abstract, Hanart T Z Gallery, Hongkong, China
1992 The First 1990’s Biennial Art Fair, Guangzhou, China
1991 Exhibition of Research Literature and Works of Post-1989 Art, Beijing, China
1990 Metamorphosis—Contemporary Chinese Paintings, Hongkong Arts Center, Hongkong, China
Singapore Art Fair '90, Singapore
1989 China Avant—garde, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
1988 Aspetti Della Pittura Chinese Contemporanea, Ferrara Arts Museum, Italy
Words, Words, Words, Hanart T Z Gallery, Hongkong/Taipei, China
Ink of Myth, Hanart Gallery, Hongkong/Taipei, China
1986 The 1985 New Wave in Art Seminar, Zhuhai, China
1983 National Worker's Art Exhibition, Beijing, China
National Rail Art Exhibition, Beijing, China
Sichuan Oil Paintings Exhibition, Hongkong Arts Center, Hongkong, China
1981 SiChuan Fine Arts Academy Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
1980 Farewell, Village Road (oil painting) for Youth Artists Exhibition of SiChuan Province and the Whole Nation; Winner of Prizes of the Two Exhibitions of SiChuan Best Art Work Prizes, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
2010 Contemporary Chinese Art Primary Documents,Published by the Museum of Modern Art,NewYork. by WuHong,
Chinese Contemporary Art Catalogue,by LuHong,Shanghai Fine Arts Publisher.
Thrity Years of Chinese Contemporary Art•Paintings Culture and Art Publishing House.
2009 60 years Art China 1949-2009, Pan Gongkai, People publishing house.
Ink on Paper By Wang Chuan 2009, Vioset Books Hongkong.
2008 Studies of Artists in Art History and Art Criticism, Lv Peng, Hunan Fine Art Publishing.
2007 tory of Art in Twentieth Century China, Lv Peng, Peking University Press.
QI YUN•Abstract Art in China of Tour Exhibition, Huang Zhuan, Lingnan Art Publishing House.
2006 Crossing the Boundary, China’s Auant—grade 1997-2004, Edited by Lu Hong, Hubei Fine Arts Publishing.
2005 1985-2000 China Ink experiment,Hu Nan FineArt Publishing.
The 4th International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen, Hebei Art Publishing House, 2004
2002 History of Contemporary Chinese Art 1989-1999 by Lv Peng, Hunan Art Publishing House.
2001 China:20 years of Ink Experiment, Pi Daojian, published by LingNan Art publishing House.
2000 The 2nd International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen, Guangxi Art Publishing House.
Wang Chuan 2000, Published by Alisan Fine Arts Gallery.
1998 The 1st International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen, Guangxi Art Publishing House.
1997 The Complete Works Exhibition of China 97’, Chinese Picture Scroll,Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House.
1993 Chinese Fine Arts of 1990’s, Hanart T Z Gallery.
1992 China’s New Art, Post-1989 by Hanart T Z Gallery.
One Hundred Young and Middle-age Artists in the Mainland by Liao Wen, Art Trend Press.
1990 Locus—Wang Chuan, Hanart T Z Gallery of Hongkong.
1989 History of Contemporary Chinese Art 1979-1985 by Lv Peng and Yi Dan.
1988 History of Modern Chinese Art by Gao Minglu.
1984 The Contemporary Art Document of New China: Fine Art Edition, China Literature Union Press.
《再见吧!小路》Farewell.Village Road 布面油彩 王川
Oil on canvas By Wangchuan 150×80cm
1980年于四川美术学院 2006年复制于深圳
WangChuan,,No.2 Fall From the sky,Arcyllic on canvas,200x250cm,2010
WangChuan No4.Fall from the sky,Arcylic on canvas,200x250,2010